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Renal disease

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Comparison of regional and local anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula creation in end-stage renal disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Anaesthesia for chronic renal disease and renal transplantation. Capdevila X, Biboulet P, Morau D, et al. Abdelrahman Ibrahim Abushouk.: regional versus local anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula creation in end-stage renal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis



CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. In the past decade, the incidence of the CKD in children has steadily increased, with poor and ethnic minority children disproportionately affected.. The definition and classification of chronic renal disease may help identify affected patients, possibly resulting in the early institution of effective therapy. To achieve this goal, the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) working group of the National Kidney Foundation of the United States defined CKD as.

Chapter 045. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities (Part 4)


When prerenal and postrenal azotemia have been excluded as etiologies of renal failure, an intrinsic parenchymal renal disease is present. Intrinsic renal disease can arise from processes involving large renal vessels, intrarenal microvasculature and glomeruli, or tubulointerstitium. Ischemic and toxic ATN account for ~90% of acute intrinsic renal failure.

Chapter 007. Medical Disorders during Pregnancy (Part 3)


When renal disease worsens during pregnancy, close collaboration between the nephrologist and the maternal-fetal medicine specialist is essential so that decisions regarding delivery can be weighed in the context of sequelae of prematurity for the neonate versus long-term sequelae for the mother with respect to future renal function.. Cardiac Disease. Valvular Heart Disease. (See also Chap. 230) This is the most common cardiac problem complicating pregnancy.. Mitral Stenosis.

Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery part 43


plug 188–9 extrasphincteric fistulas 186 fibrin glue 187–8. postoperative hemorrhage 323–4 postoperative ileus 140. preoperative cardiac disease 3–4 ACC 4. anesthesia consultation 1 cardiovascular disease 3–4 diabetes 8. renal disease 5–6 using scoring systems 2 preoperative risk assessment. purchasing principles 160–1 and outcome measures 165 radiation therapy 306.

Chapter 045. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities (Part 2)


Azotemia may result from reduced renal perfusion, intrinsic renal disease, or postrenal processes (ureteral obstruction. see below and Fig. Precise determination of GFR is problematic as both commonly measured indices (urea and creatinine) have characteristics that affect their accuracy as markers of clearance. GFR because of tubule urea reabsorption. Creatinine is derived from muscle metabolism of creatine, and its generation varies little from day to day.

Chapter 007. Medical Disorders during Pregnancy (Part 1)


Risk factors for the development of preeclampsia include nulliparity, diabetes mellitus, a history of renal disease or chronic hypertension, a prior history of preeclampsia, extremes of maternal age (>35 years or <15 years), obesity, factor V Leiden mutation, angiotensinogen gene T235, G20210A prothrombin gene mutation, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and multiple gestation..

Chapter 046. Sodium and Water (Part 17)


Decreased aldosterone synthesis may be due to primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease) or congenital adrenal enzyme deficiency (Chap.. Heparin (including low-molecular-weight heparin) inhibits production of aldosterone by the cells of the zona glomerulosa and can lead to severe hyperkalemia in a subset of patients with underlying renal disease, diabetes mellitus, or those receiving K + -sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or NSAIDs..

Chapter 045. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities (Part 8)


Anderson S et al: Renal and systemic manifestations of glomerular disease, in Brenner &. Rector's The Kidney, 7th ed, BM Brenner (ed). Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004, pp 1927–1954. Berl T, Verbalis J: Pathophysiology of water metabolism, in Brenner &. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004, pp 857–920. Kasiske BL, Keane WF: Laboratory assessment of renal disease:. Clearance, urinalysis and renal biopsy, in Brenner &. Rector's The Kidney, 7th ed,. BM Brenner (ed).

Chapter 030. Disorders of Smell, Taste, and Hearing (Part 5)


Patients with renal disease have increased thresholds for sweet and sour tastes, which resolves with dialysis.. Transport Gustatory Losses. Heavy-metal intoxication. Radiation therapy. Neural Gustatory Losses. Sensory Gustatory Losses. Endocrine disorders. Viral infections (especially with herpes viruses). Renal disease. Upper respiratory tract infections. A side effect of medication is the single most common cause of taste dysfunction in clinical practice.

