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photoshop CS4

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PhotoShop Giới thiệu về Adobe Photoshop CS4


PhotoShop - Bài 1: Giới thiệu về Adobe Photoshop CS4 Nguồn : quantrimang.com . Adobe Photoshop CS4 là một phần mềm xử lý ảnh chuyên nghiệp.. Photoshop cho phép người sử dụng tút sửa ảnh (retouching), ghép ảnh (composing), phục chế ảnh (restoration), tô màu tranh ảnh (painting)… một cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả.. Phần mềm này là một công cụ không thể thiếu của các nhiếp ảnh gia, các nhà thiết kế đồ hoạ, thiết kế web và biên tập video..

Hướng dẫn cài đặt Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended


Sau đó b n t o 1 d a DVD l n 2 g m có : Các Files chính c a PS CS4 – File : amtlib.dll ạ ạ ỉ ầ ồ ủ. II.CÀI Đ T CH Ặ ƯƠ NG TRÌNH. Đánh d u ch n vào M c : I have a serial number for Adobe Photoshop CS4 >. Copy File : amtlib.dll ( 2.69MB ) >. Adobe PhotoshopCS4 >. Copy Adobe Photoshop CS4 >. ả ấ ấ ọ Hi n ra Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended . Extract file amtlib.dll ra desktop.

Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P2


With Photoshop CS4, you can choose Image >. Open the image Ch04_Nondestructive.tif from the Chapter 4 folder.. Drag in the image and reposition it. If the photographer was higher (or lower) than the image or if the photo was tak- en at an angle, you will see distortion. Crop around the window in the photo as tight as you can to frame it.. This allows for the image to be repositioned within the frame. Be sure to save the image as a PSD fi le or Layered TIFF to preserve future fl exibility.

Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P3


When using Photoshop CS4, you can now apply perspective transfor- mations to Smart Objects as well.. Simply follow the instruction in the. You can create tool presets that already have the values for a tool loaded.. When the Crop tool is selected, you’ll see its icon in the upper-left corner of the Options bar. Click the Create new tool preset icon in the drop-down menu (it looks like a pad of paper)..

Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P4


With Photoshop CS4, you can now access the intuitive tools of Adobe Kuler to quickly create new color themes. You can create a free account to store themes as well as participate in Kuler forums and rate other users’ themes.. Just click the submenu (triangle) in the upper-right corner of the Swatches panel. Be sure to check back often because you can view by criteria such as the newest, highest rated, and most popular themes.

Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques- P1


Figure 1.1a Photoshop’s CS4 interface is less cluttered than previous versions, but still very customizable.. Figure 1.1b The PC version of Photoshop CS4 looks and works the same as the Mac version. You’ll notice, however, that the menu bar is slightly different.. Those gray borders around the panels are actually the docks, and they are permanently stuck to the sides of the Photoshop window..



A lot of these techniques, since they’re based on real examples, have type as a part of the design, so in most cases, I tried to use fonts that come with Photoshop CS4 and get installed auto- matically when you install Photoshop..

Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques- P5


Figure 3.73 Photoshop CS4’s Curves dialog.. If you click the Curve Display Options button, the Curves dialog displays additional con- trols (Figure 3.74).. Figure 3.75 When black is at the top, you’re using ink. Figure 3.76 When white is at the top, you’re using light. Figure 3.74 Clicking the Curve Display Options arrow displays additional controls.. it’s just a personal preference (Figure 3.77). Figure 3.77 Option/Alt-click anywhere on the grid to toggle between a 25%.

PHOTOSHOP CS4 QuickSteps- P9


If you own Photoshop CS4 Extended, you can easily make dramatic video clips by changing the position of the blend layer’s contents or the base layer’s visual content over time.. The remaining blend modes on the drop-down list on the Layers panel are terrific for performing significant edits to images, and they are quite straightforward.. Hue, Color, and the other modes covered in the next sections only modify one color attribute based on the HSL color model—such as saturation.



If you’re using Photoshop CS4’s tabbed windows feature, it’s a bit clunkier. You’ll click-and-drag the paper texture image itself up to the tab for your photo document and just pause there a moment. The photo document will appear, and you’ll drag your cursor down to the center of your photo area, then release the mouse button, and.



