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Ownership structure

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The ownership structure of Vietnamese listed companies


The ownership proportion of stock owned by officers must be disclosed (―Enterprise Law‖, Article 118).. Looking at the proportion of ownership structure of stocks in the Table 12, stocks owned by. Stock ownership by the largest stockholders. The ―Security Law‖ regulates that ―the largest stock owner refers to stock owners who own over 5 percent of total stock with voting right‖ (Article 6). Proportion of stock ownership by the largest stockholders (State, Corporate body and Officer/Family).

Impact of Ownership Structures and Auditing Teams’ Existence on Level of Information Disclosure: Evidence from Vietnam


Table 3 states the regression results of the relationship between ownership structure, corporate governance, companies’ characteristics and the extent of voluntary disclosure.

Ownership Structure and Earnings Management in Non-Inancial Vietnamese Companies Listed in Hochiminh Stock Exchange-Vietnam


In this paper, ownership structure and the diversity of ownership structure in relation to earnings management were selected as the research topic. Therefore, the paper with title “Ownership structure and earnings management in non-financial Vietnamese companies listed in Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange – Vietnam ".

Impact of large ownership, state ownership on share price of listed companies in Vietnam stock exchange – case study of essential consumer goods firms


Alipour and Amjadi (2011) analyzed the impact of different aspects of ownership structure such as individual shareholders or large shareholder, internal shareholders or external shareholders, concentrated ownership or institutional ownership to the stock prices of companies listed on the Tehran stock exchange. Besides, the rest variables have no relationship to stock prices.. (2013) has developed models to measure the stock prices of 51 Jordan’s companies from 2005 to 2009.

The effect of state ownership and provincial competitiveness on firm performance: Case of Vietnam


State‐dominant and non‐state‐dominant ownership concentration and firm performance. Ho, T., and Michaely, R. Huang, W., and Boateng, A. The role of the state , ownership structure , and the performance of real estate firms in China. B., Laurenceson, J., and Tang, K. Jiang, H., Habib, A., and Wang, S. Jiang, Y., and Yan, T. Kang, Y.-s., and Kim, B.-y. Ownership structure and firm performance: Evidence from the Chinese corporate reform.

Board characteristics and corporate performance: Moderating effect of family ownership


Board structure, ownership structure and firm performance: A study of New Zealand listed-firm. Influence of board size and independence on firm performance: A study of Indian companies. The impact of corporate governance on firm performance in an unstable economic and political environment: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Corporate Governance .

Lecture Managerial economics: Chapter 18 - Mark Hirschey


Organization Structure and Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance. Ownership Structure as a Corporate Governance Mechanism. corporate governance. ownership structure. Corporate Governance Inside the Firm. Organization design is an essential corporate governance mechanism.. Corporate Governance Mechanism

Goi y de tai nganh tai chinh 09102018102753SA


The relationship between ownership structure and firm performance 11.Ownership structure, frm value and investment opportunities set 12. The effects of marketing expenses on firm performance 13. The impact of board size on firm performance 15. Foreign board membership and firm value 16. Board characteristics and firm performance 17. Board structure, ownership structure and firm performance 18.

cấu trúc sở hửu hiệu quả hoạt động và giá trị doanh nghiệp trên sàn chứng khoán việt nam


, vol. (1992), “Simultaneous determination of insider ownership, debt and dividend policies”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , vol. (1976), “Theory of rm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure”, Journal of Financial Economics , vol. (2005), “Choice of ownership structure and rm performance: Evidence from Estonia”, Post-Communist Economies , vol. (2012), “Ownership structure and rm performance: Evidence from the Chinese corporate reform”, China Economic Review

