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Biliary tract

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Comprehensive analysis of coagulation indices for predicting survival in patients with biliary tract cancer


Comprehensive analysis of coagulation indices for predicting survival in patients with biliary tract cancer. Background: Abnormal activation of the coagulation system has been reported in patients with malignancies, but its prognostic significance in biliary tract cancer (BTC) remains unclear. This study aims to analyze and compare the prognostic value of coagulation indices in patients with BTC..

Modified FOLFIRINOX versus gemcitabine plus oxaliplatin as first-line chemotherapy for patients with locally advanced or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma: A retrospective comparative study


Ulusakarya et al [11] had reported that the median OS of patients with advanced biliary tract cancer treated with first-line FOLFIRINOX was as long as 15 months. Recently, Angela et al [12]. reported mFOLFOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil, and oxali- platin) improved the prognosis of patients with advanced biliary tract cancer after progression on cisplatin and gemcitabine.

Anesthesia management in neonatal congenital bronchobiliary fistula: Case report and literature review


There was air in the intrahepatic biliary tract and in the common hepatic duct, along with a bilateral, mainly lower-lobe, pneumonia (Fig. The flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy identified the opening of the fistula in the right main bronchus. A contrast x-ray examination of the fistula was performed during bronchoscopy. Contrast flowed from the opening in the bronchus through the fistula and into the biliary tract, the gall bladder, and the duo- denum (Fig. bronchobiliary fistula.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 8)


Copper 0.5–1.5 mg/d, possibility of retention in biliary tract obstruction. Manganese 0.1–0.3 mg/d, possibility of retention in biliary tract obstruction. Chromium 10–15 µg/d. Selenium 20–100 µg/d, necessary for long-term PN, optional for short-term TPN. Molybdenum 20–120 µg/d, necessary for long-term PN, optional for short-term PN. Iodine 75–150 µg/d, necessary for long-term PN, optional for short-term PN. Note: PN, parenteral nutrition. TPN, total parenteral nutrition.. Parenteral Nutrition.

Chapter 099. Disorders of Hemoglobin (Part 9)


Unstable hemoglobin variants should be suspected in patients with. nonimmune hemolytic anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly, or premature biliary tract disease. Milder cases may present in adult life with anemia or only as unexplained reticulocytosis, hepatosplenomegaly, premature biliary tract disease, or leg ulcers.. Because spontaneous mutation is common, family history of anemia may be absent.

Chapter 135. Gas Gangrene and Other Clostridial Infections (Part 4)


Clostridial sepsis is an uncommon but almost invariably fatal illness following clostridial infection—primarily that of the uterus, colon, or biliary tract.. novyi account for most of the remainder of cases. perfringens α toxin, causes a characteristic bronzing of the skin. Local examination of the pelvis reveals foul cervical discharge, occasionally with gas. Frequently, laceration marks around the cervix or perforation of the cervical segment is evident.

Chuẩn đoán teo đường mật bẩm sinh


Antenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies of the biliary tract.. Familial biliary atresia in three siblings including twins. Studies in the aetiology of extrahepatic biliary atresia: time – space clustering.

Chapter 126. Infections in Transplant Recipients (Part 12)


Unfortunately, invasive studies of the biliary tract (either T-tube cholangiography or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) may themselves lead to cholangitis. For this reason, many clinicians recommend an empirical trial of therapy with antibiotics covering gram-negative organisms and anaerobes before these procedures are undertaken as well as antibiotic coverage if they are eventually performed..

Stepwise correlation of TP53 mutations from pancreaticobiliary maljunction to gallbladder carcinoma: A retrospective study


The mechanisms of carcinogenesis in PBM are related to the persistent release of pancreatic juice into the bile duct, which induces inflammation in the biliary tract epi- thelium due to reflux of proteolytic pancreatic enzymes and phospholipase A2, along with mutagenic substances.. Exposure to harmful substances induces hyperplastic change in the epithelium of the gallbladder, which leads to dysplasia and subsequently carcinoma [14].

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 6)


Currently, associated disease of the biliary tract is most common. Pylephlebitis (suppurative thrombosis of the portal vein), usually arising from infection in the pelvis but sometimes from infection. elsewhere in the peritoneal cavity, is another common source for bacterial seeding of the liver.

Critical Care Obstetrics part 38


An increase in triglyceride production and very low density lipopro- tein (VLDL) secretion, as well as a decrease in lipolysis, result in a 50% increase in cholesterol and a threefold increase in triglyc- erides, with the peak effect observed in the third trimester fulminant disease process. approximately 80% of cases are attributable to either biliary tract disease or alcohol abuse in the general population [4,16.

Chapter 099. Disorders of Hemoglobin (Part 12)


Vaccination with Pneumovax in anticipation of eventual splenectomy is advised, as is close monitoring for infection, leg ulcers, and biliary tract disease. Many patients develop endocrine deficiencies as a result of iron overload. Early endocrine evaluation is required for glucose intolerance, thyroid dysfunction, and delayed onset of puberty or secondary sexual characteristics.. Patients with β-thalassemia intermedia exhibit similar stigmata but can survive without chronic hypertransfusion.

Microsatellite instability is biased in Amsterdam II-defned Lynch-related cancer cases with family history but is rare in other cancers: A summary of 1000 analyses


Those defined in the rB guidelines included additional tumors: gastric, ovarian, pancreatic, and biliary tract cancers, brain tumors, and two cutaneous neoplasms (sebaceous adenoma and keratoacanthoma) [18]. LS (AII)-related cancers. LS (rB-AII)-related cancers. Non-LS-related cancers.

Chapter 127. Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections (Part 13)


Clean-contaminated (head and neck, high-risk gastroduodenal or biliary tract surgery. high-risk. Before and during procedure. Clean-contaminated (vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy). Cefazolin or cefoxitin or cefotetan. Clean-contaminated (high-risk genitourinary surgery). Fluoroquinolone Before and. Clean-contaminated (colorectal surgery or appendectomy). Cefoxitin or cefotetan (add oral neomycin + erythromycin for colorectal).



In the gastrointestinal tract there is reduction of tone and peristalsis.. Muscle spasm of the intestinal tract induced by morphine is reduced, but such spasm in the biliary tract is not significantly affected. This is due to the dilated iris blocking drainage of the intraocular fluids from the angle of the anterior chamber.

Chronic cough caused by choledochoduodenal fistula: A case report


Choledochoduodenal fistula (CDF) is a special type of biliary intestinal fistula, exists abnormal channel between the common bile duct and duodenum [11]. this illness is higher when a person has a history of dis- ease of the biliary tract, abdominal pain, fever, jaundice that are prime symptoms of it [13], but some patients have vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal mani- festations as main symptoms.

The cumulative duration of bispectral index less than 40 concurrent with hypotension is associated with 90-day postoperative mortality: A retrospective study


This study derived relationship between the cumula- tive duration of concurrent double low and postopera- tive mortality, especially focusing on the abdominal surgeries including gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas surgeries. Although it would be less conservative than the cutoff value of 75 mmHg, we tried to investigate narrower sense of definition of double low.. First, the incidence of postoperative mortality was relatively smaller than that in previous reports .

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Targeted Therapy and Multidisciplinary P19


The thought of combining PVE and TAE for complete portal venous and hepatic arterial occlusion has been reported in patients with biliary tract cancer and colorectal metastases who had inadequate hypertrophy after PVE alone [91, 92]. Nagino and colleagues [91] described a patient that required an extended left hepatectomy but the FLR volume (i.e., right posterior liver) did not increase 51 days after PVE.

Association between viscoelastic testsguided therapy with synthetic factor concentrates and allogenic blood transfusion in liver transplantation: A before-after study


The high incidence of fibrinolysis distur- bances found in patients undergoing liver transplant- ation has made the use of antifibrinolytics desirable in the past, with the exclusion of patients who are more prone to thrombotic events, such as patients with in- flammatory diseases of the biliary tract, previous history of thrombotic events and patients with cellular hepato- carcinoma or other types of cancer.

Phân loại bệnh tật quốc tế


K87* Rối loạn của túi mật, đường dẫn mật và tuy trong bệnh phân loại nơi khác - Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract, and pancreas in diseases classified elsewhere.. K91 Rối loạn tiêu hóa sau phẫu thuật, không phân loại nơi khác - Postprocedural disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified..