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Chủ đề : kĩ thuật cắt html

Có 140+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "kĩ thuật cắt html"

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P21


bandwidth, 41. role of web designers, 145 text, 246. See also plug-ins. analysis, phases of web projects, 152-156 Andreessen, Marc, 116. event handlers, 295-298 executing, 299-300 global documents, 321-324 image rollovers, 302-306 links, 300-301. pull-down menus, 310-312 resources text rollovers, 294-295 LZW compression, 234-236 sans serif fonts, 244 SSI, 341-343 style sheets, 267-270 Archinect, 397 architecture, 32, 81. See also...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P22


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 66 Web Design Group’s “Web Authoring FAQ,” 182. A List Apart, 182 Amazon.com, 77 Ask Doctor Web, 181 Babelfish, 35 Barney’s, 106-107 Bloomingdales.com, 101 Boxtop Software, 229 Builder.com, 182 caffemocha.com, 103 case studies. brevity, 90-91 icons, 88, 90 structural labels, 90 text, 91-94 CNET.com, 77. drymartini.com, 89 dynamic, 329-331 failure of dot.coms, 80 Flution 1.5, 354...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P2


Welcome to HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners. If you’ve never used a Visibook before, you’ll find that it contains several hundred illustrations, with comparatively little text. It presents essential tasks, breaks them down into steps, then walks you through them with illustrations.. What you’ll learn. You’ll learn how to use HTML to create a solid, attractive Web site that’s...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P3


In the File name textbox, type index.html. Tip: The <HEAD>. Home page file names. All home pages have the file name index.html . index.html . If the file name of the Visibooks home page was homepage.html , you’d have to type. Below the </HEAD>. tag, title the page “A Home Page About Dogs” by using <TITLE>. A Home Page About...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P4


Dogs Home Page. When the new window appears, navigate to the Dogs folder in the Look in drop-down list, then select the home page: index.html. You have created a home page titled “A Home Page About Dogs.”. The home page’s file name is index.html. Practice: Create a home page. What is the correct file name for a home page?. Why...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P5


<FONT FACE=”verdana,arial,helvetica”>. In Notepad, add the SIZE=”+4” attribute to the <FONT>. <FONT FACE=”arial” SIZE=”+4”>Dogs Home Page</FONT>. In Notepad, add the <B>. <FONT FACE=”arial” SIZE=”+4”><B>Dogs Home Page</B></FONT>. The tags and text above are a good example: since it starts with the <FONT>. tag, it ends with the </FONT>. In the <FONT>. <FONT FACE=”arial” SIZE=”+4” COLOR=”red”>. <FONT FACE=”arial” SIZE=”+4” COLOR=”black”>. Beneath the...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P6


Tip: Usually a <P>. tag requires no closing </P>. </P>. Remove the ALIGN=”right” attribute from the <P>. <P>. <FONT FACE=”arial” SIZE=”+4”><B>Dogs Home Page</B></FONT>. <P>Chesapeake Bay Retriever</P>. <P>German Shepherd</P>. <P>Yorkshire Terrier</P>. With the three breeds of dog, replace the <P>. and </P>

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P7


In Notepad, change the title of the page to “ Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. Save the new page with the file name chesapeake.html. tag, type “Chesapeake Bay Retrievers.” This is the page heading. <FONT FACE=”verdana” SIZE=”+3”><B>Chesapeake Bay Retrievers</B></FONT>. The heading of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever page is made one size smaller than the heading of the home page. Level 2: Chesapeake...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P8


In a new paragraph beneath the list, type the sentence “ For more information, contact [email protected]. <A HREF=”mailto:[email protected]”>. [email protected]</A>. Please also visit www.dogs.com. Surround the Web address www.dogs.com with these anchor tags to link it to the external Web site:. HREF=”http://www.dogs.com”>www.dogs.com</A>. Preview the page in the browser, then click on the link to see if it links to the external...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P9


Click Save Picture As. When the Save Picture window appears, select the “Dogs” folder in the Save in drop-down list.. Create a new folder within Dogs called “ graphics. Double-click on the graphics folder so it appears in the Save in drop-down list.. Click the Save button to save the graphic inside the graphics folder.. In Notepad, open the Chesapeake...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P10


Save the page and view it in the browser (just click the “ Refresh ” or “ Reload ” button). It should look like this:. In the Chesapeake Bay Retriever page, add this ALT attribute to the. <IMG>. <IMG SRC=”graphics/chessie.gif” ALIGN=”left”. ALT=”Chesapeake Bay Retriever”>. Add the VSPACE=”4” and HSPACE=”12” attributes as well:. ALT=”Chesapeake Bay Retriever” VSPACE=”4”. HSPACE=”12”>. Also, add the...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P11


In Notepad, open the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers page.. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers | German Shepherds | Yorkshire Terriers. Make the words “ Chesapeake Bay Retrievers ” bold to show site users “You are here.”. Link the words “ German Shepherds ” to the German Shepherds page:. <A HREF=”german.html”>German Shepherds</A>. Home | Chesapeake Bay Retriev ers | German Shepherds | Yorkshire Terriers....

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P12


Download other Visibooks for free at www.visibooks.com. Change page, link colors. Change background color of page. Open the home page in Notepad.. In the <BODY>. tag, add the attribute BGCOLOR=”#ffffcc”. <BODY BGCOLOR=”#ffffcc”>. Save the page and view it in the browser. The background color of the page should now be pale yellow.. Hexadecimal colors. The ffffcc that stands for pale...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P13


Download other Visibooks for free at www.visibooks.com. Link each list item to a new page about it. For instance, link. House Cats ” to a new page about house cats with file name housecats.html. On each of these new pages, put a descriptive heading at the top of the page. For instance, the words “House Cats” at the top of...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P14


In the table row, start the first cell with the <TD>. <TABLE>. <TD>. After the <TD>. then close the cell with the </TD>. <TD>Links</TD>. Now create the second cell in the row by adding a <TD>. tag, the word Content , and closing the cell with a </TD>. <TD>Content</TD>. the table with the </TABLE>. </TABLE>. <TABLE>. <TABLE BORDER=1>. attribute to...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P15


Remove the table border by specifying BORDER=”0”. <TABLE BORDER=”0” WIDTH=”100%”>. <TR>. <TD>Links</TD>. <TD>Content</TD>. </TR>. </TABLE>. Make the first cell light grey by adding the attribute BGOLOR=”#CCCCCC” to the first <TD>. <TD BGCOLOR=”#CCCCCC”>Links</TD>. Save the page and view it in the browser. It should look like this:. You’ll notice that the word Links is right up against the edge of the...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P16


CELLPADDING=”16” CELLSPACING=”0”>. <TD BGCOLOR=”#CCCCCC” VALIGN=”top”>. SIZE=”-1”>. </TD>. <TD VALIGN=”top”>. SIZE=”+3”><B>Traveling South</B></FONT>. cities.</FONT>. WIDTH=”20%” to the first <TD>. SIZE=”-1” WIDTH=”20%”>. <TD VALIGN=”top” WIDTH=”80%”>

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P17


Using the words Richmond , Williamsburg , Charleston , and Home in the left-hand cell of each page, link all the pages in this Web site to each other.. When you’re done, preview the site in the browser. Save it in the Travel West folder.. tags, create a table with one row and 3 cells in the row:. In the...

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners- P18


Title it “Nature in the Rocky Mountains.” Make its. When you’re done, preview the page in the browser. Go to the home page and in the navigation bar, link The Rockies and The Midwest to their respective pages.. When you’re done, preview the site in the browser. In Notepad, open the California page in the Traveling West Web site.. Below...