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- Helping Ss to revise all the main knowledge they have learnt in the 2 Units (Unit1+Unit2).
- Câu mong uớc: mong uớc ở hiện tại và khó(hoặc không thể) thực hiện được ở hiện tại.
- 2-Passive voice Form:.
- I have cleaned the board.
- The board has been cleaned by me.
- I- Write sentences with “I wish.
- 1- Our classroom doesn’t have any windows..
- ...4- We live in a small flat in the city..
- II- Change these sentences into the passive voice.
- 1- We rang the church bells as a flood warning..
- The church.
- 6- The burglars have cut an big hole in the steel door..
- An big.
- 8- The storm destroyed some big trees yesterday..
- Some big.
- III- Make a cross on the correct answer A, B, C or D in the following sentences.
- 6- Children in this poor village are allowed to go to school without .
- 7- Maryam is the one on the corner.
- in the pagoda..
- in this country nowadays.

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