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Local anaesthetics

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Differential effects and mechanisms of local anesthetics on esophageal carcinoma cell migration, growth, survival and chemosensitivity


Altogether, three of four tested local anes- thetics up to 2.5 mM did not induce apoptosis in esophageal carcinoma cells.. The differential combinatory effects of local anaesthetics with chemotherapy drugs on esophageal carcinoma cell migration, growth and survival. To investigate whether local anaesthetics influence the efficacy of chemotherapy in esophageal carcinoma cells, we performed combination studies using local anaesthetics and commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs: 5-FU and paclitaxel.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 40)


II.4.8 Local anaesthetics. Local anaesthetics reversibly block neural transmission in local tissues. Local anaesthetics can be classifi ed into ester-type and amide-type drugs according to their structures. Both types of the drugs diff er in the mode of metabolism and chemical stability. Th e ester-type local anaesthetics are easily hydrolyzed by the action of pseudocholinesterase in blood plasma, and are also rapidly decomposed in alkaline solutions nonenzymatically.

Procaine and saline have similar effects on articular cartilage and synovium in rat knee


Keywords: Procaine, Rats, Knee joint, Intra-articular injections, Local anaesthetics. Intra-articular local anaesthetics are widely used for pro- viding postoperative analgesia and decreasing the need for opioids and side effects related to their usage. However, recent in vitro and in vivo studies showed chondrotoxic effects of some widely used intra-articular local anaes- thetics, especially bupivacaine and lidocaine [1 – 3]..



The latter had long been interested in the problem of local anaesthesia in the eye, for general anaesthesia has disadvantages in ophthalmology. Observing that numbness of the mouth occurred after taking cocaine orally he realised that this was a local anaesthetic effect. Local anaesthetics prevent the initiation and propagation of the nerve impulse (action potential). Paradoxi- cally the effect in the central nervous system is stimulation (see below)..

Cytotoxicity of amide-linked local anesthetics on melanoma cells via inhibition of Ras and RhoA signaling independent of sodium channel blockade


The differential effects of three local anesthetics at concentration range from 0.25 to 2 mM on melanoma cell proliferation (c) and survival (d). and inducing apoptosis in melanoma cells (Fig. The combinatory effects of local anaesthetics with vemurafenib or dacarbazine are likely to be synergistic. We did not observe further inhib- ition of the combination of bupivacaine with vemurafenib or dacarbazine in melanoma cells (Fig.

Effect of caudal ketamine on minimum local anesthetic concentration of ropivacaine in children: A prospective randomized trial


Nonopioid additives to local anaesthetics for caudal blockade in children: a systematic review.. Minimum local analgesic concentration of ropivacaine for intra-operative caudal analgesia in pre- school and school age children. Relative analgesic potencies of levobupivacaine and ropivacaine for caudal anesthesia in children. Effect of epidural clonidine on minimum local anesthetic concentration (ED50) of levobupivacaine for caudal block in children.

Role of dexamethasone in the para-vertebral block for pediatric patients undergoing aortic coarctation repair. randomized, double-blinded controlled study


The closer the nerve damage is to the injected local anaesthetics and steroids, the more beneficial the effect of both the anaesthetics and steroids [7].. Paravertebral block decreases postoperative pain and re- duces opioid consumption, in turn improving postoperative pulmonary function and potentially enabling early extuba- tion [8].

Ultrasound-guided ilioinguinaliliohypogastric block (ILIHB) or perifocal wound infiltration (PWI) in children: A prospective randomized comparison of analgesia quality, a pilot study


Lastly, the temporal offset between applications of local anaesthetics (preoperativ US-ILIHB. postoperativ PWI) could influence pain assessment due to the different residence times of local anaesthetics. However, a clear difference between pre- operative or postoperative block in terms of the reduc- tion of pain has not been demonstrated so far [25, 26].. rel.freq.: Relative frequency of occurence of pain;.

The combination of transversus abdominis plane block and rectus sheath block reduced postoperative pain after splenectomy: A randomized trial


Although the LM group also received morphine in local anaesthetics, the absorption of morphine was slow, and the blood concen- tration of morphine was lower than that in the other two groups. Therefore, morphine had reduced side ef- fects in the LM group. In addition, the inhibition of PONV in the LM group was also attributed to the im- provement in postoperative bowel recovery..



Amiodarone adverse effects, 503 atrial fibrillation, 508 interactions, 503-4 pharmacokinetics, 503 Amitriptyline. adverse effects, 219-20. chemoprophylaxis, 243 local anaesthetics adrenaline with, 359, 452 adverse effects, 360 as antitussives, 550 desired properties, 358 essential (WHO list), 28 mode of action, 358 peri-/postoperative use, 347 pharmacokinetics, 358 topical effect Anagrelide, 600. adrenal, suppressing secretion, 672 adverse effects, 714. anabolic effects, 713, 715 see also Anabolic

Ice versus lidocaine 5% gel for topical anaesthesia of oral mucosa – a randomized cross-over study


Patients were excluded if they had any medical condi- tions considered to affect patient safety or the quality of the study, or if they had any known hypersensitivity to local anaesthetics of amide type or any of the other con- tents in the substance used.

Acute transient spinal paralysis and cardiac symptoms following an accidental epidural potassium infusion – a case report


Jorgensen, H., et al., Epidural local anaesthetics versus opioid-based analgesic regimens on postoperative gastrointestinal paralysis, PONV and pain after abdominal surgery The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2000(4): p. Ballantyne JC, et al. Popping, D.M., et al., Protective effects of epidural analgesia on pulmonary complications after abdominal and thoracic surgery: a meta-analysis.

The effect of intrathecal dexmedetomidine on the dose requirement of hyperbaric bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: A prospective, doubleblinded, randomized study


It might be expected that Dex potentiates the spinal block via a synergistic interaction between α2-AR antagonists and sodium channels, resulting in a reduction in the dose of the local anaesthetics required for achieving effective spinal anaesthesia for certain surgical procedures.. 3 Dose-response curve of intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine in the two groups. Table 2 Characteristics of spinal anaesthesia in patients with effective anaesthesia. Dex group ( n = 36).

Intrathecal morphine versus transversus abdominis plane block for caesarean delivery: A systematic review and metaanalysis


Third, dif- ferent doses and concentrations of local anaesthetics had been used in the studies, and corresponding drugs such as paracetamol and dexamethasone had also been used after surgery. Although these postoperative drugs had been used in both groups, the usage of these drugs in- creases the complexity of the present study. In addition, the incidence of itching was comparable between the groups, whereas the incidence of PONV was reported to be higher in the ITM group.

Inadvertent posterior intercostal artery puncture and haemorrhage after ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral block: A case report


Thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) is a technique in which local anaesthetics are injected into the thoracic paravertebral space (PVS), which is lateral to the inter- vertebral foramina, resulting in ipsilateral somatic and sympathetic nerve blockade that spreads from the site of injection across multiple contiguous dermatomes. Some reports have indicated high success rates and very few complications associated with an in-plane transverse ultrasound-guided TPVB approach [1].

Efficacy of continuous in-wound infusion of levobupivacaine and ketorolac for postcaesarean section analgesia: A prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial


Local anaesthetics have an important role in post-op- erative analgesia, and they might have a role in the pre- vention of persistent pain after caesarean section [13, 14]..



Local anaesthetics do not offer any long-term solution and since they are liable to sensitise the skin they are best avoided. Penetration into the skin is governed by the factors outlined at the beginning of this chapter.. Advise the patient to apply the formulation very thinly, just enough to make the skin surface shine slightly.. 5 The distance from the tip of the adult index finger to the first crease..

Local User - Local Group


Chính vì thế người quản trị mạng sẽ sử dụng công cụ Local Users and Groups để tạo các tài khoản người dùng trên cùng một máy, khi đó dữ liệu của người này người kia không thể truy cập được.. Local User - Để tạo được User local bạn phải có quyền ngang hang với Administrator của hệ thống.. Local User and group ->. Right click vào Users chọn New Users. Hộp thoại New users xuất hiện.. Ở đây mình sẽ tạo hai users là gccom1 và gccom2. Tương tự như vậy với user gccom2..

Local Policy & Local Sercurity Policy


Part 6 - Local Policy &. Local Sercurity Policy. Trong công tác quản trị mạng việc ứng dụng Group Policy vào công việc là điều không thể thiếu đối với bất cứ nhà quả trị mạng nào. Với Group Policy ta có thể tùy biến Windows theo chủ ý mà với người sử dụng thông thường không thể làm được. Local Security Policy (chính sách bảo mật cục bộ).. Mình xin giới thiệu về Local security policy ! Có 2 cách vào Local Security Policy:. Vào start\run\gpedit.msc. Nhấp chuột phải vào Start ->.

Part 5 - Local User - Local Group


Chính vì thế người quản trị mạng sẽ sử dụng công cụ Local Users and Groups để tạo các tài khoản người dùng trên cùng một máy, khi đó dữ liệu của người này người kia không thể truy cập được.. Local User - Để tạo được User local bạn phải có quyền ngang hang với Administrator của hệ thống.. Local User and group ->. Right click vào Users chọn New Users. Hộp thoại New users xuất hiện.. Ở đây mình sẽ tạo hai users là gccom1 và gccom2. Tương tự như vậy với user gccom2..