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Tài liệu về Anh Ngữ sinh động - Bài 1

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- T p tài li u “ ANH NG ậ ệ Ữ SINH Đ NG” n Ộ ày s giúp chúng ta hi u rõ v ng ẽ ể ề ườ i M và văn hóa M .
- Larry: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Kathy: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from California.(pause and repeat).
- Quí v s nghe cô Elizabeth Moore, ị ẽ ph trách ch ụ ươ ng trình Functioning in Business – Anh Ng Th ữ ươ ng M i và Larry Smith ng ạ ườ i gi i thi u ớ ệ c a hai ch ủ ươ ng trình..
- M đ u, Max gi i thi u cô Elizabeth Moore, ng ở ầ ớ ệ ườ i đi u khi n ch ề ể ươ ng trình.
- Ng ạ ườ i đi u khi n ch ề ể ươ ng trình, ti ng Anh g i là Host - ế ọ đánh v n H-O-S-T.
- B t đ u, ông Larry gi i thi u v i quí v ch ắ ầ ớ ệ ớ ị ươ ng trình Anh ng Th ữ ươ ng M i Functioning in Business c a ạ ủ Elizabeth và Gary, hai ng ườ i đi u khi n ch ề ể ươ ng trình này.
- ổ ọ ặ ặ Participants=ng ườ i tham d ự.
- Sau đây là cu c ph ng v n c a cô Elizabeth v i ông Gary Engleton, ng ế ộ ỏ ấ ủ ớ ườ i ph trách đi u khi n ph n ụ ề ể ầ.
- ụ ỉ ẫ ữ ủ ụ ỉ ẫ ề Guest=khách, ng ườ ượ i đ c m i lên ch ờ ươ ng trình..
- Background=quá trình h c v n và ngh nghi p c a m t ng ọ ấ ề ệ ủ ộ ườ i..
- Consultant=ng ườ ố ấ i c v n..
- New Dynamic English là ch ươ ng trình Anh ng căn b n giúp quí v hi u thêm v ng ữ ả ị ể ề ườ i M và văn hóa ỹ M .
- Quí v cũng s nghe cô Elizabeth Moore, ph trách ch ỹ ị ẽ ụ ươ ng trình Functioning in Business – Anh Ng ữ th ươ ng m i, và Larry Smith ng ạ ườ i gi i thi u c a hai ch ớ ệ ủ ươ ng trình..
- Trong ph n này quí v s làm quen v i ông Gary Engleton là ng ầ ị ẽ ớ ườ i ph trách m c “Gary's Tips” (l i ch ụ ụ ờ ỉ d n v cách dùng ti ng Anh c a Gary) và “Culture Tips” (h ẫ ề ế ủ ướ ng d n v văn hóa).
- Hôm nay Gary s ch ẫ ề ẽ ỉ quí v bi t cách g i tên c a ng ị ế ọ ủ ườ i M trong khi giao d ch th ỹ ị ươ ng m i.
- vài thành ph hay ti u bang có g c ti ng ng ố ể ố ế ườ i da đ (American Indian, Native ỏ American)..
- Listeners=thính gi , ng ả ườ i nghe..
- T ứ ụ ươ ng t , TITLE.
- REPRESENTATIVE=ng ườ i bán hàng, đ i di n hãng, th ạ ệ ườ ng g i t t là “rep.” ọ ắ CUT 5.
- Hai ng ườ ở i Chicago đ n.
- ờ ắ ệ SHOW=ch ươ ng trình..
- Quí v nghe Larry nói tên ba ng ầ ỏ ầ ị ườ ổ i n i danh và h i h đâu đ n.
- BACKGROUND=quá trình h c v n và ngh nghi p c a m t ng ọ ấ ề ệ ủ ộ ườ i..
- CALLER=ng ườ ọ i g i (vào đài).
- acquaintances=ng ườ i quen..
- ACQUAINTANCES=ng ườ i quen..
- Eliz: To find a job, look at the newspaper_____.(ding)(pause for answer) Eliz: ads.
- Eliz: A company that helps you find a job is called_____.(ding)(pause for answer) Eliz: an employment agency.
- Eliz: Meeting and staying in touch with business associates is called______.(ding)(pause for answer) Eliz: networking.
- Eliz: I did my BS at the University of Wisconsin.(Pause for repeat) Eliz: I graduated in 1983.(pause for repeat).
- Max: His name ...is Pierre.(pause for repeat) Max: What's his name?(pause for repeat) Max: His name is Pierre.(pause for repeat) Max: He comes...from France.(pause for repeat) Max: Where does he come from?(pause for repeat) Max: He comes from France.(pause for repeat) Music.
- Larry: Listen and repeat.(pause for repeat) Max: Is Paris in France?(pause for repeat) Max: Yes, it is.
- It's in France.(pause for repeat) Max: Is Salzburg in Germany?(pause for repeat) Max: No, it's not.
- It's in Austria.(pause for repeat) Max: Is Madrid in Spain?(pause for repeat) Max: Yes, it is.
- ẩ ố ạ ữ Pierre ng ườ i Pháp..
- FRENCH=ti ng Pháp, ng ế ườ i Pháp.
- AMERICAN=ng ườ i M .
- I'M FRENCH=tôi là ng ườ i Pháp.
- I'm American=tôi là ng ườ i M .
- Larry: Pierre is from France.(pause for repeat) Larry: He's French.(pause for repeat).
- I'm French.(pause for repeat) Larry: Max is from the United States.(pause for repeat) Larry: He's American.(pause for repeat).
- Larry: Max is from San Francisco and Kathy is from New York.(pause for repeat) Larry: They're American.(pause for repeat).
- Paris is in France.(short pause) Max: Is Dijon in France? (pause for answer) Max: Yes, it is.
- Dijon is in France.(short pause) Max: Is Rome in France?(ding)(pause for answer) Max: No, it isn't.
- Woman 1: Thank you.(short pause) Woman 2: You're welcome.(short pause) Larry: Listen and repeat..
- COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS=ng ườ i th o-ch ả ươ ng đi n toán.
- Larry: We manufacture electronic components for computers.(pause) Eliz: What are your main responsibilities?.
- Larry: My main job is to cut production costs.(pause) Eliz: Industrial robots can provide some cost savings..
- Eliz: They met at a trade show in China.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Where did Mr.
- Blake?(pause for repeat) Eliz: They met at a trade show in China.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Four factories in the U.S.
- and two abroad.(pause for repeat) Eliz: It has four factories in the U.S.
- Eliz: A person in top management in a company is called______.(ding)(pause for answer) Eliz: an executive.
- Eliz: Try to stay at each job for at least______.(ding)(pause for answer) Eliz: a year.
- Eliz: If you want to get a new job, it is important to keep your skills _____.(ding)(Pause for answer) Eliz: Up to date.
- Eliz: I handle sales.(pause) Eliz: I handle sales for the Northeastern United States.(pause for repeat).
- Eliz: I prepare tax documents for large and small businesses.(Pause for repeat) Eliz: I'm in charge of the sales personnel.(pause).
- Max: Her name ...is Maria Alvarez.(pause for repeat) Max: Her name...is Spanish.(pause for repeat).
- Max: His name...is Pierre Dubois.(pause for repeat) Max: His name...is French.(pause for repeat) Max: Is he French?(pause for repeat).
- Larry: Listen and repeat.(pause for repeat) Max: Maria speaks Spanish.(pause for repeat).
- Max: She speaks Spanish and English.(pause for repeat) Maria: I speak Spanish and English.(pause for repeat) Max: Kathy and Maria speak Spanish.(pause for repeat) Kathy: We speak Spanish and English.(pause for repeat) Max: I don't speak Spanish.(pause for repeat).
- MOTHER=mẹ FATHER=cha PEOPLE=ng ườ i.
- Kathy: We have time for a telephone call.[telephone ring - ti ng đi n tho i reo] ế ệ ạ Kathy: Hello.
- Maria: I speak English.(Pause for repeat) Max: Are you English?(Pause for repeat) Maria: No, I'm not.(Pause for repeat) Maria: I'm not English.(Pause for repeat) Maria: I'm American.(Pause for repeat) Max: Spanish.(Pause for repeat).
- Kathy: I speak Spanish.(Pause for repeat) Max: Are you Spanish?(Pause for repeat) Kathy: No, I'm not.(Pause for repeat) Kathy: I'm not Spanish.(Pause for repeat) Kathy: I'm American.(Pause for repeat) Music.
