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Writing and Reading XML Using a DataSet Object


You can write out the contents of the DataTable objects contained in a DataSet to an XML file using the WriteXml() method. The XML file written by this method contains the DataTable column names and values.. You can write out the schema of a DataSet object to an XML file using the. The XML file written by this method contains...

Looking at the SQL Server DMF APIs


Looking at the SQL Server DMF APIs. The SQL Distributed Management Framework is a framework of objects, services, and components used to manage Microsoft SQL Server 2000. It is made up of a few APIs that you can use to accomplish tasks in your applications.. You can see how these APIs are used in Figure 7.3.. Under the covers, the...

Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET


8.4 Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET Desktop Application Another useful utility that takes advantage of being data driven is a standard search form that you can use for any number of tables, such as customers, employees, or products.. This How-To shows you how to create such a Windows Form so that all you need to...

Use Bound Controls with Web Forms


5.1 Use Bound Controls with Web Forms. I want to create a Web Form that allows my users to view data much like my Windows Forms and be able to use data bound controls on it. How do I use data bound controls on a Web Form?. including OleDbDataAdapter, datasets, and so on, will be used with Web Forms as...

Print Labels and Control the Order in Which Records Will Be Printed


10.6 Print Labels and Control the Order in Which Records Will Be Printed I need to be able to have my application print labels for my user's customer list.. To accomplish this task, you will use the Report Expert to create mailing labels. You then fill in the Data tab, which uses Customers for the table, and grab the following...

Put the Finishing touches On A Data Bound Form


Although the majority of the major issues are taken care of for the form you created so far in the chapter, your users become confused about when to push some of the buttons.. How do you get the buttons to reflect when the users can click them, and what other finishing touches might help the form?. An important part of...

Referencing the Type Libraries


Referencing the Type Libraries. Before seeing how to use these collections and objects, you need to know how to. reference the object model libraries for use. The object models are found in type libraries in the file system. A type library contains the information about the object models such as the collections, properties, and methods. Referencing the type libraries isn't...

Restore a SQL Server Database


This How-To explains how to use the Restore object from SQL-DMO to accomplish this task.. For this How-To, you will use the Restore object of the SQL-DMO object model. Properties and Methods of the Restore Object Property/Method Description. Database This property allows you to specify the database name to restore to.. SQLRestore This method causes the restore to be executed.....

Retrieve Results from SQL Server by Using the DataTable Object


3.2 Retrieve Results from SQL Server by Using the DataTable Object. The data reader is great when you just want to load data into a ListBox or ComboBox control manually, but you can save some coding by binding the ListBox control to a data table at runtime, as well as providing the ability to get not only the displayed value,...

Retrieve Unique Records Using Only a Select Query


For this How-To, you will be using the DISTINCT clause on a SQL SELECT statement to limit the data to unique values. When you include the DISTINCT clause, SQL Server uses the columns that are returned to determine how to limit the data.. SELECT Customers.CompanyName FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers .CustomerID. Orders.CustomerID. INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID =...

Retrieve XML from SQL Server 2000


12.4 Retrieve XML from SQL Server 2000. From the main Web page, click on the hyperlink with the caption How-To 12.4: Retrieving XML from SQL Server 2000. Then place the Label, TextBox, and Button objects as seen in Figure 12.4 on the form with the properties in Table 12.8 set.. Add the code in Listing 12.10 to the Click event...

Select Whether the Report Will Be Displayed, Printed, or Exported Using Visual Basic .NET


10.4 Select Whether the Report Will Be Displayed, Printed, or Exported Using Visual Basic .NET Code. Print, Export, and View (see Figure 10.18).. Figure 10.18. Printing Using the Report Document. Me.rdHowTo10_4.PrintToPrinter(Me.txtNumOfCopies.Text, False, Me.txtStartPage.Text, Me.txtEndPage.Text). Exporting Using the Report Document. When you're exporting using the Report document, you will be using the ExportOptions object. You can see the page for exporting...

Setting References in .NET for the SQL APIs


Setting References in .NET for the SQL APIs. Before you can use the APIs within your .NET application, you need to create a reference to the particular library you are going to use. The libraries you will be using are COM libraries. therefore, you will not have certain benefits of using the .NET Framework, such as some of the performance...

Take Advantage of Using Subqueries


It uses a subquery in the WHERE clause of the outer, or main query:. SELECT Customers.City, Customers.Region, Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName From Customers WHERE (((Customers.City). IN (SELECT Tmp.City FROM Customers As Tmp GROUP BY Tmp.City,Tmp.Region HAVING Count(*)>1 And Region = Customers.Region))). ORDER BY Customers.City, Customers.Region. strSQL = "SELECT Customers.City, Customers.Region, ". "Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName ". strSQL &= "WHERE (((Customers.City) In ". strSQL &=...

Take Care of Error Handling with Bound Controls


They can be handled by using Try...Catch...Finally or they can be unhandled, where you will see the error in Figure 1.11.. End Try End Sub. Following are some basic points to help you when working with exceptions and Try...Catch...Finally blocks:. The name of the exception object can be whatever you want it to be.. You can use the Throw statement...

Transfer Tables Between SQL Server Databases


7.4 Transfer Tables Between SQL Server Databases. Users sometimes need to transfer (copy) tables between SQL Server databases. One of the tasks your clients have you perform for them using the Enterprise Manager is to transfer objects, such as tables, between SQL Server databases. How do you create a dialog box that would allow the user to transfer databases between...

Use a Fixed Server Role


11.7 Use a Fixed Server Role. Managing a server database engine such as SQL Server can be a time-consuming process.. Most SQL Server administrators find it useful from time to time to permit other people to perform these tasks. SQL Server supports the notion of fixed server roles that define certain administrative profiles. Each fixed server role is accompanied by...

Use a Single Web Form to Update Multiple Lookup Tables


This How-To will show you how to accomplish this task by using the DataGrid control and show you how to take advantage of Session variables and paging within the data grid when you're manipulating data.. Because the Web Forms are stateless, you need to keep reminding the data grid what it is bound to.. Also, even though you declare a...

Use a Single Windows Form to Update Multiple Lookup Tables Just about every database application


Just about every database application uses lookup tables of some sort or another, such as categories, regions, and territories in the Northwind database. Normally, each of these lookup tables would get its own form for viewing or updating the information in the tables. When you get into those tables that contain lookups or graphics, you will have to come up...

Work with Data-Bound Multi-Select List Boxes Using Windows Forms It is common to have to assign


One of the methods that works well is using the ListBox control. Using the ListBox control for single selections is no big deal, but when it comes to using it in a multi-select method, it starts getting trickier. This How-To shows you how to create an intuitive interface for assigning products to categories using a couple of multi-select list boxes...