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Chủ đề : Côn trùng học

Có 20+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "Côn trùng học"

Luận án Tiến sĩ Sinh học: Nghiên cứu thực trạng véc tơ sốt xuất huyết Dengue và hiệu quả một số biện pháp phòng chống muỗi Aedes tại huyện Diên Khánh, tỉnh Khánh Hòa, giai đoạn 2015- 2019


Hóa chất diệt côn trùng. Sử dụng hóa chất diệt bọ gậy Aedes. Mức độ nhạy kháng, cơ chế kháng với hóa chất của muỗi Ae.aegypti . Các chỉ số muỗi Ae.aegypti giai đoạn 2015- 2017. Đánh giá hiệu lực diệt bọ gậy của hóa chất temebate. Tỷ lệ bọ gậy Ae.aegypti trong dụng cụ chứa nước có bọ gậy...

Kí sinh trùng sốt rét kháng thuốc


kí kí sinh sinh tr tr ù ù ng ng s s ố ố t t rét rét Kháng thuốc. Bộ môn Sốt rét - Kí sinh trùng và Côn trùng. Nắm được định nghĩa và cơ chế kháng thuốc.. Lịch sử kí sinh trùng sốt rét kháng thuốc. Năm xuất hiện kháng thuốc. Lịch sử kí sinh trùng sốt...

Lớp nhện


Gi Gi ớ ớ i i thi thi ệ ệ u u l l ớ ớ p p nh nh ệ ệ n n. Gi Gi ớ ớ i i thi thi ệ ệ u u h h ọ ọ ve ve. Ve có thể truyền được nhiều loại mầm bệnh:. Mầm bệnh là Rickettsia:. S S ố ố t...

Bài giảng về Côn trùng học


Bài giảng Côn trùng. CÔN TRÙNG ĐẠI CƯƠNG. HÌNH THÁI HỌC CÔN TRÙNG (2 tiết. CÔN TRÙNG CHUYÊN KHOA. của côn trùng.. Nguồn gốc của côn trùng: Đọc tài liệu 2. Một số đặc điểm của lớp côn trùng. VAI TRÒ CỦA CÔN TRÙNG ĐỐI VỚI CÂY TRỒNG, CON NGƯỜI VÀ XÃ HỘI (Đọc sgk). Tác hại của côn trùng...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 1


In the present chapter we shall examine the possible origins of the Insecta, that is, the evolutionary relationships of this group with other arthropods. In order to do this mean- ingfully it is useful first to review the features of the other groups of arthropods. Their arthropodan features include a hemocoelic body cavity, the develop- ment and structure of the...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 2


In this chapter, we shall examine the evolutionary development of the tremendous variety of insects that we see today. Carpenter (1992), however, included the Monura as a suborder of the Microcoryphia. and (5) the nature of the ancestral insects;. Various suggestions have been made to account for development of the paranota. Enlargement and articulation of the paranotal lobes were associated...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 3


The degree of movement at a joint depends on the extent of the cuticular membrane. A monocondylic joint has only one articulatory surface, and at this joint movement may be partially rotary (e.g., the articulation of the antennae with the head). this undergoes considerable modification in the thoracic region of the body. If it indicates an invagination of the exoskeleton...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 4


Systematics may be defined as the study of the kinds and diversity of organisms and the relationships among them. This may be especially true of entomological systematists who, faced with the enormous diversity of the Insecta, tend to be seen as. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a short introduction to the systematics of insects, including some of...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 5


Traditionally, the groups included in the term “apterygote hexapods,” namely, the Collem- bola, Protura, Diplura, and Thysanura (including Microcoryphia and Zygentoma), were considered orders of primitively wingless insects and placed in the subclass Apterygota (Ametabola). As more information on their structure and habits has become available, it has become apparent that (1) their status as insects (except for Thysanura) is...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 6


In the infraclass Paleoptera are the orders Ephemeroptera (mayflies) and Odonata (drag- onflies and damselflies), the living species of which represent the few remains of two formerly very extensive groups. They possess the following common features that unite them as Paleoptera: wings that cannot be folded back against the body when not in use, retention of the anterior median wing...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 7


Prior to mating, many Arctoperlaria tap the substrate with the tip of the abdomen (drumming). Proposed phylogeny of the Plecoptera. By permission of the American Entomological Society. By permission of the Illinois Natural History Survey.]. By permission of the American Entomological Society.]. The phylogeny of the order is discussed by Illies (1965) and Zwick . Illies, J., 1965, Phylogeny and...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 8


The sitophore sclerite is situated on the ventral surface of the base of the cibarium. Four Malpighian tubules originate at the posterior end of the midgut, which is long and convoluted. Species associated with humans live on cereal products or, in the case of the common booklice, molds that develop on old books.. Of the four hemipteroid orders, the Psocoptera...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 9


A characteristic feature of most Mecoptera is the ventral prolongation of the head into a broad rostrum. The aedeagus lies at the base of the claspers. The length of the prepupal phase is varied and may include a diapause. Proposed phylogeny of the extant Mecoptera. Willmann, 1987, The phylogenetic system of the Mecoptera, Syst. By permission of the Illinois Natural...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 10


Nearctic alderflies of the genus Sialis (Megaloptera, Sialidae), Bull. By permission of the Illinois Natural History Survey. The wing-coupling apparatus is of the jugofrenate type. The structure of the internal organs is poorly known. Before emergence pharate adults wriggle to the surface of the pupation medium.. (2001), and Aspock (2002) discuss the phylogenetic position of the ¨ order. Aspock, U.,...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 11


In addition to these primary functions, the cuticular component of the integument performs a number of secondary duties. The color of insects is also a function of the integument, especially the cuticular component.. Epidermal cells may form specialized glands that produce components of the cuticle or may develop into particular parts of sense organs. The innermost component of the integument...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 12


side of the integument, on the wall of the gut, or alongside muscles or connective tissue where they function as proprioceptors (Type II neurons) (Section 2.2). All types of sensilla, with the possible exception of the ommatidia of the compound eye, are homologous and derived from cuticular hairs.. Specifically, they pump K + ions into the space that surrounds the...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 13


The nature of the response depends, obviously, on the nature of the stimulus. These giant fibers may run µµ the length of the nerve cord without synapsing and are unbranched except at their termini.. By permission of the author. Albrecht, 1953, The Anatomy of the Migratory Locust. By permission of The Athlone Press. Hill, 1977, The Comparative Endocrinology of the...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 14


Development of this ability early in the evolution of the class has made the Insecta the most diverse and successful animal group (Chapter 2, Section 3.1).. that is, there are no muscles in insects of the smooth (non-striated) type. Because of their small size and the variable composition of the hemolymph of insects, the neuromuscular system has some unique features...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 15


Diffusion alone, therefore, as a means of obtaining oxygen or excreting carbon dioxide can be employed only by small organisms whose surface area/volume ratio is high (i.e., where all cells are relatively close to the surface of the body) and organisms whose metabolic rate is low.. In other words, specialized respiratory structures with large surface areas and/or transport systems that...

Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 16


Distinct visual, chemical, and mechanical cues act at each step of the food location and ingestion process. The sensitivity of the insect to these cues varies with its physiological state. Sensilla on the labial and maxillary palps then taste the surface waxes of the plant, after which the locust takes a small bite. Whether feeding continues is sometimes determined by...