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JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P18


be drag and droppable, like it’s a web site from the future!” Fortunately for us, jQuery lets us build web sites from the futurẹ. But form elements aren’t your typical DOM elements, so there are a handful of special jQuery tricks for dealing with them more specificallỵ We’ve seen quite a few of them throughout the book so far—but now...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P19


You might be curious about the use of the trigger function. $editable.blur() syntax we’ve already seen). The trigger action is more flexible than its shorter counterpart—but for now we’ll just stick with the basic usage.. In this case we’re just passing on the event. Sound familiar? So far we’ve been binding events by using shorthand convenience methods like click ,...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P20


var rangeSlider = $('<div></div>. Let’s see if we can break them down: min and max are the minimum and maximum values of the slider, respectivelỵ step is the amount by which the slider increments. values is used for specifying the default value of the slider. Because we’ve specified an array of two values, the slider bar will have two handles,...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P21


Modal dialogs are notifications that pop up in the user’s face and must be acted on if the user want to continue. It’s quite an intrusion—people tend to dislike popups, so they should only be used if the interaction is essential. Our client informs us it’s essential that users agree to an End User License Agreement (EULA) to use the...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P22


But the rise of the Rich Internet Application is changing that. Lists are the real unsung heroes of the post table-based layout period of the Web.. Because the site employs an unconstrained tag system, there are stacks of duplicate tags in the lists—and with the current system that means stacks of extra administra­. Making an element selectable gives the user...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P23


<li><span>Dot-Com millionaires</span>. <li>Joel Mynor</li>. Because it’s nice and consistent, you can easily generate the HTML on the server.. That’s in your court, but our code will ađ a few extra class es you can use to customize the displaỵ The handle class will be assigned to the element we’ll insert to act as the toggle handlẹ When a branch of...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P24


to the wrapper div , then back down to the navigation section. .parents('.table-wrapper') .find('.wrapper-paging ul');. var $back = $nav.find('li:first-child á);. var $next = $nav.find('li:last-child á);. We then set the text in the display boxes for the current page and the total length (ađing one, because our counters are zero-based). $nav.find('ạpaging-this b').text(current + 1);. $nav.find('ạpaging-this span').text(numPages + 1);. The last part...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P25


chapter_09/01_plugins/script.js (excerpt). .highlightOnce() .slideDown();. It’s quite exciting: our functionality is captured in a chainable, reusable plugin that we’ve nestled in between the hide and slideDown actions. you can see it’s worth turning any functionality you intend on reusing into a plugin!. We can add user-specified options to our plugins, which can then be used to modify the plugin’s behavior when...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P26


chapter_09/11_custom_events/script.js (excerpt). We have bound our custom do-toggle event to the disclaimer element. When the do-toggle event fires, the function will run and the disclaimer will hide or show itself. When the button is clicked, the disclaimer is toggled. It might seem like the long way round compared to just hiding and showing with the toggle button, but now we’ve...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P27


Now at a future point when the user clicks on the map and the locator’s click handler fires, we’ll have access to the locationData object:. Although in many cases we’d probably want to store the element reference in the object itself, when the objects are coming from third-party code, you have to be very careful with ađing or removing properties....

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P28


The variable itself remains the same throughout, it’s just treated differently. We all knew what it did, but now we know what it’s called:. It may be a little complex, but at least it’s consistent.. In the above case, d is set to false : while a and b both have a value of 2, they have different types.. 1...

JQuery: Novice to Ninja- P29


swapping in select box lists, 301. hrefNormalized property ($.support method), 377. htmlSerialize property ($.support meth­. inverting selections in select box lists, 303. jsonp Ajax setting, 375. leadingWhitespace property ($.support method), 378. select box lists, 301–305 selectables, 292–298 sorting, 298. noCloneEvent property ($.support method), 378. opacity property ($.support method), 378 open/closed indicators, 141. panels, 162–168. slide-down login forms, 162 sliding overlays,...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P1


A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design. by Michael Power. 2009 Power, Michael. Published by AU Press, Athabasca University Street. A volume in the Issues in Distance Education series, edited by Terry Anderson, Ph.D.. ISSN 1919-4382 Issues in Distance Education Series (Print) ISSN 1919-4390 Issues in Distance Education Series (Online). Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Power, Michael....

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P2


Foreword IX Preface XI Introduction 1 The Case Studies 7. Introduction to the Case Studies 7 1: Walking the Walk 11. The transformation of a traditional learning institution into a dual-mode institution offering courses on-campus as well as online is not a task for the faint at heart. What has to be appreciated is that subject matter experts, used to...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P3


But over time, in the way a constant drip can erode even the hardest granite, it came to permeate my thinking. When I began the research study on developing an appropriate dual-mode design model documented in the present log, I thought I had the world by the tail. I had over 12 years’ experience in the field of instructional design...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P4


I had no inkling of how different my work would be in what was essentially a traditional university environment, albeit one with numerous distance education course offerings.. Indeed, I discovered the prevailing role of faculty in a traditional university to be quite different from the dominant role of faculty in single-mode distance education universities. Secondly, the traditional university structure is...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P5


The Case Studies. Introduction to the case studies. The following ten case studies represent the first professors (also called subject matter experts or SMEs), out of a total of forty-four faculty members, to have implemented the instructional design model prototype (hereafter simply called the “model”) at the university where the study was conducted. As the design work took place over...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P6


As the above table indicates, the first case study involved a male, Assistant Professor who was designing his course for organizational (O) purposes.. His course would be starting in about four months and the time he had to devote to this work was quite limited (1). He had developed only general objectives (GOs).. The professor had taught this course only...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P7


Consequently, aware of the risk that he could decide, at any minute, to completely stop the design of his course, I decided to forego development temporarily. Even if I try to be linear and systematic in my application of the ISD model, I feel pressure to answer very specific needs (help in designing an exam, enriching a case study, designing...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P8


Having established a functional modus operandi, the professor once again said he was willing to complete this work between our sessions.. This kind of study of the correlation between exam items and course objectives constitutes a good example of reverse engineering in design, a useful technique in cases where it is difficult to identify the objectives a faculty member actually...