- Woman 1: Where are you from?(short pause) Woman 2: I'm from Korea.(short pause) Larry: Listen and repeat..
- GERMAN=ti ng Đ c, ng ế ứ ườ i Đ c.
- Larry: My major was Electrical Engineering.(pause) Eliz: My first job was an engineer..
- Larry: In my first job I worked as an engineer.(pause) Eliz: I worked for them for just under two years..
- Larry: I worked for them for a little less than two years.(pause) Eliz: I decided to go back to school to get my MBA..
- Eliz: He works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Who does Mr.
- Epstein work for?(pause for repeat) Eliz: He works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Stanford University.(pause for repeat).
- Eliz: He went to Stanford University.(pause for repeat) Eliz: What school did he go to?(pause for repeat) Eliz: He went to Stanford University.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Electrical Engineering.(pause for repeat).
- Eliz: A day when most people don't go to work is called_____.(ding) (pause for answer) Eliz: a holiday..
- Eliz: A new company is called _______.(ding) (pause for answer) Eliz: a start-up company..
- Eliz: The normal work day at an America company is_______.(ding) (short pause) Eliz: eight hours..
- Eliz: I was an assistant manager.(Pause for repeat) Eliz: at a food processing plant.(Pause for repeat) Eliz: in New Jersey.(Pause for repeat).
- Sandy: I don't speak French.(pause for repeat) Max: Who speaks Spanish?(pause for repeat) Max: Sandy speaks Spanish.(pause for repeat) Sandy: I speak Spanish.
- Bây gi là ph n đi n đàm-TELEPHONE-Quí v s nghe nh ng câu: -Do people speak English in Montreal? ờ ầ ệ ị ẽ ữ Ng ườ i ta có nói ti ng Anh Montreal không? ế ở.
- Max: Is Sandy from the U.S.?(ding) (pause for answer) Max: Yes, he is.
- He's from the U.S.(short pause) Max: Does he speak French?(ding)(pause for answer) Max: No, he doesn't.
- He speaks English, but he doesn't speak French.(short pause) Max: Is Pat from the U.S.?(ding)(pause for answer).
- She's from Canada.(short pause) Max: Does she speak French?(ding)(pause for answer) Max: Yes, she does.
- INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS=ng ườ i máy k ngh .
- Larry: I directly supervise five senior engineers.(pause) Eliz: I worked for Boston Electronics for five years..
- Larry: I began a job search.(pause) Eliz: I was well rewarded..
- Eliz: She works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Who does Ms.
- Graham work for?(pause for repeat) Eliz: She works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Mills College.(pause for repeat).
- Eliz: She went to Mills College.(pause for repeat) Eliz: What school did she go to?(pause for repeat) Eliz: She went to Mills College.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Business.(pause for repeat).
- Eliz: She majored in Business.(pause for repeat) Eliz: What did she major in?(pause for repeat) Eliz: She majored in Business.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Sales and marketing.(pause for repeat).
- ng ế ườ i ch huy là m t bà.
- Chúng ta s nghe ba ng ị ọ ệ ạ ữ ể ẹ ặ ẽ ườ ặ i g p nhau và th ươ ng l ượ ng v th ề ươ ng m i.
- RECEPTIONIST=ng ườ i gi máy đi n tho i.
- Chúng ta s nghe ba ng ạ ữ ể ẹ ặ ẽ ườ ặ i g p nhau và th ươ ng l ượ ng v th ề ươ ng m i.
- Chúng ta nghe ba ng ườ i.
- COWORKER=ng ườ ồ i đ ng nghi p.
- Chúng ta s nghe ba ng ẽ ườ ặ i g p nhau và th ươ ng l ượ ng v th ề ươ ng m i.
- Chúng ta nghe ba ụ ng ườ i.
- INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS=máy thay ng ườ i dùng trong k ngh .
- Ng ầ ầ ị ầ ườ i ngoài ph —Du ố khách.
- Chúng ta nghe ba ng ụ ườ i.
- ế ị INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS=ng ườ i máy dùng trong k ngh .
- BOSS=ng ườ i ch huy trong công vi c mình, x p

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