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Genomic islands

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Comparative analysis reveals the Genomic Islands in Pasteurella multocida population genetics: On Symbiosis and adaptability


Genomic Islands (GIs) are one of the most important mobile components that quickly help bacteria acquire large fragments of foreign genes. multocida are unknown in the evolution of bacterial populations.. multocida , the GIs accounted for 5.8% of the core genes in the pan-genome, mainly related to functional metabolic activities. multocida evolution and adaptation to the environment are reflected by the proportion and function of the pan-genome acquired from GIs, and the large quantities of GI data

Genomic and ecological attributes of marine bacteriophages encoding bacterial virulence genes


Phage-encoded virulence genes and genomic islands The most abundant phage-encoded bacterial virulence genes and those enriched at high bacterial densities encoded proteins that are expressed on the bacterial cell surface during phage infection and have functions of inva- sion, spreading, and immune system evasion (Figs. Many of the genes identified here are located in genomic islands or flanked by transposons in reference bacterial ge- nomes.

Genomic characterization of Lactobacillus fermentum DSM 20052


We determined the complete gen- ome sequence of the type strain and carried out com- parative genomic analyses revealing high variability within the species, encompassing MGEs and genomic islands. Of the studied glycolysis genes, it was previously established that phosphoglucomutase would provide a highest degree of granularity in general and for high GC-content lactobacilli in particular [23]. mRNA and smRNA were used to analyze transcriptional profiles of the CRISPR loci in DSM 20052.

Distinctive gene and protein characteristics of extremely piezophilic Colwellia


In this study, we compared the genomes of seven strains within the genus Colwellia, including some of the most piezophilic microbes known, to identify genomic features that enable life in the deep sea.. Many of these piezophile-specific genes are in variable regions of the genome near genomic islands, transposases, and toxin-antitoxin systems..

Horizontal acquisition of hydrogen conversion ability and other habitat adaptations in the Hydrogenovibrio strains SP-41 and XCL-2


Additional file 8: Coordinates of the genomic islands of SP-41 and XCL-2.. Coordinates of the 7 genomic islands in the SP-41 genome and of the 9 genomic islands in the XCL-2 genome, as predicted by IslandViewer [26].. Additional file 12: Homologs of the Hydrogenase Gene Cluster II proteins. Hits by BlastP in the NCBI Refseq Protein database of the protein encoded by the Hydrogenase Gene Cluster II region of the SP-41 genome.. COG annotations were assigned to 62.7% of the XCL-2 proteins.

Genome rearrangements and selection in multi-chromosome bacteria Burkholderia spp.


The bound- aries of the inversions are formed by repeated sequences (transposases).. 4 Phyletic patterns of two genomic islands detected in the B. Strains with the genomic island in the first chromosome are marked by green. strains with the genomic island in the second chromosome are marked by blue. in the tree (data not shown).

Insights into Klebsiella pneumoniae type VI secretion system transcriptional regulation


We observed that the majority of the T6SS genes in KP are clustered in 2 or 3 genomic islands - in agree- ment with Sarris et al. Interestingly, we identified genes coding for PAAR proteins in every T6SS island of the 3 strains. The genomic context analysis described herein pointed that several iron-related transporters are encoded around T6SS genes. Genomic context analysis of T6SS orphan genes in Kp52.145 (a), HS11286 (b) and NTUH-K2044 (c).

Comparative genomic analysis of Bacillus paralicheniformis MDJK30 with its closely related species reveals an evolutionary relationship between B. paralicheniformis and B. licheniformis


There are notable differences in the numbers and locations of the insertion sequences, prophages, genomic islands and secondary metabolic synthase operons between B. 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.

Virulence factor landscape of a Staphylococcus aureus sequence type 45 strain, MCRF184


Our analysis of the genomic islands of MCRF184 points to several distinctive viru- lence features: a streamlined νSaβ that mostly consists of the egc, and an MGE XY that appears to be unique to ST45 strains of S.

Comparative genomics reveals structural and functional features specific to the genome of a foodborne Escherichia coli O157:H7


The chromosome of NADC 6564 con- tained 53 genomic islands (GI) compared to reference. Altered organization of conserved genomic blocks in the chromosome of NADC 6564. In order to determine the basic arrangement and organization of LCB, we compared the Mauve alignment of the whole chromo- somal sequence of NADC 6564 to reference O157, and several non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E.