Press D to set your Foreground color to black, then get the Horizontal Type tool (T) and type in the letter “G” using the font Charlemagne Std Bold (it comes in- stalled with Photoshop CS4). Now that your selection is in place, you don’t need the Type layer any longer, so drag it onto the Trash icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.. STEP TWO: Create a new blank layer by clicking on the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel..

Foundation Fireworks CS4- P11


Fireworks integration with, 19–25 importing a file in Fireworks, 19–21 importing a PNG file into, 24–25 support in Fireworks, 11–12 working with shapes from, 24 Photoshop CS4. See Photoshop Photoshop Export Options dialog, 12, 25 Photoshop File Import Options dialog, in. Photoshop File Open Options dialog, 11 in Fireworks CS4, 21. Photoshop PSD file, saving file as, 12 PICT format, available in Fireworks, 79 Pixel Dimensions section, in Photoshop.

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 82


Adobe Photoshop comes in two editions: Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Extended. If you’re already familiar with Photoshop CS4, you can access and download all the tasks in this book with Adobe Photoshop CS5 New Features to help make your tran- sition to the new version simple and smooth. The Photoshop CS5 New Features as well as other Photoshop CS4 to Photoshop CS5 transition helpers are available on the Web at www.perspection.com..

The Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Dictionary: The a to Z Desktop Reference of Photoshop- P5


The Rounded Rectangle tool (1) is one of the vector shape drawing tools available in Photoshop.. The size of the radius used for the rounded corners can be set in the tool’s options bar (3).. The size of the sample area can be set in the tool’s options bar (1). CS3/CS4 contains four additional average sample sizes above the 5 by 5 pixel maximum available in the previous version of the program.. This setting still resides on the options bar of the tools with which it can be used..

Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers- P24


Phillips, Adam, web site address, 414 photo cube, simulating (3D), 437–439 Photoshop CS4 documents, importing. Playback options, in HTML Settings panel, 677. Player option, in Flash settings panel, 671 playHandler() custom function, adding. in Flash CS4, 7. procedural modeling, in Flash CS4, 70 production-time shared libraries. 678–680. Quality options, in HTML Settings panel, 678. movie, creating in Flash, 657–660 player, showing compressor informa-.

Xóa chi tiết thừa trong ảnh với Photoshop


Xóa chi tiết thừa trong ảnh với Photoshop. Mặc dù không khác gì nhiều so với Photoshop CS4 nhưng bản 5 của dòng sản phẩm này vẫn có những thứ khiến người ta phải thèm muốn.. Photoshop CS 5 là phiên bản tiếp theo của dòng sản phẩm chuyên về xử lý ảnh của Adobe. Mặc dù vừa ra mắt không lâu nhưng Photoshop CS 5 đã khiến nhiều người dùng phải thèm muốn vì những chức năng độc đáo vô cùng hữu dụng mà Adobe mới thêm vào ở phiên bản mới này..

Hướng dẫn sử dụng Photoshop CS5 Phần 19


Việc xử lý những góc cạnh của thiết bị này hết sức đơn giản và dễ dàng, vì chỉ cần chọn những đường thẳng bằng công cụ Polygonal Lasso của Photoshop:. Và chọn 4 góc tương ứng như sau:. Tiếp theo, mở bức ảnh sẽ xuất hiện bên trong chiếc TV này:. Quay trở lại bức ảnh chứa đối tượng hiển thị bên ngoài (ở đây là chiếc TV) và chọn Edit từ thanh menu >. Nếu bạn đang sử dụng Photoshop CS4 hoặc những phiên bản trước đó, chỉ cần chọn Edit >. Paste Into, kết quả sẽ như sau:.

Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P9


This fi lter is appropriately named because it generates a bell-shaped curve when Photoshop applies a weighted average to the pixels. This fi lter is very fast and has great controls. The Lens Blur fi lter adds a very needed depth-of- fi eld blur to Photoshop. The Motion Blur fi lter produces a very photore- alistic simulation of a delayed exposure. This fi lter blurs an equal amount in two directions, which can be set from an angle dial.

The Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Dictionary: The a to Z Desktop Reference of Photoshop- P4


The Maximize mode is one of the many ways that open pictures can be viewed in the Photoshop workspace. The same information is available in the options bar of the tool in CS3 and CS4.. The Merge Down command combines the contents of the selected layer with the one directly beneath it in the layer stack.. Layers can be hidden from view (made not visible) by clicking the Eye icon on the left of the layer in the Layers palette.