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Oxygen saturation

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Effect of hemoglobin content on cerebral oxygen saturation during surgery for scoliosis in pediatric patients


Age (years Height (cm Body weight (kg Pre-op HB(g/L B-left rScO B-right rScO H-rScO 2 High regional cerebral oxygen saturation, L-rScO 2 Low regional cerebral oxygen saturation, Pre-op HB Preoperative hemoglobin value, B-left rScO 2 Baseline left regional cerebral oxygen saturation , B-right rScO 2 Baseline right regional cerebral oxygen saturation..

Tissue oxygen saturation changes and postoperative complications in cardiac surgery: A prospective observational study


Tissue oxygen saturation and outcome after cardiac surgery. Tissue near infrared spectroscopy change is not correlated with patients ’ outcome in elective cardiac surgery. Microvascular reactivity and clinical outcomes in cardiac surgery. Tissue oxygen saturation as an early indicator of delayed lactate clearance after cardiac surgery: a prospective observational study. Tissue oximetry during cardiac surgery and in the cardiac intensive care unit: a prospective observational trial.

Comparison of the effect of sevoflurane or propofol anesthesia on the regional cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy: A prospective, randomized controlled study


SrO 2 = regional cerebral oxygen saturation. SpO 2 = peripheral arterial oxygen saturation. 2 Changes from the pre-induction period until carotid artery clamping. Changes in (a) regional cerebral oxygen saturation (SrO 2.

Determination of oxygen saturation compared to a prescribed target range using continuous pulse oximetry in acutely unwell medical patients


Determination of oxygen saturation. compared to a prescribed target range using continuous pulse oximetry in acutely unwell medical patients. Background: Both inadequate and excessive administration of oxygen to acutely unwell patients results in risk of harm. Guidelines recommend titration of oxygen to achieve a target oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ) range.

Effects of time delay and body temperature on measurements of central venous oxygen saturation, venous-arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressures difference, venous-arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressures difference/arterial-venous oxygen difference ratio and lactate


Pv-aCO 2 /Ca-vO 2 : Venous and arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressures difference/arterial-venous oxygen difference ratio. ScvO 2 : Central venous oxygen saturation. Continuous central venous oxygen saturation assisted intraoperative hemodynamic management during major abdominal surgery: a. Changes of central venous oxygen saturation define fluid responsiveness in patients with septic shock: a prospective observational study.

Changes of cerebral regional oxygen saturation during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position under propofol anesthesia: A prospective observational study


Changes of cerebral regional oxygen saturation during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position under propofol anesthesia: a prospective observational study. Background: We evaluated the change of cerebral regional tissue oxygen saturation (rSO 2 ) along with the pneumoperitoneum and the Trendelenburg position. and the changes of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO 2.

The effects of ventilation on left-to-right shunt and regional cerebral oxygen saturation: A self-controlled trial


EtCO 2 End-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure, HR Heart rate, IAP Invasive arterial pressure, PaCO 2 Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide tension, PaO 2 Arterial oxygen pressure, rSCO 2 Regional cerebral oxygen saturation, V T. 0.05 Respect to V T 10 ml/kg. 0.05 Respect to V T 8 ml/kg. our results mainly attributed to the decreased L-R shunt and PA blood flow, which was also testified in another study, in which an increase in PaCO 2 from 55 mmHg even 90 mmHg incurred statistically significant

Postoperative cognitive dysfunction after robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with cerebral oxygen monitoring an observational prospective cohort pilot study


It is a relatively new technology for monitoring non-invasive regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO 2. In the brain, the arteries and veins are staggered (veins 75%, arteries 20%, and capillaries ac- count for 5. indicating that the value of local cerebral oxygen saturation mainly represents the oxygen content. in the venous blood, reflecting the cerebral oxygen transportation and metabolism.

Impact of high‑fow oxygen therapy during exercise in idiopathic pulmonary fbrosis: A pilot crossover clinical trial


BMI body mass index, GAP gender age physiology, FEV 1 expiratory flow in the first second, FVC forced vital capacity, DL CO carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, SpO 2 peripheral oxygen saturation. Ambulatory oxygen therapy on exertion 8 (80). Ambulatory 24‑h oxygen therapy 4 (40). Table 2 Comparisons of CPET data with SOT and HFNC oxygen therapy.

Risk prediction tool for use and predictors of duration of postoperative oxygen therapy in children undergoing non-cardiac surgery: A case-control study


Further studies focusing on opioids for post- operative oxygen therapy may help to explain this result.. 60 s), which required oxygen therapy for a short dur- ation (<. We also provided continuous oxygen saturation monitoring and weaned off the oxygen therapy as soon as possible in almost 25% of the children who re- ceived oxygen therapy for more than 24 h..

Apneic laryngeal oxygenation during elective fiberoptic intubation – a technical simulation


Primary objective was the de- crease in oxygen saturation within a period of 20 min after preoxygenation of the test-lung. Measurements of oxygen saturation were performed by an observer blinded to the method of oxygen delivery.. During the 20-min observation period, oxygen saturation in the test lung dropped from 97 ± 1% at baseline in all groups to CI 55–61) in the control group (p <. 0.001 compared to all other groups) and to CI 76–79) in the nasal prong group (p <.

Tourniquet-induced tissue hypoxia characterized by near-infrared spectroscopy during ankle surgery: An observational study


Table 2 Absolute values and changes of somatic tissue oxygen saturation (SstO 2 ) and cerebral tissue oxygen saturation (SctO 2 ) at different time points ( n = 26). SstO 2 -distal. SstO 2 -distal = SstO 2 distal to the tourniquet. SstO 2 -prox = SstO 2 proximal to the tourniquet. SstO 2 -contra = SstO 2 on the contralateral leg. T end = immediately before tourniquet deflation. T post = 3 – 5 min after tourniquet deflation.

Effects of bupivacaine or levobupivacaine on cerebral oxygenation during spinal anesthesia in elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgery for hip fracture: A randomized controlled trial


Continuous monitoring of cerebral oxygen saturation in elderly patients undergoing abdominal surgery minimizes brain exposure to potential hypoxia. The effects of general vs spinal anesthesia on frontal cerebral oxygen saturation in geriatric patients undergoing emergency surgical fixation of the neck of femur. The effects of the extent of spinal block on the BIS score and regional cerebral oxygen saturation in elderly patients: a prospective, randomized and double-blinded study.

The effect of selective cerebral perfusion on cerebral versus somatic tissue oxygenation during aortic coarctation repair in neonates and infants


SctO 2 = cerebral tissue oxygen saturation. SstO 2 = somatic tissue oxygen saturation. 1 Correlations between cerebral tissue oxygen saturation(SctO 2 ) and somatic tissue oxygen saturation (SstO 2. The red dotted lines are trend lines and the data points in greendotted circle are measurements during SCP. The red dotted lines are trend lines and thedata points in green dotted circles are measurements during SCP. measurements during SCP included (r = 0.67, p <.

A preliminary assessment of vital-signsintegrated patient-assisted intravenous opioid analgesia (VPIA) for postsurgical pain


The patient’s oxygen saturation and heart rate was continuously monitored by the VPIA analgesic system at least for 24 h after surgery.. (2) VPIA analgesic infusion pump data including opioid consumption, patient demands, successful demands, pat- tern of demands, oxygen saturation and heart rate. and (3) VPIA analgesic infusion pump user feedback survey that was conducted at the end of the study..

Critical Care Obstetrics part 14


When assessing the accuracy of the arterial saturation mea- sured by the pulse oximeter, correlation of the pulse rate deter- mined by the oximeter and the patient ’ s heart rate is an indication of proper placement of the electrode.. Pulse oximetry is ideal for non - invasive monitoring of the arterial oxygen saturation near the steep portion of the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve, namely at a P a O 2 of 70 torr [3.

Carotid approach to anterior circulation thromboembolectomy in an adult with failing fontan physiology: A case report


In our pa- tient, who had a baseline oxygen saturation around 80 % and was cyanotic at the time of admission, how can we determine what level of oxygen saturation is adequate for brain perfusion? Cooximetry, a device that uses spec- trophotometry to measure relative blood concentrations of various forms of hemoglobin, may be one method to more accurately determine concentrations of oxygen in the blood.

Perioperative adherence to continuous positive airway pressure and its effect on postoperative nocturnal hypoxemia in obstructive sleep apnea patients: A prospective cohort study


Our primary explanatory variable, CPAP adherence, is time-varying, and given our study was observational, we used a fixed effects regression model to test the relation- ship between CPAP adherence and oxygen saturation.. Oxygen supple- mentation and time (preop, postop night 1, and postop night 2) were treated as variables in the model and were also fixed effects. We considered CPAP adherence × time interaction terms as adherence varied by time.