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Endothelial cells

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Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Rickettsia conorii during in vitro infection of human and tick host cells


candidates differentially upregulated during the infection of tick and human cells (Tables 3 and 4). conorii genes differentially expressed during the infection of human microvascular endothelial cells, in vitro.

A survey on some immune indicators in the group of Vietnamese children who did not respond to Rotavac vaccine


On the other hand, many studies have shown the important role of the vitamin A/rentinoic acid axis (a product of vitamin A metabolism via an enzyme retinal dehydrogenase in antigen- presenting cells) in the expression of molecules that are important for T lymphocytes to return to the intestine such as beta 7 integrin or CCR9 on T cells, as well as MAd-CAM-1 on intestinal vascular endothelial cells, and CCL25 (bound to CCR9) by the intestinal mucosa secreted [8, 9].

Transcriptional profiling predicts running promotes cerebrovascular remodeling in young but not midlife mice


As expected, the majority of the genes were expressed by cerebrovascular-related cells such as astrocytes and endothelial cells and not other cells in brain such as neurons, oligodendrocytes and microglia (Additional file 10: Table S9). Upstream components of the angiogenesis pathway were mainly expressed by astrocytes, includ- ing Mmp14 and Vegfa (Fig.

Spatial organization of endometrial gene expression at the onset of embryo attachment in pigs


In the same study, on Day 15 of pregnancy expression of CXCL9 was localized to vascular endothelial cells, CXCL10 exclusively to sube- pithelial stromal cells and endothelial cells, CXCL11 pro- tein mainly in smooth muscle cells of BV, and CXCR3 protein primarily in vascular endothelial cells [34]. [34] also showed that these chemokines are involved in the recruitment and migration of T cells and NK infil- trating the endometrium on Day 15 of pregnancy.

Cell-specific characterization of the placental methylome


Here, we present the first methylome-wide analysis of first trimester ( n = 9) and term ( n = 19) human placental samples of four cell populations: trophoblasts, Hofbauer cells, endothelial cells, and stromal cells, using the Illumina EPIC methylation array, which quantifies DNAm at >. Conclusions: Our results provide a comprehensive analysis of DNAm in human placental cell types from first trimester and term pregnancies.

Long non-coding RNA exploration for mesenchymal stem cell characterisation


Mlinc.89912.1 is principally expressed in BM-MSCs and less in UC and Ad- MSCs, but shows expression in epithelial and endothelial cells. Finally, Mlinc.64225.1 differs from other Mlincs as it is also strongly expressed in keratinocytes, hematopoietic stem cells and epithelial cells (Figure in Additional file 12)..

Analysis of splice variants of the human protein disulfide isomerase (P4HB) gene


Isoform P4HB -02 is well expressed in aortic adventi- tial fibroblasts, P4HB -021 in fibroblasts and 2 types of endothelial cells and P4HB -024 in two other endothe- lial cell types.. We next applied the same pipeline above to identify and count the splice junction TPM (tag per million) to investi- gate P4HB gene expression in polyA RNA-seq ENCODE human datasets (https://www.encodeproject.org/) from donors (primary cell).

The myxozoan minicollagen gene repertoire was not simplified by the parasitic lifestyle: Computational identification of a novel myxozoan minicollagen gene


Alternatively, the absence of this missing myxozoan minicollagen may be the result of gene loss over the course of evolution of the parasitic lifestyle of myxozoans.. pickii provides novel transcriptomic data of myxozoan extrasporogonial stages during which extensive proliferation of the parasite is typical, and spore formation is never observed [31, 35].. pickii fill the cytoplasm of endothelial cells of the host glomerular capillary and thus represent an atypical myxozoan xenoma-like intracellular

Transcriptome-wide map of m6 A circRNAs identified in a rat model of hypoxia mediated pulmonary hypertension


RNA isolation and RNA-seq analysis of circRNAs. 6 The expression profiling of m 6 A circXpo6 and m 6 A circTmtc3 in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) and pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAECs) in hypoxia. c RT-PCR validation of circXpo6 and circTmtc3 in PASMCs and PAECs exposed to 21% O 2. Differentially expressed m 6 A circRNAs in the lungs of HPH rat model.. Differentially expressed circRNAs in the lungs of HPH rat model.. HPH: Hypoxia mediated pulmonary hypertension.

Transcriptome profiling revealed early vascular smooth muscle cell gene activation following focal ischemic stroke in female rats – comparisons with males


The BBB con- sists of endothelial cells with continuous tight junctions, which offer protection against the pathogens, toxins and reduce the influence of the peripheral immune system in the brain. The present study was conducted to examine the early cerebrovascular processes of vascular damage after stroke in females and subsequently examine if sex differ- ences and similarities in these responses occurring in the cerebral vessel wall exist.

