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Slang and uncoventional english part 1


The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. The Concise New Partridge presents, for the first time, all the slang terms from the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English in a single volume.. With over 60,000 entries from around the English-speaking world, the Concise gives you the language of beats, hipsters, Teddy Boys, mods and rockers,...

Slang and uncoventional english part 2


Dr Richard Allsopp, a native of Guyana, is Director of the Caribbean Lexicography Project and former Reader in English Language and Linguistics, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados. Dr Dianne Bardsley is Manager of the New Zealand Dictionary Centre at Victoria University of Wellington. She was contributing editor for the New Zealand Oxford Dictionary and is currently leading...

Slang and uncoventional english part 3


Some notes on the challenges of lexicography, drawn entirely from the writings of Eric Partridge . The flavour, and wisdom, of Partridge’s work is gathered in the quotations that follow, loosely grouped by subject, and presented under sub-headings that make new use of a selection of his book and article titles.. From about 1850, slang has been the accepted term...

Slang and uncoventional english part 4


achiever noun a devoted fan of the film The Big Lebowski. In the film, the rich Lebowski sponsors a programme named the ‘Little Lebowski Urban Achievers’ US , 2004. Especially in the phrase ‘come the old acid’ UK , 1962. Three ‘e’s seem to be a constant in the various spellings that attempt to capture the fervour generated by early...

Slang and uncoventional english part 5


A shortening of the conventional, already partially euphemistic ‘all that sort of thing’ UK , 1970. By ellipsis from conventional ‘all the best of luck/fortune’, etc UK , 1968. In Bingo, House or Tombola, the for- mula ‘all the’ announces a double number. Varies numerically, from ‘all the twos’ (22) to ‘all the eights’ (88). all the go adjective in...

Slang and uncoventional english part 6


arsehole noun 1 the anus. Literally the hole in the ARSE (buttocks, posterior). Widely used in the UK and Australia, it is a stronger term than ASSHOLE , the US equivalent from which it derives UK , 1977. Arsenal are at home the bleed period of the menstrual cycle. Artful Dodger noun the penis. Artful Dodger nickname Roger Staubach (b...

Slang and uncoventional english part 7


backdoor noun 1 the anus and rectum UK , 1694 . backdoor verb 1 to commit adultery US , 1982 . backfield noun the supporting members of a criminal group US , 1970. backfire verb to fart UK , 1998. backflash noun in pinball, the painted glass panel at the front of the machine. back in the saddle. back in...

Slang and uncoventional english part 8


Greengrocer’s familiar abbreviation, usually in the plural UK , 1984. 9 the convex curvature of the bottom of a surfboard US , 1965 . banana boy noun a young white man brought up in the Anglo- Saxon tradition of Natal, later KwaZulu-Natal. ‘to become mad’ is ‘to go bananas’ US , 1957. A reference to the banana-like smell of the...

Slang and uncoventional english part 9


From the signalling ‘bats’ the officer carries UK , 1962 . have bats in the belfry to be mad or eccentric UK , 1911. From the phrase HAVE BATS IN THE BELFRY UK , 1911. In the structure ‘batten on someone’ AUSTRALIA , 1964. battery verb to knock. Battle of Hastings adjective history, in the past. The one historical date...

Slang and uncoventional english part 10


been-there medal noun the Vietnam Campaign Service Medal US , 1991. any one of the more prestigious US universities UK , 1982. beeper noun 1 the telephone US , 1968 . Rhyming slang, from the slogan. beer belly noun the protruding stomach of an excessive beer drinker US , 1960. beer compass noun the homing instinct that remains active when...

Slang and uncoventional english part 11


Because there are two ways to hit it, it is a bigger target, hence a ‘big ball’ US , 1913 . A play on BIRD ( LIME ) (time served in prison) and ‘Big Bird’ a large puppet featured on Sesame Street, a children’s television programme since 1969 UK , 2000. The bigger the tank and the more weapons mounted...

Slang and uncoventional english part 12


bitch verb 1 to complain US , 1918 . bitch about verb to be unreliable and troublesome. bitch bath noun a cleaning of the body using little water, powder or other odour-masking agents US , 1953. bitch off verb to irritate someone US , 1975. bitch out verb to criticise someone harshly US , 1986. The initials of the toppings...

Slang and uncoventional english part 13


2 a minor fluctuation, usually upward, in the stock market or other measures of corporate fortunes US , 1988 . bliss cup noun in the usage of counterculturalists associated with the Rainbow Nation gatherings, a homemade cup or bowl for eating and drinking US , 1997. The B-list and C-list are the lesser ranks of the well-known and media-friendly who...

Slang and uncoventional english part 14


‘an American’ to signal the letters ‘bo’ UK , 1729 . As in the phrase ‘Bo Yakasha!’ used by cult comic figure Ali G (Sacha Baron-Cohen) UK , 2000. boards noun 1 the stage. boast verb 1 to brag as a part of a rap performance US , 2000 . bob verb to perform oral sex on a man US...

Slang and uncoventional english part 15


boogie verb 1 to dance, especially with abandon US , 1947 . boogie-joogie verb to fool around US , 1968. boohoo verb to cry loudly UK , 1840. 2 in the theatre, working as a prompter. book verb 1 to study US , 1968 . book up verb to study US , 1975. boolhipper noun a black leather jacket with...

Slang and uncoventional english part 16


box someone’s ears verb to hit someone round the head UK , 1601. boy beaver noun the male sex organs and pubic hair US , 1987. boy in the boat noun the clitoris US , 1916. boys noun 1 the male genitals. boys in blue noun the police. Rarely, if ever, occurs in the singular. Derives from the colour of...

Slang and uncoventional english part 18


bull-scare verb (used of the police) to frighten or intimidate someone without arresting them US , 1971. bullshit verb to deceive someone, to fool someone US , 1937. The introduction of this national tax in 1990 provoked protests, and the parody of the acronym BST in the Maritimes actually caused the government to change it to the HST (Harmonized Sales...

Slang and uncoventional english part 19


busticate verb 1 to break US , 1916 . bust off verb to experience orgasm. bust on verb 1 to criticise someone, to tease someone US , 1986 . bust-out noun a bankruptcy forced upon a business by organised crime, usually a lending enterprise owed money by the head of the business US , 1988. bus’ up verb to wreak...

Slang and uncoventional english part 20


From the sense of. Rhyming slang, formed on the name of the mistress (later wife) of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. From the novel by Alexandre Dumas US , 1994. in camp of a government or military officer, being based away from the regular place of duty INDIA , 2003. camp verb 1 to exhibit humorously exaggerated, dramatic, effeminate mannerisms...