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Developing Large Web Applications- P29


Because everything a module needs to function correctly is encapsulated inside the module class itself, you have a complete picture of what needs to change to support future variations.. Often, variations will require new parameters to configure the module, but you want to avoid altering code where the module is used already. There are a couple of ways to handle...

Developing Large Web Applications- P30


abandon (MVC), 211 abort action (MVC absolute positioning (CSS), 68 abstract interface accessibility, 36. and JSON caching with, 231–233 chained selection lists, 105 in the browser, 186–194 libraries, 189–194 modular, 198. on the server, 194–200 request example, 186. support for, 35, 188 testing requests, 201 using Expires headers, 233 aka “also-known-as” path, 235, 237 Akamai, 237. maintenance, 258–269 overview, 247...

Developing Large Web Applications- P31


Kyle Loudon is a software developer at Yahoo!, where he leads a group doing user interface development. Some of Kyle’s experiences prior to joining Yahoo! include working on the user interface for the original Apple iPod, writing software for other mobile devices, and leading the user interface group at Jeppesen DataPlan (a Boeing company) in the development of a flight-planning...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P2


The jQuery Stack. No matter what kind of ninja you are—a cooking ninja, a corporate lawyer ninja, or an actual ninja ninja—virtuosity lies in first mastering the basic tools of the trade.. Once conquered, it’s then up to the full-fledged ninja to apply that knowledge in creative and inventive ways.. Once you’ve chained together your first few actions, you’ll be...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P3


What’s the downside?. Of course, this is far from implying that jQuery is slow—the jQuery team seem to be obsessed with speed! Every new release is faster than the last, so any benefit you might derive from rolling your own JavaScript is shrinking every day.. Still, many of the libraries out there are of excellent quality and excel in other...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P4


For that reason, we’ll stick to using the id for this one!. We’ve selected the table successfully, though the table itself is of no interest to us—we want every other row inside it. We’ve selected the containing element, and from that containing element we want to pick out all the descendants that are table rows: that is, we want to...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P5


That said, we’d prefer to avoid displaying the show/hide button to users who’ll be unable to make use of it.. What we’d really like to do is add the button to the page via jQuery. So far we’ve seen the jQuery function used for selecting, but it does have another function of equal importance: creating new elements. jQuery performs several...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P6


It’s time to introduce a very exciting jQuery function, helpfully called animate , which lets you animate a whole host of CSS properties to fashion some striking effects of your own. There’s one caveat that you’ll need to remember:. that is to say, you’ll need to write marginLeft , instead of margin-left and back­. The time span parameter works exactly...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P7


Just replace the ones used here with any of the others from the easing plugin—you’ll be amazed at how much difference they make to the feel of the component. One of the great advantages to using a library such as jQuery is that you can try out a bunch of different alternatives fairly quickly, and pick the one you like...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P8


if ($('body').width() >. href="wide.css". $('link[href=wide.css]').remove();. We’ve named our function stylesheetToggle , and called it twice: once when the document first loads, and again whenever we resize. You’ll notice that we only need to pass the function’s name to the resize event handler. The Resizable plugin makes elements that you select able to be resized by adding a small handle to...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P9


For example, if you need to to know what value the code has stored in the top variable, you type alert(top. But this interrupts the flow of the program—and forces you to close the alert before continuing. And if the code you’re interested in is in the middle of a loop, you might wind up having to close a lot...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P10


Once the fade has completed, reorder the z-index of the images so that the current image is on top.. A disadvantage of this technique is that we’ll be stacking the images on top of each other, so they must all be the same sizẹ This usually is a small issue, as it’s fairly common on the Web to be constrained...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P11


We’ll be exploring many of the concepts employed here in more detail in the coming chapters, so don’t worry if you need to skip this one for now and come back to it later.. We’ll wrap the list in a div , which will allow us to constrain the thumbnails and add an anchor that will serve as our trigger:....

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P12


We’ll use a CSS sprite to add an indicator to our menu. By default, all of the sections are closed, so we show the contracted arrow state in our CSS. In our sprite image the contracted state is aligned to the top, while the expanded state is 20 pixels below the top. chapter_05/03_open_closed_indicators/menu.css (excerpt). We’ll make clever use of chaining...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P13


StarTrackr! was founded in early 2009 when a young … </p>. Disclaimer! This service is not intended for the those … </p>. Next, we need to create our tab navigation bar. As with so many controls and effects, it’s the overall illusion that’s important. An unordered list of links will do nicely, but we’ll style them to look tab-like:. chapter_05/11_simple_tabs/index.html...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P14


Finally, we need to respond to mouse movement by updating the tooltip’s location.. This way the tooltip will follow the mouse around, just like the browser’s built-in tooltips do. And presto! We’ve replaced the default tooltips with our own, and we’re fully in control of their appearance and animation.. Advanced Tooltips. It’s good to know how to build a simple...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P15


So if you try to refer to this in a callback, expecting it to point to your widget namespace, you’ll be unpleasantly surprised:. So this.delay will most likely not exist (and if it does, it’s a different variable to what we wanted anyway. By setting _widget to point to this in the context of the widget, we’ll always be able...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P16


The search results are returned in the form of an object containing a results array.. We iterate over each of the array items using jQuery’s $.each helper method. This function will execute the function we pass to it once for each item in the initial array.. For each item we create a new div containing the user’s profile picture, a...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P17


chapter_06/11_endless_scrolling/script.js (excerpt) checkScroll: function(). var gallery_div = $(this.container);. this.load();. Our checkScroll function looks a bit complex at first, but there’s really little to it.. We’re going to be messing around with the gallery’s containing object quite a bit in this function, so we store a reference to it to avoid running the same selector over and over. For this we’ll...