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Morphological characters

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Genetic diversity for agro-morphological characters and nutritional compositions of some local faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes


Genetic diversity for agro-morphological characters and nutritional compositions of some local faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is widely cultivated in China, Europe, and North Africa and it is vital for human and animal nutrition, since it contains high crude protein (20%–40. Faba bean is fixing air nitrogen at high levels and it also increases the fertility of soil. Yazar et al., 2017).

Taxonomic evaluation using pollen grain sculpture and seed coat characters of 11 taxa of genus Hibiscus (Malvaceae) in Egypt


Table 3 Seed morphological characters of the studied taxa of the genus Hibiscus L.. sabdariffa Municipal (Bani Suefe) Kidney Ruminate. sabdariffa Ezabi (Tanta) Kidney Reticulate. sabdariffa Municipal (Hosh Issa) Kidney Reticulate. sabdariffa Ezabi (Hosh Issa) Kidney Reticulate. The results showed that fairly heterogeneous seed coat pat- Table 4 The resulted 37 binary characters of the studied taxa (characters and states are symbolized for numerical analysis)..

First record of Ahaetulla mycterizans (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Colubridae) from the Lesser Sunda region, Indonesia, based on molecular and morphological identification


Unfortunately, all of those studies on the distribution of the genus Ahaetulla in Indonesia were carried out solely on the basis of morphological characters that are commonly used as the main diagnostic characters for species identification. There have been no previous studies that have used DNA sequence analysis Abstract: Previous studies on the distribution of the Ahaetulla snake across Indonesia only focused on morphological characters without any molecular data.

Taxonomic study on the wild species of genus Solanum L. in Egypt


Taxonomic relationships Morphological characters Cluster analysis. A taxonomic revision of the genus Solanum L. in Egypt is presented. The work is devoted to study the morphological characters of each species, the nomenclature with synonyms, and the taxonomic relationships between the studied species. The taxonomic relationships between the studied species are represented by the cluster analysis.

A faunistic overview of Temelucha Förster (Hym., Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae) in Iran


External morphological characters of Temelucha ophthalmica (Holmgren, 1860)– Female: a) head, lateral view. Remarks: Reexamination of the specimen of. “Temelucha schoenobia Thomson”, 1♀ (TMUC) (Amiri et al. External morphological characters of Temelucha pseudocaudata Kolarov, 1982– Female: a) head, lateral view. External morphological characters of Temelucha schoenobia (Thomson, 1890)– Female: a) head, lateral view. Distribution in Iran: Khorasan-e Razavi (Barahoei et al., 2014)..

Taxonomic revision of genus Lemna L. (Lemnaceae Gray) in Egypt


Table 1 Summary and coding of 20 morphological characters studied among Lemna species: L. 1 Dendrogram represented the degree of similarity level among the studied Lemna species. trisulca (SP4) in Egypt.. Lemna minor L., Sp. Synonyms: Lenticular minor (L.) Scop., Fl. Hydrophace minor (L.) Bubani, Fl. sheath not winged. Seeds: one-seeded, with 10–16 distinct ribs, staying within fruit wall after ripening.

An integrated approach to the study of Hypericum occurring in Sicily


The mean values of the measures of the 11 quantitative morphological characters considered.. Mean values of the 20 chemical determinations used for multivariate analyses and their totals.

First record of the genus Spilomyia (Diptera, Syrphidae) from the Oriental region


The morphological characters of the specimens studied here and European specimens of S. Additional material and a more thorough study of molecular and morphological characters is needed before there could be a satisfactory confirmation of the real identity of the Indian specimens..

Achene micromorphology of the genus Potentilla L. (Rosaceae) in Iran and its systematic application


The aims of the present study were to describe the achene micromorphological characters of the genus Potentilla, distinguish the extent that the achene micro morphological characters correlated with the species characteristics, and determine the taxonomic implications of the achene micromorphological characters of the Iranian species of Potentilla..

Macro and micromorphological studies and numerical analysis on the nutlet of some Cyperoideae-Cyperaceae taxa from Egypt and their taxonomic significances


UPGMA dendrogram of the 13 taxa of Cyperoideae based on 66 nutlet morphological characters.. Scatter plot of the 13 OTUs of Cyperoideae plotted against the first principal component by the second principal component based on 66 nutlet morphological characters.. bisumbellata (El Habashy et al., 2005). Based on 66 morphological characters of the nutlet, our UPGMA results (Figure 3) placed the genus Fimbristylis in the base of the dendrogram with a close 36.