Chapter 058. Anemia and Polycythemia (Part 11)


Historic features useful in the differential diagnosis include smoking history. or a history of congenital heart disease, peptic ulcer disease, sleep apnea, chronic lung disease, or renal disease.. Patients with polycythemia may be asymptomatic or experience symptoms related to the increased red cell mass or an underlying disease process that leads to increased red cell production.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 1)


The anemias associated with renal disease, inflammation, cancer, and hypometabolic states are characterized by an abnormal erythropoietin response to the anemia.. Iron Metabolism. Iron is a critical element in the function of all cells, although the amount of iron required by individual tissues varies during development.

Chapter 024. Gait and Balance Disorders (Part 4)


Patients with neuromuscular disease often have an abnormal gait, occasionally as a presenting feature. Patients with myopathy or muscular dystrophy more typically exhibit proximal weakness. Disequilibrium is particularly evident in patients with chronic renal disease and those with hepatic failure, in whom asterixis may impair postural support. Some patients with extreme anxiety or phobia walk with exaggerated caution with abduction of the arms, as if walking on ice..

Applying logistic regression to predict diabetic nephropathy based on some clinical and paraclinical characteristics of type 2 diabetic patients


Lepore, Lipids and Renal Disease, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol. https://doi.org/10.1681/ASN . 852-871, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell . Alessia, Systemic and Renal Lipids in Kidney Disease Development and Progression, American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, Vol. F433-F445, https://doi.org/. 10.1152/ajprenal .

Chapter 030. Disorders of Smell, Taste, and Hearing (Part 8)


These include Usher syndrome (retinitis pigmentosa and hearing loss), Waardenburg syndrome (pigmentary abnormality and hearing loss), Pendred syndrome (thyroid organification defect and hearing loss), Alport syndrome (renal disease and hearing loss), Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (prolonged QT interval and hearing loss), neurofibromatosis type 2 (bilateral acoustic schwannoma), and. Cytoskeletal protein. Usher syndrome MYO7A Cytoskeletal protein. PCDH15 Cell adhesion molecule.

Nghiên cứu nồng độ Asymmetric Dimethylarginine huyết tương ở bệnh nhân bệnh thận mạn giai đoạn cuối


Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease”, Kidney Blood Press Res, vol.38, pp:72-82.. Wagner L, Riggleman A, Erdely A, Couser W, Baylis C (2002), “Reduced nitric oxide synthase activity in rats with chronic renal disease due to glomerulonephritis”, Kidney Int, vol.62, pp:.

Chapter 052. Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder (Part 2)


Systemic conditions that can be associated with pruritus include chronic renal disease, cholestasis, pregnancy, malignancy, thyroid disease, polycythemia vera, and delusions of parasitosis.. A schematic representation of several common primary skin lesions (see Table 52-1).

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 10)


Renal Disease. to severe. Mild Mild to. 80–90 90 90. SI <30 <50 Normal Normal. TIBC >360 <300 Normal Normal. <10 10–20 Normal Normal. Anemia of Renal Disease. Chronic renal failure is usually associated with a moderate to severe hypoproliferative anemia. the level of the anemia correlates with the severity of. the renal failure. The anemia is primarily due to a failure to produce adequate amounts of EPO and a reduction in red cell survival.

Association between sarcopenia and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease


ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SARCOPENIA AND RENAL FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. Objectives: To determine the association between sarcopenia and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease at the National Geriatric Hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study included of 180 chronic kidney disease outpatients aged 60 and over who were diagnosed and treatedat National Geriatric Hospital.. Sarcopenia was indentified according to National Institutes of Health criteria FNIH.

Chronic kidney disease in community


Over the past decades, the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) figures demonstrate a progressive increase in the number of diabetics entering end-stage renal failure programs. Many studies in the last 30 years have shown that strict control of glucosemia levels can delay the progression of CKD, along with other vascular complications of the disease. Chronic Kidney Disease in Community 77. higher than the general population and increased risks are evident even in mild kidney disease (8).