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Central venous catheter

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Cost-effectiveness-analysis of ultrasound guidance for central venous catheterization compared with landmark method: A decision-analytic model


Especially the ultrasound guidance (UG) for central venous catheterization is ad- vanced and its efficacy was evaluated in various trials [7–9].. The two-dimensional ultrasound is more commonly used for central venous catheter place- ment in the German health care setting [5].

Effects of time delay and body temperature on measurements of central venous oxygen saturation, venous-arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressures difference, venous-arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressures difference/arterial-venous oxygen difference ratio and lactate


The patients with indwelling central venous and intra-arterial catheters were enrolled. A 2 mL sample of arterial blood was drawn from the indwelling intra-arterial catheter, and simultaneously, 2 mL venous blood sample was collected from the central venous catheter using plastic blood gas syringes (BD Preset ™ 3ml, 22G × 1. The nurse repeatedly drew blood in this manner for a total of 7 times, producing 7 sets of central venous and arterial blood samples simul- taneously.

Negative central venous to arterial lactate gradient in patients receiving vasopressors is associated with higher ICU 30-day mortality: A retrospective cohort study


In this study, paired blood gas was defined as 1 arterial and 1 central venous blood gas (obtained from superior vena cava (SVC) via central venous catheter, the position of which was confirmed by the bedside chest X-ray) results obtained within 20 min. Patients who had at least 1 paired blood gas result were selected.

Dose selection of central or peripheral administration of sufentanil affect opioid induced cough?: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial


Therefore, central venous route could be preferred for anesthesia induction when it was applicable.. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.. Tussive effect of a fentanyl bolus administered through a central venous catheter. Intravenous lidocaine and ephedrine, but not propofol, suppress fentanyl-induced cough. Comparison of the incidence and severity of cough induced by sufentanil and fentanyl: a prospective, randomised, double-blind study.

Safety in training for ultrasound guided internal jugular vein CVC placement: A propensity score analysis


Bedside ultrasound to detect central venous catheter misplacement and associated iatrogenic complications: a systematic review and meta- analysis. Central venous catheterization training:. Procedural complications of central venous catheter insertion

Critical Care Obstetrics part 18


Experience with the Groshung long - term central venous catheter . for permanent central venous access devices . Central venous cath-. A prospective evaluation of the use of femoral venous catheters in critically ill adults . Delayed ischaemia of the hand neces- sitating amputation after radial artery cannulation . Detection and prevention of central venous cath- eter - related infections . Study of a novel antiseptic - coated central venous catheter .

Effects of ipsilateral tilt position on the cross-sectional area of the subclavian vein and the clinical performance of subclavian vein catheterization: A prospective randomized trial


Ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization: a review of the relevant anatomy, technique, complications, and anatomical variations. Pulsed Doppler ultrasonography guidance for catheterization of the subclavian vein: a randomized study. Central venous catheter placement in the left internal jugular vein complicated by perforation of the left brachiocephalic vein and massive Hemothorax.

Chapter 125. Health Care– Associated Infections (Part 3)


Prevention of Central Venous Catheter Infections. Educate personnel about catheter insertion and care.. Use maximum barrier precautions during catheter insertion.. Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Complications. Prevention of Surgical-Site Infections. Limit any hair removal to the time of surgery. Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections. Place bladder catheters only when absolutely needed (e.g., to relieve obstruction), not solely for the provider's convenience..

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 4)


Percutaneous placement of a central venous catheter into the subclavian or internal jugular vein with advancement into the superior vena cava can be accomplished at the bedside by trained personnel using sterile techniques. Peripherally inserted central catheters can also be placed within the lumen in the central vein, but this technique is usually more appropriate for non-ICU patients.

Validation of the imperial college surgical assessment device for spinal anesthesia


Comparing the use of global rating scale with checklists for the assessment of central venous catheterization skills using simulation

Chapter 020. Hypothermia and Frostbite (Part 3)


The placement of a pulmonary artery catheter risks perforation of the less compliant pulmonary artery. Insertion of a central venous catheter into the cold right atrium should be avoided, since this can precipitate arrhythmias.. Arterial blood gases should not be corrected for temperature (Chap. An uncorrected pH of 7.42 and a P CO2 of 40 mmHg reflects appropriate alveolar ventilation and acid-base balance at any core temperature.

Nhiễm khuẩn huyết


Catheter tĩnh mạch trung tâm (Central venous catheter): là loại catheter thiếtkế đặc biệt để đặt vào mạch máu trung tâm, mạch máu đổ trực tiếp vào các buồng tim. Catheter mạch máu trung tâm được đặt từ tĩnh mạch ngoại biên (peripherallyinserted central venous catheter – PICC): là một kỹ thuật đặt đi từ đường ngoại biên vàotrung tâm, thường sử dụng tĩnh mạch nền, tĩnh mạch đầu hoặc tĩnh mạch nhánh và đi vàoxoang tĩnh mạch trên.

Critical Care Obstetrics part 24


Trends in the use of the pulmonary artery catheter in the United States . 19 Wheeler AP , Bernard GR , Thompson BT et al. Pulmonary artery versus central venous catheter to guide treatment of acute lung injury . 20 Richard C , Warszawski J , Anguel N et al. Early use of the pulmonary artery catheter and outcomes in patients with shock and acute respira- tory distress syndrome: a randomized clinical trial .

Chapter 112. Venous Thrombosis (Part 3)


One in 25 venous thromboses occurs in the arm, while other, even more rare locations are the brain (cerebral vein thrombosis), the digestive system (mesenteric vein thrombosis), and the liver (portal vein thrombosis, and hepatic vein thrombosis, also known as Budd-Chiari syndrome). Thrombosis of the arm is almost invariably associated with central venous catheters.

Chapter 111. Venous Thrombosis (Part 3)


One in 25 venous thromboses occurs in the arm, while other, even more rare locations are the brain (cerebral vein thrombosis), the digestive system (mesenteric vein thrombosis), and the liver (portal vein thrombosis, and hepatic vein thrombosis, also known as Budd-Chiari syndrome). Thrombosis of the arm is almost invariably associated with central venous catheters.

Critical Care Obstetrics part 60


Once recognized, goal - directed intervention for the manage- ment of septic shock should be instituted immediately with place- ment of a subclavian or internal jugular central venous catheter for monitoring central venous pressure (CVP) and central venous oxygen saturation (S cv O 2. Table 41.6 Diagnosis of septic shock.. resuscitation, they are unreliable in guiding optimal fl uid and inotrope management in the patient with septic shock or multi- ple - organ system dysfunction [136.

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 10)


Hall K et al: Diagnosis and management of long-term central venous catheter infections. Paul M et al: Empirical antibiotic monotherapy for febrile neutropenia:. Ullmann AJ et al: Posaconazole or fluconazole for prophylaxis in severe graft-versus-host disease

Chapter 108. Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (Part 3)


Stem cells for transplantation are generally infused through a large-bore central venous catheter. These symptoms usually resolve with slowing of the infusion. When the stem cell product has been cryopreserved using dimethyl sulfoxide, patients more often experience short-lived nausea or vomiting due to the odor and taste of the cryoprotectant..

Preoperative intravenous rehydration for patients with pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas: Is it necessary? A propensity score matching analysis


In the operating theatre, a large-bore peripheral intra- venous catheter and a central venous catheter were established for all patients. Upon the end of the surgical procedure, patients were transferred to the post-anesthesia care unit or intensive care unit (ICU) depending on their physical status and hemodynamics. In the ward, patients were monitored for ≥6 h after surgery.