Hướng Tới Hồi Phục TTCKVN


Tháng PHÁT TRIỂN & HỘI NHẬP 31 Hướng Tới Hồi Phục TTCKVN Ngoài ra, kết quả nghiên cứu vol. 2009, ‘Board structure, ‘Theory of firm: Managerial behavior, ownership structure and firm agency costs and ownership structure’, trưng của các doanh nghiệp trên performance: Evidence from banking’, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 2009, ‘Choice of ownership structure and firm nhập thấp hơn các công ty nhỏ và ‘On institutional ownership and firm performance: Evidence from Estonia’, được thị trường đánh



Overview of a company 2.1 Types 2.2 Common characteristics 2.3 Ownership structure 10 2.1 Types of companies Unincorporated vs. Limited company & Holding company 11 2.2 Common characteristics - Owners - Managers - Objectives - Resources - Organization structures - Performance assessment 12 2.3 Ownership structure - Monistic: a single interest group (shareholders  UK and USA. Managerial control 3.1 Definition Spieler, A. (2008), Management Controlled Firms vs.

Chapter 2: Indicators of Financial Structure, Development, and Soundness


In many cases, the ownership structure of the financial system can be indicative of competition or lack thereof. For example, the three- bank concentration ratio measures the market share of the top three banks in the system, defined in terms of assets, deposits, or branches. 5 A more sophisti- cated measure of concentration is the Herfindahl Index (HI), which is the sum of squares of the market shares of all firms in a sector. Higher values of the index indicate greater market concentration.

Quản trị công ty và lợi nhuận của các ngân hàng thương mại Việt Nam


Corporate Governance , Ownership Structure and Bank Performance in Jordan . https://doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v6n6p192.. A., Demsetz, H., American, T., Review, E., &. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMR . Corporate governance in banking : The role of the board of directors. [10] Arellano, M., &. Ownership structure, corporate governance and bank performance: evidence from GCC countries. Corporate Governance and Firm Performance : Evidence from Sri Lanka. [14] Bai, C., Liu, Q., Lu, J., &.

How market competition regulates the relationship between overinvestment and profitability?


The paper clarifies that profitability in Vietnamese listed companies are positively affected by debt ratio in the capital structure.. Meckling, Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of financial economics, 1976. Hart, An analysis of the principal-agent problem. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1983: p. Psillaki, Capital structure, equity ownership and firm performance. Journal of Banking &.

Mainstream theories of corporate governance and the corporate governance – firm performance relationship


For exam- ple, in many corporate governance studies, board size, board diversity, board committees, and board inde- pendence (including board composition and board leadership structure) are regarded as determinants of the board attributes. It should also be noticed that there is no consensus among researchers about the connotation of the terminology “board attributes”.. Meanwhile, managerial ownership and block-holder ownership are two major features of the ownership structure.

The impact of earnings quality on the investment inefficiency of listed companies in Vietnam


Thirdly, the ownership structure factor represented by the state ownership ratio of the company has a negative relationship with the investment inefficiency. as having a negative impact on the investment inefficiency.



Three classic agency problems are examined in the finance literature: (1) partial ownership of the firm by an owner-manager. Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Network architecture refers to the way processing elements are connected and the direction of the signals exchanged. Weights are adjusted in the direction that reduces the value of the error function after each presentation of the input records.. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society .

The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Finance


Three classic agency problems are examined in the finance literature: (1) partial ownership of the firm by an owner-manager. Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Network architecture refers to the way processing elements are connected and the direction of the signals exchanged. Weights are adjusted in the direction that reduces the value of the error function after each presentation of the input records.. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society .

Bai bao goc nhom5


Impact of Ownership Structure on Dividend Policy of Firm: Eveidence from Pakistan

Tác Động Của Cấu Trúc Hội Đồng Quản Trị Lên Đòn Bẩy Tài Chính Của Các Doanh Nghiệp Niêm Yết Tại Việt Nam


The effects of board characteristics and ownership structure on the corporate financial leverage. The determinants of the frequency of board meetings: Evidence from categorical analysis. On the existence of an optimal capital structure: Theory and evidence. The structure of ownership and the theory of the firm. An empirical test of the impact of managerial self- interest on corporate capital structure. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure.