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Local anesthetic

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Case report: intravenous lipid emulsion for treatment of local anesthetic toxicity following brachial plexus anesthesia


Clinical presentation of local anesthetic systemic toxicity: a review of published cases, 1979 to 2009. Local anesthetic systemic toxicity. Intravenous lipid emulsion for local anesthetic toxicity:. Complications of brachial plexus anesthesia, complications of regional anesthesia. Treatment of local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)

Rupture of an epidural filter connector during bolus administration of local anesthetic: A case report


The epidural filter connector broke in half as a bolus of local anesthetic was administered by hand with a syringe. The local anesthetic sprayed widely throughout the room as the fragmented epidural filter connector became a projectile object that recoiled and struck the patient..

Effects of regional anesthesia techniques on local anesthetic plasma levels and complications in carotid surgery: A randomized controlled pilot trial


In several previous studies, ultrasound guided perivascular infiltration of the ICA decreased the necessity of local anesthetic supplementation by sur- geons and increased the efficacy of regional anesthesia . Particularly, the type of local anesthetic as well as the vascularization of the puncture site are important factors of local anesthetic absorption..

A comparison of effects of scalp nerve block and local anesthetic infiltration on inflammatory response, hemodynamic response, and postoperative pain in patients undergoing craniotomy for cerebral aneurysms: A randomized controlled trial


Group C: control group, Group I: local anesthetic infiltration group, Group S:. scalp nerve block group. control group, Group I: local anesthetic infiltration group, Group S: scalp nerve block group. It is noteworthy that in our study, PONV occurred less frequently in the scalp nerve block group than the local infiltration group and the control group.

Effect of caudal ketamine on minimum local anesthetic concentration of ropivacaine in children: A prospective randomized trial


Effect of caudal ketamine on minimum local anesthetic concentration of. ropivacaine in children: a prospective randomized trial. Background: Caudal ketamine has been shown to provide an effective and prolonged post-operative analgesia with few adverse effects. However, the effect of caudal ketamine on the minimum local anesthetic concentration (MLAC) of ropivacaine for intra-operative analgesia is unclear..

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 19): Local Anesthetics


Inhibition of impulse conduction in different types of nerve fibers Local anesthetic. amphiphilic local anesthetic. Local anesthetic. Uncharged local anesthetic. Since autonomic postganglionic fibers lack a myelin sheath, they are particu- larly susceptible to blockade by local anesthetics. As a result, vasodilation en- sues in the anesthetized region, because sympathetically driven vasomotor tone decreases.

Differential effects and mechanisms of local anesthetics on esophageal carcinoma cell migration, growth, survival and chemosensitivity


Differential effects and mechanisms of local anesthetics on esophageal carcinoma cell migration, growth, survival and. Background: Retrospective analysis and pre-clinical studies suggest that local anesthetics have anti-tumoral effects.. However, the association between cancer recurrence and the use of local anesthesia is inconclusive and most reports are based on single local anesthetic results..

The analgesic efficacy of intravenous regional anesthesia with a forearm versus conventional upper arm tourniquet: A systematic review


Forearm IVRA is still not widely applied because of a potential risk of incomplete hemostasis and leakage of local anesthetic into the circulation through the interosse- ous vessels [11, 17]. However, mild signs of local anesthetic sys- temic toxicity due to leakage of local anesthetic into the systemic circulation was noted in 1 of 383 patients (0.26.

Efficacy of programmed intermittent bolus epidural analgesia in thoracic surgery: A randomized controlled trial


In the CEI group, patients received continuous infusion of the local anesthetic at a rate of 5.1 mL/90 min. In the PIB group, a pump delivered the local anesthetic at a dose of 5.1 mL every 90 min. The primary endpoints were the frequency of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and the total dose of local anesthetic until 36 h following surgery.

Effectiveness of wound infusion of 0.2% ropivacaine by patient control analgesia pump after minithoracotomy aortic valve replacement: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial


There were no signs of local anesthetic toxicity, based on continuous clinical assessment and monitoring. The patient satisfaction was similar in both groups, which proves that multimodal approach based on a local anesthetic wound infusion is not inferior to the more traditional i.v. However, our study did not show a shortened length of hospital stay for the local anesthetic group compared to the control group.

Adverse events associated with continuous interscalene block administered using the catheter-over-needle method: A retrospective analysis


Moreover, when local anesthetics spread to the cervical sympathetic ganglion, ptosis is observed as part of Horner’s syndrome [18]. Sympathetic block or local anesthetic systemic toxicity causes dizziness. We did not observe any sig- nificant differences in the incidence of adverse events according to the local anesthetic flow rate. All the symptoms observed in our study patients were mild and subsided after a decrease in or temporary cessa- tion of the local anesthetic flow.

Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery part 4


At higher plasma concentrations, cardiovascular (CV) toxicity occurs, as the local anesthetic blocks sodium channels of the myocardium.. Relative potency of the local anesthetic plays a role here..

Ultrasound-guided continuous femoral nerve block: A randomized trial on the influence of femoral nerve catheter orifice configuration (six-hole versus end-hole) on post-operative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty


Continuous femoral nerve blocks: decreasing local anesthetic concentration to minimize quadriceps femoris weakness. Continuous femoral nerve blocks: varying local anesthetic delivery method (bolus versus basal) to minimize quadriceps motor block while maintaining sensory block.. Randomised comparison of an end-hole, triple-hole and novel six-hole catheter for continuous interscalene analgesia.

Focused ultrasound enhances the anesthetic effects of topical lidocaine in rats


SSEP was measured 3 min after the application of lidocaine cream to a unilateral thigh area, considering the onset of ad- equate local anesthetic action of lidocaine (<. The SSEP obtained during the initial segment was sub- tracted from the subsequent segment within the same session to isolate the signal features that contain both condition-specific and time-dependent effects (labeled in Fig. The inverted blue arrowheads indicate the timing of lidocaine application.

Comparison of the efficacy of erector spinae plane block performed with different concentrations of bupivacaine on postoperative analgesia after mastectomy surgery: Ramdomized, prospective, double blinded trial


According to these data, the applied volume or the con- centration of the local anesthetic agent was insufficient to affect the ventral branches. Therefore, in the current study we decided to compare two different concentrations of the same local anesthetic agent in the same volume of solution.

Dose-response studies of Ropivacaine in blood flow of upper extremity after supraclavicular block: A double-blind randomized controlled study


The local anesthetic was injected at three locations: adjacent to the superficial divisions of the plexus, adjacent to the middle divisions and adjacent to inferior divisions. The spread of local anesthetic was observed to ensure the quality of the per- formance of BPB. The proportion of the volume injected in each area was at the discretion of the expert operator according to the spread of local anesthetic. This operator remained blind to the concentration of ropivacaine..

Effects of the addition of dexamethasone on postoperative analgesia after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery under quadruple nerve blocks


The first study was to determine whether dexamethasone administered along with local anesthetic for sciatic nerve block could prolong the duration of analgesia in patients given quadruple nerve blocks, including continuous femoral nerve block, for ACL reconstruction using a hamstring tendon autograft.

Pharmaceutical Substances Syntheses, Patents, Applications - Part 30


Use: local anesthetic RN MF: C13HlyClN20 MW: 254.76. RN MF: C13HlyClN20~ HCl MW: 291.22 EINECS LD. RN MF: C13HlyC1N20 . 41 3 mglkg (R, p.0.). RN MF: CZ4H3,N30S

Impact of epidural labor analgesia using sufentanil combined with low-concentration ropivacaine on maternal and neonatal outcomes: A retrospective cohort study


Combined spinal- epidural for labor analgesia: does the addition of sufentanil to the local anesthetic influence apgar scores of the newborns? Rev Bras Anestesiol.. Comparison of dexmedetomidine and sufentanil as adjuvants to local anesthetic for epidural labor analgesia: a randomized controlled trial

Adding a low-concentration sciatic nerve block to total knee arthroplasty in patients susceptible to the adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): A randomized controlled trial


However, a sys- tematic review and meta-analysis reported that adding dexamethasone to the local anesthetic drug injected into nerve areas can increase the analgesic duration of the local anesthetic without causing severe side effects [17, 18]..