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A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P29


courses in the program, that is, if the professor was ready and willing to do so… I had my doubts.. I think of the global analysis phase in the design process as I do the functioning of a GPS: it is used to determine a course's objective position and relative position within a given program at a given time. However,...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P30


The contents of the assignments could pertain to the various information elements that the professor felt it was essential for his students to know, that is, he could essentially draw from the same questions he would ask his students orally in class. In this case, I proposed that he write a series of questions in advance—a mix of open-ended and...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P31


not containing any elements that appear in the answer or any elements which give the answer away), etc.. Although the professor had a wealth of experience and was a self-professed Socratic scholar, I have a hunch he had not developed the ability to communicate with his students. There are times when I wish, as Annie Lennox phrased it in the...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P32


There are witnesses, weather conditions, mitigating circumstances…there are thousands of factors! How does one learn to take in all the facts while retaining only what is relevant?”. On his students’ method of learning: “What do I expect them to do? I expect them to find answers to problems in case studies that they have never seen before. Take three different...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P33


Table 12: Characteristics of the subject matter expert. their presence tended to distract the professor and impede the natural flow of the design process by focusing on the latter steps in the design process). “homeowner”) tends to treat the ID as he would one of the tradesmen, like the electrician. However, since they needed professional pre-requisites to be accepted into...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P34


For instance, we began looking at themes that would be addressed during the second week of his course (the first week was focused on presenting his syllabus and on technical-logistical questions).. We discussed his didactic intentions for Week 2 in general terms and, together, we wrote down a general objective (GO) that summarized what he intended to achieve that week...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P35


In fact, he was laughing as he saying this because this was the first time he had ever faced a problem like this. He said that he was always too busy making sure he was “covering” all of his material. He went on to say that he was satisfied with the design process to date, that he was more and...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P36


It could be a kind of on-line exercise, an added resource for the students who wish to use it…we could set up in advance and they could access it at any time. So, it’s the multimedia aspect that separates them from the others. It’s all new, I love it! And it doesn’t seem to bother students that I can always...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P37


He was personally motivated to proceed with his course design (P) and we had more time than usual before his course was to begin (3).. Table 13: Characteristics of the subject matter expert. Before our first meeting, I asked the professor, as I usually do, to send me a copy of his course syllabus as well as any program-related syllabi.....

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P38


Hence, contact with the students was extremely important to him and he wanted specific details on the online “virtual classroom” environment. So I gave him a rough overview of the asynchronous learning management system (LMS) and the synchronous, virtual classroom platform we were using. So I first showed him the functional capabilities of the asynchronous platform from the student’s point...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P39


On supplementary work: “Slides need to be prepared because you can’t have a student spend an hour and a half in front of an empty screen, it’s just not possible. If it’s Week 8, I’m reviewing Week 7 material to summarize it.”. On the workload: “It took a lot of time to prepare the slides. It’s not normal. It’s too...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P40


my gut feeling that the IDC should only get involved in the process once the ID and the professor have had the time to actually design something, so that there is something to develop. Session 1: At our first meeting, I introduced myself as usual, described my role and simply asked the professor to talk to me about his course....

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P41


He was ready, however, to propose a weekly theme to be discussed and already had some excellent questions to initiate a debate, related to the cases studied during the week.. So, as, this session wound down, I resolved that, between now and our next session, I would ask the IDC to train the professor in using the synchronous platform to...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P42


On the design process: “It was a new experience for me to work with an instructional designer. On workload: “It was hard going to design this course. On problems with reading material: “The students have hundreds of pages to read, between 1,000 and 1,500 pages per term. With an online course, everything would have to be put online and that’s...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P43


She didn’t feel prepared to teach an online course before next year (3) but was relatively available to start the design work (2), which allowed for a higher number of sessions than the norm (7). She knew little about course design and had never taught an online course (1/1). Finally, her general objectives and specific objectives (GOs and SOs) were,...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P44


During the first session, I often find myself guessing who will continue and who will drop out of the process.. That is one of the things that frustrate me the most in this type of work:. list of objectives, one after the other, reminding me of the folksong, “Little Boxes.”. Next, we moved along to the specific objectives of Week...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P45


I could see where I could improve on my current syllabus—it was all very relaxed. It makes us focus on the essentials and leave behind the rest. It’s a good exercise that requires discipline.”. On the horizontal course syllabus: “I like dividing the course into separate parts, one week at a time. Heck, it’s OK now. I’m just glad now...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P46


It was during these first cases that the limits of the initial prototype became obvious and that it underwent several rapid evolutions after being tested and retested in rapid sequence in conditions that required prompt action and subsequent prototype adjustment. The prototype would continue to undergo changes between Case 4 to 10 but they were only minor in nature. Indeed,...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P47


So, in order to give readers an update on developments, I have decided to add this epilogue to the English- language version of the book.. Indeed, I am indebted to MERLOT and the editors of the Journal of Online Teaching and Learning, Number 4, Volume 4) for allowing me to use the Discussion and Conclusion sections of my Dec. This...

A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design- P48


Twigg, 2004), is currently entering its second generation, that of blended online learning, a generation characterized by the redesign of university courses (Garrison &. As a result, increasingly numerous forms of blended learning are currently being implemented on campuses throughout North America (Park &. Bonk, 2006), combining various kinds of OL activities and culminating in what is termed the blended...