MicroRNA profiling in the Weddell seal suggests novel regulatory mechanisms contributing to diving adaptation


Novel, Weddell seal-specific miRNAs are evolution- arily young, and may provide key insights into the evolution of the diving phenotype. however, they ap- pear to be under the control of different sets of miRNAs in the 2 species. 50% of novel miRNAs which are increased in the adult brain and heart target Vash1, an angiogenesis in- hibitor selective to endothelial cells. particularly as they share the potential to regulate the ex- pression of the receptor for endothelin 1..

Transcriptome analysis of the transdifferentiation of canine BMSCs into insulin producing cells


Vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulates bone marrow- Mesenchymal stem cells Osteogenesis differentiation by activating Wnt/ β - catenin signaling pathway and promotes rat skull defect repair. Transplantation of amniotic scaffold seeded mesenchymal stem cells and/or endothelial progenitor cells from bone marrow to efficiently repair 3-cm circumferential urethral defect in model dogs. Immortalization of canine adipose- derived mesenchymal stem cells and their seminiferous tubule transplantation

Decoding the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into mesangial cells at the transcriptomic level


In vitro differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into mesangial cells when co-cultured with injured mesangial cells.

Module 9: Using Calculated Cells


In the Cube tree in the left pane, right-click the Calculated Cells folder, and then click New Calculated Cells.. Use the Calculated Cells Wizard to create a new calculated cells expression named Revenue that retrieves the Sales Dollars value from the Sales cube by using the LookupCube function. Do you need to reprocess the cube after creating a calculated member? A custom members formula? A calculated cells formula?. Calculated cells..

Transcriptome profiling of human thymic CD4+ and CD8+ T cells compared to primary peripheral T cells


The thymic CD8+ T cells achieved ~ 95% purity, using negative enrichment. Staining the CD8α + cells after sort- ing, with CD3 we found that >. 90% of the CD8 T cells were CD3+ (Supplementary Figure S7, Additional File 1), suggest- ing that a small portion of the CD8α + cells could be NK, immature thymocytes or other CD8α + CD3- cells. In the infant blood, we observed 2% CD4+ cells in the CD8+. We also found traces of CD8+ T cells in the iso- lated CD4+ T cells.

SOX10-regulated promoter use defines isoform-specific gene expression in Schwann cells


As the myelinating cells of the peripheral nervous sys- tem (PNS), Schwann cells mediate saltatory conduction of action potentials along PNS axons. Loss of SOX10 expression in Schwann cells—. specificity at these loci and about the roles of the SOX10-regulated gene products in Schwann cell func- tion. (ii) differenti- ating primary Schwann cells. and (iii) upon loss of SOX10 in cultured Schwann cells.

Transcriptome analysis reveals modulation of the STAT family in PEDV-infected IPEC-J2 cells


For ex- ample, nearly all of the detected IRFs were reported to be downregulated after PEDV infection in Vero E6 cells [44], whereas our results showed that IRF1, FIRF2, IRF7, and IRF9 were significantly upregulated after PEDV in- fection in IPEC-J2 cells, and other detected IRF mem- bers were not significantly changed.

Chi-miR-30b-5p inhibits dermal papilla cells proliferation by targeting CaMKIIδ gene in cashmere goat


Consistent with their results, we found that chi-miR-30b-5p could inhibit cell prolifera- tion by suppressing the expression of CaMKIIδ at protein level in DP cells.. Among them, we proved that chi-miR-30b-5p could inhibit DP cells. 5 Effect of chi-miR-30b-5p on DP cells viability and proliferation. (a) DP cells were transfected with chi-miR-30b-5p mimic and inhibitor respectively. (b) DP cells were transfected with chi-miR-30b-5p mimic and inhibitor, respectively.

Transcriptional reprogramming strategies and miRNA-mediated regulation networks of Taxus media induced into callus cells from tissues


Induction of callus cells of Taxus spp. Therefore, clarifying the regulatory mechanism of taxol biosynthesis is beneficial to address these challenges.. To clarify the regulatory mechanism of taxol biosynthesis in Taxus cells, we applied multiomics technology to compare callus cells with parent tissues.. Therefore, miRNAs may be crucial factors in the regulatory mecha- nisms of taxol biosynthesis in callus cells..

Transcriptional profiling reveals potential involvement of microvillous TRPM5- expressing cells in viral infection of the olfactory epithelium


We find that, as found for solitary chemosensory cells (SCCs) and brush cells in the airway epithelium, and for tuft cells in the intestine, the transcriptome of TRPM5-expressing microvillous cells indicates that they are likely involved in the inflammatory response elicited by viral infection of the olfactory epithelium..