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Mastering the craft of science writing

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Mastering the craft of science writing part 1


Mastering the Craft of Science Writing. Elise Hancock. Foreword by Robert Kanigel. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS Baltimore &. Foreword, by Robert Kanigel ix. Finding Out: Research and the Interview 45. Writing: Getting Started and the Structure 69. ©2003 The Johns Hopkins University Press Foreword © 2003 Robert Kanigel All rights reserved. The Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland www.press.jhu.edu.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 2


When her writers took on stories in anthropology, oncology, or cosmology, they wrote not to specialists or other scientists but to Elise’s “educated curious”. this made it “science writ- ing,” not “scientific writing” or “technical writing.” Science writing is so hard to do well because it dares aim intellectu- ally formidable material at just those readers presumed to have little background, education, or interest in it.. Some of the best of them do, but some of the best of them don’t.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 12


It’s best to avoid “many” in science writing, unless you truly mean an indeterminate lot. Don’t you weasel.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 15


At times, as with a manuscript that originated as a tran- script or if you were extremely tired when you wrote, me- chanical is the place to start.. The single major exception comes in science writing, where you will occasionally need to say, “A is associated with B.” That’s pretty darn passive. Sometimes she does indeed know that A causes B, for reasons that will take you to the heart of the subject. “It’s very pretty,” for example: Did the writer mean that the item is attractive or insipid?

Mastering the craft of science writing part 9


If you subscribe, you can use their web sites, and if you save the magazines, after a while you’ll have research material on almost anything you might ever need to figure out.. Just read for pleasure, and you’ll get a lot by osmosis.. Science, the journal of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, is also weekly, and its front section of science news is without peer.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 3


Fortunately, when you have found the right field for you,. Think of anything you do for fun—a sport, cooking, macramé, competitive bridge, caving, anything—don’t you enjoy reading and learning about it? You’ll find the work of writing science to be the same: not always easy, but enjoyable. Steep in the great and good of any type: fiction, essays, history, sci- ence writing, whatever.. That’s a matter of emphasis, however.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 8


the rest of us find it works better to go straight to the science.. “I have studied the material you sent me, and it seems to me the heart of the matter is [ FILL IN THE BLANK. And you’re off. Don’t try that one unless you are dead sure you understood the material, however.Your purpose is to si- multaneously reassure, indicate the level of discourse, and cut to the chase, not to expose yourself as unprepared.. Curiously, it’s okay to be semi-informed so long as you show you’re aware of it.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 6


Another whole class of story ideas arrives from the other direction: from outside the world of research, in the form of a question, observation, or piece of news.To under- stand the phenomenon then brings you back to science.. In any event, if you can embed science or engineering or medicine in a What-done-it, people will read.. For inspiration, read anything you can find by the late Berton Roueche, who exploited this format in the New Yorker as “Annals of Medicine.”.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 10


Heimaey is the only place in the archipelago inhabited by human beings. Here’s another opener, by Cullen Murphy, from “Lulu, Queen of the Desert” (The Best American Science and Nature Writing, 2000, reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly), which relies largely on a fillip of surprise, even exoticism:.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 13


If you will need a technical term again, as shorthand for an idea that will return, explain it in passing, as in this unassuming little passage by Nathan Seppa in Science News (September 22, 2001, p. Some blood pressure medications offset the angiotensin’s effects in much of the body, but they aren’t as effective in the kidneys.. Part of the problem lies in the kidneys’ unusual design.. However, the blood doesn’t flow directly back into veins heading out of the kidney.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 5


But you’d hear each one with variations, in the context of specific pieces of writing, and in the form of coaching, not general principles..

Mastering the craft of science writing part 7


Each party brings special expertise to the table.The science writer knows how to translate science for the public, while the scientist knows the sci- ence. Whenever you start writing about any particular piece of research, you are entering into a relationship with the sci- entist, and you will find that it helps—as in other human re- lationships—if “the deal” is clear. What can you expect from the researcher? What can she expect from you? What do both of you hope to achieve?

Mastering the craft of science writing part 17


On occasions when the alarm rings and I’m not en- grossed, I do quit, a welcome relief.Yet the single hour is enough to keep the project cooking in the back of my mind, so that in a way I am always writing, even when I might ap- pear to be out in the yard pulling weeds. If you are a baseball fan, you know that home-run slug- gers have low batting averages. And if you keep swinging, every now and then you will hit one out..

Mastering the craft of science writing part 16


For while the editor may have fresh eyes, the writer has her own unique asset—a head full of facts, quotes, and stories that don’t yet appear in the manuscript.. Can the editor do that? Not likely.. Writers don’t need editors be- cause they have failed—writers need editors because that’s the nature of writing. Do you see a better way? At times, you will. If you don’t, be grateful. Do you know enough? Really? Are you sure you have fin- ished your research?

Mastering the craft of science writing part 14


Or you may have an excellent closer buried beneath some closing boomph, some kind of unnecessary repetitive flour- ish that you wrote out of sheer momentum. “boring.” Do you want or need the material? Sometimes writing loses its fizz because the writer is proceeding out of sheer duty: It happened or the guy said it, so we write it. you may need to set a fuller con- text, to zero in on the critical part, or to take it in smaller, more digestible chunks.. How’s the shape?

Mastering the craft of science writing part 11


Re- turning to the starting point, with a difference, frames the events of a story to produce a sense of homecoming and completion.. Let’s watch a class act pull it off: Peter Matthiessen, no less, in “The Island at the End of the Earth,” originally printed in Audubon. I found it in the annual Best American Science and Nature Writing for 2000.

Mastering the craft of science writing part 4


In the next few years, the people of this planet will be making choices that determine whether our great-grandchildren can live here, and the way you and I write about science will have a lot to do with what happens.. Think of the scientific process as if you faced a mountain of jigsaw pieces from several puzzles—or so you think. For example, listen to the late lock-picking, bongo-loving, Nobel Prize–winning physi- cist Richard Feynman, here in a passage from Surely You’re Joking, Mr.

The Visible PC


Mastering the craft of the PC Technician requires you to learn a lot of details about a zillion things. should enable you to recognize the main components of the CPU and to understand their function. or a "1.2-GHz AMD Athlon.". Manufacturers produce CPUs of the same make and model with many different clock speeds.. to link the various components of the PC together.



The Green Hills of Earth,” the blind poet Reisling makes the morally correct choice:. REVIEW OF THE CHARACTER CHECKLIST. That struggle is the backbone of the story. unfolding of the story Card wants to tell.. understanding of the story for everyone except the hard-core science fiction readers.. in which the laws of nature are the background of the story.. “I am in charge of the security brigade. Sterling, who pays all the bills.” The human half of his face remained as immobile as the metal.

Writing the short film 3th - Part 21


It is criti- cal that the character try to move toward his or her goal, but it is just as critical that the writer draw us into the character’s struggle.. It should be clear by this point that the writer not only must have a clear understanding of the craft of writing, but also should be a student of human behavior. Your research can be observational or based on others’ observations and conclusions.