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Breast surgery

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The ultrasound-guided proximal intercostal block: Anatomical study and clinical correlation to analgesia for breast surgery


Truncal regional anesthesia techniques such as TPVB and the classic intercostal blocks have been utilized for anesthesia and/or analgesia for patients undergoing breast surgery [2, 4, 5]. Usually, it pro- vides only single-dermatome analgesia per injection, therefore necessitating multiple injections to achieve analgesia for breast surgery [5].

Increased minimum alveolar concentrationawake of Sevoflurane in women of breast surgery with sleep disorders


Increased minimum alveolar concentration- awake of Sevoflurane in women of breast surgery with sleep disorders. Background: Sleep disorders are commonly encountered in clinic. The study aimed to investigate whether the hypnotic potency of sevoflurane in patients with sleep disorders differ from patients with normal sleep habits..

Analgesic efficacy and safety of erector spinae plane block in breast cancer surgery: A systematic review and metaanalysis


Ultrasound guided erector spinae plane block reduces postoperative opioid consumption following breast surgery: A randomized controlled study. Erector spinae plane block and thoracic paravertebral block for breast surgery compared to IV-morphine: a randomized controlled trial. Application of erector spinae plane block guided by ultrasound for postoperative analgesia in breast cancer surgery: a randomized controlled trial.

Ropivacaine infiltration analgesia of the drainage exit site enhanced analgesic effects after breast Cancer surgery: A randomized controlled trial


A double-blind randomized trial of wound and intercostal space infiltration with ropivacaine during breast cancer surgery:. effects on chronic postoperative pain. Chronic pain after breast surgery: a prospective, observational study

Serratus anterior plane block for minimal invasive heart surgery


The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.. post-operative pain following breast surgery, thoraco- scopy, thoracotomy and multiple rib fractures [12–16].. Our objective was to demonstrate the superiority of SAPB compared to CWI in the manage- ment of post-operative pain following MIHS..

Distant survival for patients undergoing surgery using volatile versus IV anesthesia for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus: A retrospective study


cancer patients, they reported that the total intravenous anesthesia can in- hibit the release of vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) in breast surgery, yet with no significant benefice in the short-term recurrence rate of breast cancer.

Weight and waist-to-hip ratio change pattern during the first five years of survival:Data from a longitudinal observational Chinese breast cancer cohort


These included patient’s age at breast cancer diagnosis, cancer characteristics [histology, AJCC stage, estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone re- ceptors (PR) and human epidermal-growth-factor recep- tor 2 (HER2) status of the breast tumor] and treatment for breast cancer (type of breast surgery, details of adju- vant radiotherapy, chemotherapy and endocrine therapy)..

Ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block for postoperative analgesia: A metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials


Bilateral ultrasound-guided erector Spinae plane block for postoperative analgesia in lumbar spine surgery: a randomized control trial. Efficacy of an ultrasound-guided erector Spinae plane block for postoperative analgesia management after video-assisted thoracic surgery: a prospective randomized study. Erector spinae plane block and thoracic paravertebral block for breast surgery compared to IV-morphine: a randomized controlled trial.

Changes in the sublingual microcirculation following aortic surgery under balanced or total intravenous anaesthesia: A prospective observational study


In female patients undergoing breast surgery, the use of sevoflurane, unlike propofol, was associated with a significant decrease in the capillary filtration coefficient, suggesting a lower risk of interstitial oedema and tissue perfusion alter- ation [23]. The goal of this study was to explore changes in sublingual and peripheral muscle microcirculation in patients undergoing elective open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair under balanced or total intravenous an- aesthesia (TIVA)..

Influence of anesthesia methods on surgical outcomes and renal function in retrograde intrarenal stone surgery: A prospective, randomized controlled study


RIRS: retrograde intrarenal surgery. SA: spinal anesthesia. Professor Sung Yong Cho, the corresponding author, is one of the core members of Asian Urolithiasis Guideline panel in the Urological Association of Asia (UAA).. Breast surgery outcomes as quality measures according to the NSQIP database.. Changes in separate renal function in patients who underwent minimally invasive renal stone surgery according to the preoperative functional deterioration.

Bilateral thoracic paravertebral block combined with general anesthesia vs. general anesthesia for patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: A feasibility study


Ambulatory surgical management of breast carcinoma using paravertebral block. Single- injection paravertebral block compared to general anaesthesia in breast surgery. A single- injection, multi-segmental paravertebral block-extension of somatosensory and sympathetic block in volunteers. Ultrasound- guided continuous thoracic paravertebral block provides comparable analgesia and fewer episodes of hypotension than continuous epidural block after lung surgery.

Local treatment for triple-negative breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: Breast-conserving surgery or total mastectomy?


Local treatment for triple-negative breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy:. breast-conserving surgery or total mastectomy?. Background: Because there is no exact therapeutic target, the systemic treatment of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) still relies on chemotherapy. According to local treatment methods, patients were divided into breast-conserving surgery with.

Distinct employment interference profiles in patients with breast cancer prior to and for 12 months following surgery


This descriptive, longitudinal ana- lysis is part of a larger National Cancer Institute-funded study that evaluated for neuropathic pain and lymph- edema in women who underwent breast cancer surgery [17–19]. 18 years of age who would undergo breast cancer surgery on one breast. Patients were excluded if they were having breast cancer surgery on both breasts and/or had distant metastases at the time of diagnosis..

Effects of propofol/remifentanil-based total intravenous anesthesia versus sevoflurane-based inhalational anesthesia on the release of VEGF-C and TGF-β and prognosis after breast cancer surgery: A prospective, randomized and controlled study


In our study, propofol combined opioids rather than nerve block was used for breast cancer surgery because it was easily performed without nerve block associated adverse effects. ml) among the patients undergoing breast conserving surgery between the two groups. However, Forget et al.

A prospective interventional study investigating sleep disorders prior to and during adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer


Patients receive the same standard radiotherapy for breast cancer following breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy as they would have received without par- ticipation in this study. Radiotherapy for breast cancer. Most breast cancer patients receive breast-conserving surgery followed by whole-breast irradiation with 40 Gy of hypo-fractionated radiotherapy Gy per week) or 50.4 Gy of conventional fractionation (5 × 1.8 Gy.

Integration of breast cancer care in a middleincome country: Learning from Suandok Breast Cancer Network (SBCN)


The reduction of barriers to access to breast cancer care led to a satisfactory level of achievement of the short- term goal of SBCN in time to diagnosis (87%) but not when it came to time to treatment both in time to surgery (76%) and time to RT (60.

Effect of Propofol on breast Cancer cell, the immune system, and patient outcome


Retrospective Kim et al Breast Cancer Breast Cancer surgery. Breast Cancer Breast Cancer surgery. Breast Cancer surgery. Surgical injury enhances the expression of genes that mediate breast cancer metastasis to the lung. Review article: the role of the perioperative period in recurrence after cancer surgery. Rare breast cancer subtypes: histological, molecular, and clinical peculiarities.

Chapter 086. Breast Cancer (Part 6)


Breast Cancer (Part 6). Postlumpectomy breast irradiation greatly reduces the risk of recurrence in the breast. While breast conservation is associated with a possibility of recurrence in the breast, 10-year survival is at least as good as that after more radical surgery. At present, nearly one-third of women in the United States are managed by lumpectomy. An extensive intraductal component is a predictor of recurrence in the breast, and so are several clinical variables.