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Dầu cho hộp số và động cơ - những điều cần biết


D u cho h p s và đ ng c - nh ng đi u c n bi t ầ ộ ố ộ ơ ữ ề ầ ế. Ph i s d ng đúng lo i ầ ộ ố ấ ọ ộ ố ự ộ ả ử ụ ạ d u mà nhà s n xu t quy đ nh,...

Quy trình kiểm định phương tiện cơ giới


Lưu đồ đăng kiểm phương tiện cơ giới đường bộ tại các trạm đăng kiểm Việt Nam.. Phương tiện đăng kiểm. Kiểm tra số động cơ Kiểm tra màu sơn Kiểm tra số khung Kiểm tra biển đăng ký. Kiểm tra những thay đổi tổng. Kiểm tra ly hợp. Kiểm tra hệ thống di chuyển Kiểm tra hệ thùng vỏ....

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P1


This is the deceleration time history at a point in the vehicle during impact. The crash pulse at a point on the rocker panel at the B-pillar is presumed to identify the significant structural behavior and the gross motion of the vehicle in a frontal impact. The nature of the crash response depends on the mass, structural stiffness, damping at...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P2


0.9 shown in the plot). shown in the plot).. The difference of the first two terms is then the minimum safe distance needed for no collision. The third term is the extra distance needed due to the reaction time of the driver in the following vehicle to apply his brakes.. (This excludes the reaction times of the drivers shown in...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P3


CRASH PULSE CHARACTERIZATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION. To achieve this objective, it is frequently desirable to characterize vehicle crash pulses such that parametric optimization of the crash performance can be defined. In addition, the kinematic responses of the test such as transient acceleration, velocity, displacement in time domain, and energy absorption in the displacement domain are compared. Each one of the approximation...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P4


(2.34) The power rate densities based on the original FEW coefficients and the all-negative coefficients for the three full-size vehicle tests are shown in Figs. Note that in Fig.. 2.31, the must-activate tests, #2' and #3', are well separated from the #1 test after the introduction of the all-negative coefficients.. The application of the methodology to real time sensing application,...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P5


A crash pulse is the time history of the response of a vehicle system subjected to an impact or excitation. The dynamic characteristics of the system can be described by using a “hardware” or a. Then, under a different impact condition, the torso response in the non-impacting side can then be predicted by convoluting the FIR coefficients with the accelerometer...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P6


3.31 TT of the Body Mount in Truck F. 3.31 shows the accelerometer data of the frame and body at the B-Pillar of truck F (with type F body mount) with a duration of 20 ms in a 35 mph rigid barrier test. The duration of the frame impulse lasts about 10 ms and the peak magnitude is about -135...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P7


During the ridedown, the vehicle undergoes a deformation process which is the first collision of the event, followed by the second collision where the occupant travels and contacts the vehicle interior surface or restraint. Using a simple occupant vehicle model, the ridedown mechanism is described mathematically and the computation of the ridedown efficiency is shown in closed-form solutions. Consequently, the...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P8


Shown in Fig. 4.39, the impulses of the two vehicles between 0 to 20 ms are mainly due to the stiff front rail design and damping of the body mount. They are not considered the decelerations of the main body of the truck. It will be shown in Chapter 5 that the impulsive transient responses at the beginning of the...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P9


The purpose of the closed-form analysis is to investigate the dynamic responses of two dynamically equivalent hybrid models. The unloading of one mass in a model may produce loading of the neighboring masses, thereby, affecting the total system model responses.. The hybrid model has been used in an impact dynamics study of the body mount in a body-on- frame vehicle...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P10


(5.36) and shown in Fig. The slope of the curve at point F i is f '(F i. F i is the value of the independent variable at iteration i. The iteration process continues until F i and F i+1 converge to the solution of the function in which f(F i+1 ) approaches zero.. In the dynamic simulation during the...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P11


This is followed by the application of the CG (center of gravity) motion theorem in an analysis of multiple vehicle collisions and the circle of constant acceleration (COCA) for the g-loading of vehicles.. Before presenting applications of the principles of impulse and momentum, definitions of these important dynamic variables will be made:. its magnitude is the mass of the object...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P12


Substituting this in the above equation gives for the maximum deformation. The spring mass is uniformly distributed along the length of the spring and has a finite weight, W s = W b. First, it should be noted that the spring mass will contribute to the kinetic energy during deflection of the spring, since each differential element of mass along...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P13


In the development of a new vehicle platform, its crashworthiness is an important concern, and it is imperative to compare the impact severity of the vehicle and occupants under various test and design conditions. Recognizing the existence of the impact and/or excitation, the closed-form formulas derived in Section 4.11 of Chapter 4 can be utilized to solve problems. In the...

Vehicle Crash Dynamics P14


This section presents a model with power curve force deflection, as shown in Fig. The crash severity of the Merkur will then be analyzed and compared with that of NCAP (New Car Assessment Program) at a 35 mph rigid barrier test condition.. Modeling of the two-vehicle impact was effected using a two-mass and two-EA (non-linear- spring Energy Absorber) model. In...

Hướng dẫn sử dụng Star Auto Scanner


M áy quét tự động Star là sản phẩm mới nhất chuyên dùng cho chuẩn đoán. Đặc tính kết nối truyền thông : Thuận tiện cho cập nhật. Với đặc tr−ng riêng của sự cập nhật phần mềm qua mạng làm dễ dàng hơn cho ng−ời dùng để có ch−ơng trình chuẩn đoán mới nhất và theo kịp tốc độ...

Ô tô - Những vấn đề chung


1.1 Sự phỏt triển của mỏy múc thiết bị. éa dạng về chủng loại thiết bị. Kớch thước của cỏc chi tiết mỏy cú 2 xu hướng thu gọ và lớn.. Kích th−ớc chi tiết máy lớn. Cơ cấu điều khiển C/C Kiểmtra. Nguồn Năng lượng Hệ thống biến đổi động lực Cơ cấu chấp hành. Cơ cấu cụng tỏc....

Ô tô - Các trạng thái kỹ thuật của máy


Sai lệch giữa hai bề mặt tiếp xúc. Hai bề mặt không song song, không vuông góc,. Sự sai lệch do bị lồi trên các bề mặt Nguyên nhân. Thông th−ờng h− hỏng xảy ra trên các bề mặt làm việc, bề mặt tiếp xúc.. 2.4.1 Các bề mặt làm việc. Bề mặt là biên giới của 2 pha khác...

Ô tô - Các phương pháp kiểm tra chi tiết máy và máy


Ch−¬ng 3 : C¸c ph−¬ng ph¸p kiÓm tra. chi tiÕt m¸y vµ m¸y. 3.1 C¸c ph−¬ng ph¸p kiÓm tra kh«ng ph¸ huû : 3.1.1 Ph−¬ng ph¸p quan s¸t bªn ngoµi. Quan s¸t b»ng m¾t c¸c vÕt nøt, lç thñng, chi tiÕt bÞ biÕn d¹ng cong, vªnh, xo¾n,. 3.1.2 Ph−¬ng ph¸p ®o ®¹c kÝch th−íc. øng dông ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh ®é...