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Chủ đề : Anh ngữ sinh động

Có 13+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "Anh ngữ sinh động"

Dynamic English Book 3


NDE MUSIC lead in and then dips for voice over Max (voice over): Hi, I’m Max.. Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview.. Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe và lập lại.. It’s time to check our e mail.. Tom: 37 to 32, and it’s almost over.. Tom: Oh, now it’s 40 to 32.. It’s been nice talking with you.....

Dynamic English Book 1


Quí vị lắng nghe rồi lập lại. Larry: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Kathy: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from California.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from California.(pause for repeat). Quí vị nghe rồi lập lại.. Quí...

Dynamic English Book 2


It’s just.... Larry: I really need to cash this check.(pause) Eliz: It’s against bank policy.. Larry: Our bank policy doesn’t allow it.(pause) Eliz: Could I see the manager please?. It’s called a personal check.(short pause). Larry: I’m sorry, but that isn’t possible.(pause) Eliz: Yes, I understand, but it’s against bank policy.. Larry: Yes, I see what you mean, but it’s...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 1


Larry: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Kathy: I come from New York.(pause and repeat). Quí v nghe r i l p l i. ổ ọ ặ ặ Participants=ng ườ i tham d ự. Consultant=ng ườ ố ấ i c v n.. ầ...

Tài liệu về Anh Ngữ sinh động - Bài 1


T p tài li u “ ANH NG ậ ệ Ữ SINH Đ NG” n Ộ ày s giúp chúng ta hi u rõ v ng ẽ ể ề ườ i M và văn hóa M . Larry: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from New York.(pause and...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 2


Do you live in Washington?. Do you like your work?. Eliz: Do you like your job?. Eliz: How do you do that?. Kathy: What do you teach?. Kathy: Do you like it?. Do you have any daughters?. Max: Do you have any children? (pause for repeat).. Max: Do you have any daughters? (pause for repeat).. What do you think?. Is...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 3


Do you live in Washington?. Do you like your work?. Eliz: Do you like your job?. Eliz: How do you do that?. Kathy: What do you teach?. Kathy: Do you like it?. Do you have any daughters?. Max: Do you have any children? (pause for repeat).. Max: Do you have any daughters? (pause for repeat).. What do you think?. Is...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 4


Larry: Advanced Technologies manufactures computer components.(pause) Eliz: You were in charge of a project.. Larry: You were responsible for a project.(pause) Eliz: I wanted to find ways to cut costs.. Larry: I wanted to find ways to reduce expenses.(pause) Eliz: We needed as much information as possible.. Larry: We needed to find out as much as we could.(pause) Eliz: That’s...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 5


NDE MUSIC lead in and then dips for voice over Max (voice over): Hi, I’m Max.. Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview.. Trong ph n t i, quí v nghe và l p l i. It’s time to check our e mail.. That’s easy. Trong ph n t i, quí v nghe m t m u đàm tho i...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 6


quí v nghe và dùng ầ ể ế ữ ị nh ng câu v t ữ ề ươ ng lai.. Ðây là Ch ươ ng trình Anh Ng Sinh Ð ng New Dynamic English bài 122. NDE MUSIC lead in and then dips for voice over Max (voice over): Hi, I’m Max.. It’s nice to be back.. ầ ớ ị...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 7


NDE MUSIC lead in and then dips for voice over Max (voice over): Hi, I’m Max.. Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview.. Trong ph n t i, quí v nghe và l p l i. Trong ph n ti p, Kathy ph ng v n Sandy. It’s time to check our e mail.. Trong ph n t i, quí...

Anh Ngữ sinh động - Phần 8


I want people to love fish=em mu n ễ ố ng ườ i ta yêu cá. Well, it’s been very nice talking with you.. Max: Yes, it’s great.. It’s time for my show.. In the future, ề ắ we never know what’s going to happen.=trong t ươ ng lai, chúng ta không bi t ế chuy n gì s ệ...

Anh ngữ sinh động


Larry: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Kathy: I come from New York.(pause and repeat) Larry: I come from California.(pause and repeat) Max: I come from California.(pause for repeat). Qủ v nghe r i l p l i. Hai ng ườ ở i...