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Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P1


The <html>. The <head>. The <title>. The <body>. The <b>. The <i>. The <u>. The <s>. The <q>. Many books that teach you to write web pages are revisions of earlier versions of the same book and therefore still take the same approach as the previous edition did. Despite the fact that you are looking at several languages, not just...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P2


Creating Paragraphs Using the <p>. The <p>. and closing </p>. <p>Here is a paragraph of text.</p>. <p>Here is a second paragraph of text.</p>. <p>Here is a third paragraph of text.</p>. These are elements such as the <p>. So, the next<br />word will appear on a new line.</p>. He also earned great respect in the world of music as an innovative...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P3


The type attribute specifies the MIME type of the link. The following is an example of the type attribute being used to indicate that the document the link points to is an HTML document:. Now it’s your turn to try making a long page with links between different parts of the page. Start with the XML declaration, DOCTYPE declaration, and...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P4


<td>The structure of a document and how to mark up text.</td>. Splitting pages up into windows called frames.</td>. <td>Linking between pages and adding color images and objects to your pages.</td>. <td>Using CSS to style your documents and make them look attractive.</td>. <td headers=”Saturday Morning” abbr=”Structure and markup”>The structure of a document and how to markup text.</td>. <td headers=”Saturday Afternoon” abbr=”Links,...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P5


element should always be the first child of the <fieldset>. element must be the first child of the <fieldset>. All of the universal attributes. If you want to control the order in which elements can gain focus, you can use the tabindex attribute to give that element a number between 0 and 32767, which forms part of the tabbing order....

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P6


font Allows you to combine several of the following properties into one font-family Specifies the family of font to be used (the user must have this installed. font-stretch Allows you to control the width of the actual letters in a font (not spaces between them). font-size-adjust Allows you to alter the aspect ratio of the size of characters of the...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P7


By the end of the chapter, you will know more about how to use CSS to control the following:. Some of the features you learn about in this chapter are not yet widely supported in browsers.. They are, however, worth learning about so that you are aware of the direction in which CSS is going.. You have already seen that...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P8


The answers to all of the exercises are in Appendix A.. Make the contents of the list bold. Make the background of the list light gray and use padding to ensure the bullet points show. Make the width of the links box 250 pixels wide. You should create a page that represents the links to the different sections of the...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P9


In addition to the menus your visitors will be using to navigate the site, many web pages contain other hyperlinks in the text that makes up the body of the document. This short section addresses two topics regarding links that are not part of the main menu:. <td>.25</td>. <td>2.50</td>. When designing a form, you should start out by creating a...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P10


The script in the onmouseover and onmouseout event handler attributes tells the browser to change the src attribute of the image, and therefore a different image is displayed to the user.. You can see in the code for ch11_eg04.html that when the user puts the mouse over an image, the src property of the image inside the link — named...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P11


element of the document. <form name=”frmDOB”>. <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”Send” />. Note how the length of the text input is discovered using this.value.length . Then the length property returns the length of the value entered for the control. This is a quicker way of determining the length of the value in the current form control than the full path, which...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P12


<b><a href=”specials.html”>Click here for special offers on end of stock items.</a>. several key words.</p>. <p>To find out why advertising on our site works, visit the testimonials page.</p>. page.</p>. <p>You can read the full article <a>here</a>.</p>. <p>Click on the link to read the <a>full article</a>.</p>. <p>Here is an icon used to represent a diary.</p>. <p>Here is an icon used to represent...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P13


For IE this specifies the horizontal alignment of the caption. Specifies the type of button. value = string Specifies the value of the parameter sent to the processing application as part of the name/value pair (required). Specifies the horizontal alignment of content within the column. Specifies the alignment of the column. valign = bottom | top Specifies the vertical alignment...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P14


Latin capital letter A with grave = Latin. Latin capital letter A with circumflex. Latin capital letter A with tilde. Latin capital letter A with diaeresis. Latin capital letter C with cedilla. Latin capital letter E with grave. Latin capital letter E with acute. Latin capital letter E with circumflex. Latin capital letter E with diaeresis. Latin capital letter I...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P15


vnd.abc vnd.IPTC.NewsML vnd.wap.si. vnd.curl vnd.IPTC.NITF vnd.wap.sl. vnd.DMClientScript vnd.latex-z vnd.wap.wml. vnd.fly vnd.motorola.reflex vnd.wap.wmlscript. vnd.fmi.flexstor vnd.ms-mediapackage xml. bmp tiff-fx vnd.mix. cgm vnd.cns.inf2 vnd.ms-modi. g3fax vnd.djvu vnd.net-fpx. gif vnd.dwg vnd.sealed.png. ief vnd.dxf vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gif. jpeg vnd.fastbidsheet vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpg. naplps vnd.fpx vnd.svf. png vnd.fst vnd.wap.wbmp. prs.btif vnd.fujixerox.edmics-mmr vnd.xiff. prs.pti vnd.fujixerox.edmics-rlc x-portable-pixmap. t38 vnd.globalgraphics.pgb x-xbitmap. tiff vnd.microsoft.icon. BMPEG MP4V-ES vnd.mpegurl. BT656 MPV vnd.nokia.interleaved-multimedia. CelB mpeg vnd.objectvideo. DV...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P16


direction attribute, <marquee>. <input type="button">. <input type="checkbox">. <input type="file">. <input type="image">. <input type="password">. <input type="radio">. <input type="reset">. <input type="submit">. <input type="text">. dynsrc attribute, <img>. element, 581. <a>, 6, 65. <b>, 26, 568. <i> IE-specific, 707–708. <input type="button">, 582. <input type="checkbox">, 582–583. <input type="file”>, 583. <input type=”hidden”>, 584. <input type=”image”>, 584. <input type=”password”>, 585. <input type=”radio”>, 585–586. <input type=”reset”>, 586. <input...

Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P17


dynsrc attribute, <img>. element, 581. <a>, 6, 65. <b>, 26, 568. <i> IE-specific, 707–708. <input type="button">, 582. <input type="checkbox">, 582–583. <input type="file”>, 583. <input type=”hidden”>, 584. <input type=”image”>, 584. <input type=”password”>, 585. <input type=”radio”>, 585–586. <input type=”reset”>, 586. <input type=”submit”>, 587. <input type=”text”>, 587–588. <p>, 21, 597. <q>, 33, 598. <s> . <u> . enctype attribute, <form>. <input>. for attribute,...

CSS Mastery- P1


An in-depth look at the CSS3 features you can start using today new case studies from two of the world’s greatest CSS masters. In this book you’ll learn how to:. T his fully revised and full-color second edition of the best-selling CSS Mastery contains everything you need to know in order to become a CSS master yourself.. By bringing all...

CSS Mastery- P2


There are instances where you may want to style an element based on something other than the structure of the document—for instance, the state of a link or form element. The universal selector is possibly one of the most powerful and least used of all the selectors.. The child selector styles the children of the list but not its grandchildren.....

CSS Mastery- P3


You can actually use the same approach, but this time, instead of setting a background color on the box, you can set a repeating background image. background: url(/img/tile2.gif) repeat-y;. background: url(/img/top2.gif) no-repeat left top;. background: url(/img/bottom2.gif) no-repeat left bottom;. The height of the box expands as the text size is increased.. However, they do not expand horizontally, as the width...