A new Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae) Species from South Anatolia (Turkey)


In addition to these older characters, trichome types of calyx, corolla, nutlet, leaf, stem and leaf fragmentation are used quite a lot in relevant studies to divide the genus Teucrium into the sections (Dinç et al., 2009, Dinç et al., 2011a, 2011b. Ecevit-Genç et al a, 2018b, Özcan, 2020). The closest species of the new species were defined according to leaf morphology via morphological characters. The new species was described as Teucrium turcicum Çeçen &.

A new subspecies of Saxifraga artvinensis V.A.Matthews (Saxifragaceae) from northeastern Anatolia


A comparison of the diagnostic morphological characters of the 2 subspecies of S. Alignment of the entire nrDNA ITS sequence, including the outgroups, resulted in 731 characters.. Identical sequences were observed in the entire ITS regions of samples belonging to subsp. In the MP tree, these 4 accessions of S. Richard Milne (University of Edin- burgh, School of Biological Sciences) for his critical read- ing of the manuscript and Dr. Morphological comparison of the subspecies of S.

Aethionema aytachii (Brassicaceae): A new species from central Anatolia, Turkey


The source of its complexity is the presence of few macro morphological characters (e.g., fruit and leaf characters) that can be used in the delimitation of species. Aethionema was previously known to be represented in Turkey by 40 species (Ertuğrul, 2012), but several new species have since been described, and it is currently estimated to include as many as 53 species in the country (Karabacak et al, 2013.

Trichome micromorphology and its significance in the systematics of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae)


Thus, inclusion of Calystegia in the genus Convolvulus is supported by trichome micromorphology and other morphological characters.. The diversity of trichomes in the genus Convolvulus is quite low, because of the absence of the glandular and branched trichomes. Two basic types of trichomes are recognized in the genus: the flattened ribbon-like and the cylindrical ones.

A new species of the genus Songthela from Guizhou Province, China (Araneae: Mesothelae: Liphistiidae)


Detailed morphological characters, a distribution map, and illustrations of the habitus and copulatory organs are given.. 3- Opening part of the retreat. Most of the terminologies used in the text and figure legends follow Xu et al. Songthela pluma sp. the lateral pair with relatively short stalks, located on the dorsal wall of the bursa copulatrix;. Zoogeographic and taxonomic notes on spiders of the subfamily Heptathelinae (Araneae, Mesothelae, Liphistiidae)..

Summary of the Dissertation for the Degree Doctor of Phylosophy in Biology: Species diversity and phylogenetic relationships of the genus Megophrys (Amphibia: Megophryidae) in Vietnam


Study sites: Specimens collected in 23 provinces, that are deposited in the collections of the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam National Museum of Nature, and Hanoi National University of Education, were examined for morphological characters..

Piper Ribesioides Wall., a newly recorded species for the flora of Vietnam


Distinctive characteristics of the genus can easily be recognized on gross morphological characters such as the flowers usually are minute, unisexual and densely set on the fleshy rachis, the perianths are absent, and consist only of the male and. female reproductive parts, which are subtended by one to three floral bracts and the stamens vary in number, the anther is distinguished by two or four thecae, with longitudinal or transverse dehiscence, fruits of the majority of Piper are drupes.

A procedure for taxon assessment based on morphological variation in European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex)


Besides the shape of inner metatarsal tubercle, the most commonly used qualitative characters are the level of ventral maculation, presence/absence of the dorsal stripe, presence/absence of stripes or spots on the dorsal side of the frog. However, these characters do not provide satisfactory taxa discrimination and are used frequently as accessory characters with morphological ratios (Nekrasova et al., 2003. Tosunoğlu et al., 2005. Mayer et al., 2013)..

74 Morphological Signal and Image Processing


FIGURE 74.9: Morphological skeletonization of a binary image X (top left image) with respect to a 3 × 3-pixel square structuring element B. X ⊗ (A i , B i ) (74.58). 74.9.5 Size Distributions. FIGURE 74.10: Left column shows binary images of handwritten characters. 74.9.6 Fractals. 1 /r)] (74.61). 74.11.. 74.9.7 Image Segmentation. 74.12. FIGURE 74.12: (a) Image f . 74.10 Conclusions

Morphological and colony characterization of durg isolates of entomopathogenic fungi as a biocontrol agent against tick infestation in cattle


Plate.7 Microscopic characters of Fusarium sp. Plate.8 Microscopic characters of Rhizopus oryzae showing Hyphae and conidia (10X). Plate.9 Microscopic characters of Trichoderma harzianum showing Hyphae and conidia (10X). Plate.10 Microscopic characters of Aspergillus amstelodami showing Hyphae and conidia (10X). Plate.11 Microscopic characters of Metarhizium majus showing Hyphae and conidia (10X).