Mining biosynthetic gene clusters in Virgibacillus genomes


The tree shows the phylogenetic proximity of the Red Sea Virgibacillus strains in the Virgibacillus group. 3 Boxplot of genomic island content and number of genes in genomic islands falling in the public Virgibacillus strains (white) and Red Sea Virgibacillus (grey) using both the size of the DNA regions in which predicted GIs fall as well as the number of predicted genes.

Genome analysis of Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae isolates from invasive human infections reveals enrichment of virulence-related functions in lineage ST1256


A prominent feature of the two genomes is the presence of 24 genomic islands (GIs), in addition to 10 complete Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPI) and fragments of SPI-7, a pathogenicity island first reported in the human-adapted serovar Typhi.

Exploring the success of Brazilian endemic clone Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST277 and its association with the CRISPR-Cas system type I-C


Furthermore, we evaluated the distribution of genomic islands and assessed in detail the characteristics of the CRISPR-Cas immunity system in these isolates.. Results: The Brazilian genomes presented a typical set of resistance and virulence determinants, genomic islands and a high frequency of the CRISPR-Cas system type I-C.

Analysis of isolates from Bangladesh highlights multiple ways to carry resistance genes in Salmonella Typhi


No isolates from Table 1 Plasmids and genomic islands detected in the 73 S. 3 Comparison of the resistance-gene containing regions of the plasmids a p60006, b pK91 and c pPRJEB21992. Forty-six of the 52 ST1 isolates had either a resistance plasmid (pHCM1 or pK91) or a variant of SGI11. In contrast, only one of the 18 ST2 isolates carried pHCM1. None of the ST2209-type isolates had either a plasmid or SGI11.. Thirty-six of the 37 iso- lates with ampicillin resistance contained plasmids and/.

CAPRIB: A user-friendly tool to study amino acid changes and selection for the exploration of intra-genus evolution


Horizontally acquired genomic islands in the tubercle bacilli. Contribution of horizontally acquired genomic islands to the evolution of the tubercle bacilli. Determinants of spontaneous mutation in the bacterium Escherichia coli as revealed by whole-genome sequencing. Evolutionary history of tuberculosis shaped by conserved mutations in the PhoPR virulence regulator.

Complete genome sequence analysis of the thermoacidophilic verrucomicrobial methanotroph “Candidatus Methylacidiphilum kamchatkense” strain Kam1 and comparison with its closest relatives


The genome of strain Kam1 encodes only two predicted genomic islands (GI)s with a size of 17 (GI-I) and 4,8 kb (GI-II) respectively, in contrast to the 22 and 9 predicted GIs with a total size of 205.5 kb and 111.4 kb found in the genomes of strains SolV and V4, respectively, (Table 1;. the majority of the genes with a predicted function encodes DNA modification systems.

Assessment of databases to determine the validity of β- and γ-carbonic anhydrase sequences from vertebrates


Involvement of beta- Carbonic Anhydrase Genes in Bacterial Genomic Islands and Their Horizontal Transfer to Protists. The gamma class of carbonic anhydrases. Characterization of the first beta-class carbonic anhydrase from an arthropod (Drosophila melanogaster) and phylogenetic analysis of beta- class carbonic anhydrases in invertebrates. Detection of bacterial contaminants and hybrid sequences in the genome of the kelp Saccharina japonica using Taxoblast..

Comparative genome analysis reveals key genetic factors associated with probiotic property in Enterococcus faecium strains


The list of IS elements found in the plas- mids is summarised in Additional file 1: Table S5.. 5 Heatmap showing similarities between genomic islands of the strains considered in this study. The color scheme is as shown in the legend. Of the. Numerous studies in the last decade have validated the safety claim of enterococci in foods and as probiotics [15–18].

Detection of CRISPR-mediated genome modifications through altered methylation patterns of CpG islands


To determine differential methylation of CpG islands across the genomes of the evaluated animals, we se- quenced the genome-wide methylation patterns of CpGs using whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS). HDR2 028543 CRISPR-mediated HDR insertion of a 2005-bp donor DNA containing eGFP with a poly A signal in an inverted orientation at the start codon of the Rxfp 3 locus.

Phylogenetic, comparative genomic and structural analyses of human Streptococcus agalactiae ST485 in China


Genomic coding sequence alignment showed mutation characteristics of GBS CC103 strains in evolution. We compared the genomic coding sequences of GBS major CCs, CC103 strains and ST485 strains, and used BSE009 (ST485), COH1 (ST17) and C001 (ST103) as the reference strains, respectively. According to the genome sequence of C001 strain, there were mainly four mutant gene islands in CC103 strains (Fig.