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Slang and uncoventional english part 22


the gift of the gab UK , 1968 . Also ‘chat up’ UK , 1898 . chatter verb (used of a car) to vibrate as a result of loose parts in the drive line US , 1954. chavtastic adjective unashamedly in the chav style UK , 2004. A figurative use of an old form of ‘chew’ UK , 1959. ‘cheap...

Slang and uncoventional english part 23


From the appearance of opium in an early stage of manufacture US , 1953. chinger verb to grumble. Derives from ‘ching-ching’, the phonetic interpretation of a Chinese courtesy, adopted as a racist term, now obsolete. chinwag verb to chat, to converse UK , 1920. Usually used in the plural. chip verb 1 to use drugs occasionally or irregularly. chip back...

Slang and uncoventional english part 24


In 2003 this type of pipe is enjoying a small revival in fashion as a result of the films in the Lord of the Rings trilogy UK , 1863. churn verb to schedule unnecessary return visits to a doctor to increase fees US , 1991 . churn out verb to produce a large quantity of something, especially without too much...

Slang and uncoventional english part 25


coachman’s knob noun an erection of the penis caused by the vibrations whilst travelling on public transport UK , 2003. coal cracker noun a resident of the anthracite coal region of northeastern Pennsylvania US , 1997. A figurative use of the mining reality UK , 1995. Rhyming slang for ‘black’ UK , 1992. the Coast 1 the west coast of...

Slang and uncoventional english part 26


All have the sense ‘to fall apart’. come up verb 1 (of drugs) to start having an effect. A variation of the earlier COME ON UK , 1996 . come up on verb to have a win on a lottery, or football pool, or the like UK , 1984. A reflection of the degree of attention given to the log...

Slang and uncoventional english part 27


corner verb 1 to force someone into an embarrassing or difficult pos- ition. corner boy noun 1 an urban youth who idles in the street US , 1971. cornhole verb 1 to take the active role in anal sex US , 1938 . A figurative use of the previous sense US , 1974. corn-row verb to fix hair in tight...

Slang and uncoventional english part 28


crash out verb to escape from prison US , 1954. crate noun 1 an old and dilapidated car US , 1927 . crawfish verb to evade someone or something. crawl noun 1 in television and film-making, titles that roll from the bottom of the screen to the top US , 1990 . crawl verb 1 to behave sycophantically AUSTRALIA ,...

Slang and uncoventional english part 29


on ‘green’, the colour of the cucumber and a slang term for ‘inex- perienced’. 3 piss, in the phrase ‘take the piss’ (to make a fool of. cuds noun the countryside UK , 1995. put your cue in the rack to die. jamming noun the act of inverting and subverting advertising matter by anticorporate activists. From ‘cunk’, imitative of the...

Slang and uncoventional english part 30


2 in cricket, a fast ball bowled in such a way that it barely clears the surface of the pitch UK , 1863. Daisy Dormer adjective warmer, especially of the weather. Rhyming slang, formed on the name of a music hall entertainer. originally used as a noun in the sense as a ‘bed-warmer’ UK , 1960. Named after a character...

Slang and uncoventional english part 31


decent adjective 1 sufficiently dressed for standards of propriety, especially in the phrase ‘are you decent. Generally used with ‘the’ UK , 1883. decision verb to win a boxing match by a decision of the judges as opposed to with a knock-out US , 1979. A critical component of a DJ in the modern sense of the term US ,...

Slang and uncoventional english part 32


Generally used with ‘the’ AUSTRALIA , 1967. dee-dee verb to leave. die verb 1 to want something very much UK , 1709 . die in the arse. Diefenbunker noun the secure fallout shelter for high Canadian government officials to use in case of national disaster CANADA , 1995. Probably suggestive of the taste or appearance UK , 1996. diesel therapy...

Slang and uncoventional english part 33


12 when combined with a name (of a very recognisable person or group) that is used as a generic noun, to behave in the manner of that person or group of people, as in, for example, ‘do a Lord Lucan’ (to disappear mysteriously) UK , 1934 . do bears shit in the woods? yes. doc in the box noun a...

Slang and uncoventional english part 34


from the door from the outset US , 1967. do out of verb to swindle someone out of something UK , 1825. From the sense as an. do over verb 1 to beat someone up UK , 1866 . doo-wop noun a musical style popular in the 1950s, featuring nonsense syllables sung in close harmony US , 1969. dop verb...

Slang and uncoventional english part 35


dribble verb 1 to cause a car to bounce up and down by use of hydraulic lifts. drift verb to leave US , 1853. drill verb 1 to have sex from a male perspective. drill down verb to examine or investigate something in depth. in the drink in pool, said of a cue ball that falls into a pocket US...

Slang and uncoventional english part 36


the anglicised plural puts a cheap price on the drug US , 1971. duss verb to kill. on the dust working as a refuse collector UK , 1999. dust verb 1 to beat UK , 1612 . Rhyming slang for ‘kid’. Rhyming slang for YID UK , 1979. dust off verb 1 to kill US , 1940 . dust puppy...

Slang and uncoventional english part 37


El noun an elevated railway. A personification of the drug by elaboration of E (MDMA) UK , 2003. A phoentic rendition of the abbreviation ‘lb’ (pound) US , 1997 . elbow cake noun in the Gaspe region of Canada, a hot biscuit CANADA , 1998. elderberry noun an older homosexual man UK , 1979. elder days noun in computing, the...

Slang and uncoventional english part 38


4 a haircut style in which the sides of the head are closely cut and the top of the head is not. fade verb 1 to leave, to disappear US , 1899 . fade away verb to become quiet US , 1947. faff around verb to mess about. fag around verb (of presumptively heterosexual male friends) to joke around or...

Slang and uncoventional english part 39


ferret noun 1 the penis. ferstay verb to understand CANADA , 1987. fess up verb to confess US , 1840. fetch verb 1 to deliver (a blow). fetch up verb to arrive, especially to arrive eventually US , 1858. Sometimes embellished to ‘fever in the South’. FFF verb to find, fix, and finish. fiddle verb 1 to swindle UK ,...

Slang and uncoventional english part 40


flag verb 1 to label or categorise someone US , 1992 . 2 in the military, to make an entry on a soldier’s record which will prevent further promotion US , 1970 . flag country noun in the US Navy, the area where an admiral works US , 1991. In the US, flag football is played with a tame set...

Slang and uncoventional english part 41


fly the bean flag to be experiencing the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US , 1954. fly the red flag to experience the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US , 1954 . A term which has enjoyed three bursts of popularity – in the swing jazz era of the late 1930s, the emergence of black exploitation films in...