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Đề Tài: Bảo mật thông tin Part 3


Giả sử ta mã hóa bản rõ sau trong dạng thập lục phân (Hexadecimal). 133457799BBCDFF1 Khóa trong dạng nhị phân không có các bit kiểm tra sẽ là:. S-box output f(R 2 , K 3 ) L 4 = R 3. S-box output f(R 3 , K 4 ) L 5 = R 4. S-box output f(R 5 , K...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 1


Information Security Basics. What Is Information Security?. Information security cannot, in and of itself, provide protection for your information. That being said, information security is also not a black art. There is no sorcery to implementing proper information security and the concepts that are included in information security are not rocket science.. In many ways, information security is a mindset....

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 2


Obviously, we cannot just rely on a single type of security to provide protection to an orga- nization’s information. Likewise, we cannot rely on a single product to provide all of the necessary security for our computer and network systems. The reality of the situation is that no one product will provide total security for an organization. Many different products...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part


We will cover each of these in detail in the following sections.. In other words, an attacker may gain access to information, but the original owner of that information has not lost it. It just now resides in both the original owner’s and the attacker’s hands. however, it may be much harder to detect since the original owner is not...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 4


A modification attack is an attempt to modify information that an attacker is not autho- rized to modify. This attack can occur wherever the information resides. It may also be at- tempted against information in transit. This type of attack is an attack against the integrity of the information.. One type of modification attack is to change existing information, such...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 5


Information Security Services. I nformation security services are the base-level services that are used to combat the at- tacks defined in Chapter 2. Each of the four security services combats specific attacks (see Table 3-1). The specifics of how information security services are used within an organization de- pend upon proper risk assessment and security planning (see Chapters 6 and...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 6


control mechanism is not configured to completely deny access but instead is configured to allow for the reading of the file but not for the writing of changes. The use of computer file access controls works well if the files reside on a single com- puter system or a network within the control of the organization. What if the file...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 7


The most obvious issue is that breaking into computers is against the law—well, most of the time it is.. Depending on where you are in the world, the definition of a computer crime dif- fers as does the punishment for engaging in such activity. No matter how the activity is defined, if the perpetrators of the crime are to be...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 8


In addition to federal computer crime statutes, many states have also developed their own computer crime laws (see Figure 4-1). Be sure to speak with your local law enforcement organization to understand their interest in and their capabilities to investigate computer crime.. Table 4-1 provides a summary of the state laws. Keep in mind that state laws may change frequently...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 9


Other states require that the owner of the information must actually be deprived of the information (so a backup of the information might negate the violation of the law).. Some states require that the system must actually be accessed for the crime to occur. Other states make the unauthorized attempt to be the crime. Texas goes so far as to...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 10


It is also a thankless job as few people within an organization will like the results of the work.. Policy provides the rules that govern how systems should be configured and how em- ployees of an organization should act in normal circumstances and react during unusual circumstances. Policy defines how security should be within an organization.. Defining How Security Should...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 11


Computer Use Policy. The computer use policy lays out the law when it comes to who may use computer sys- tems and how they may be used. Much of the information in this policy seems like com- mon sense but if the organization does not specifically define a policy of computer ownership and use, the organization leaves itself open to...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 12


This may be an illegal act and is not recommended in any situation.. An important part of the IRP is defining who within the organization and the incident re- sponse team has the authority to take action. This part of the procedure should define who has the authority to take a system offline and to contact customers, the press, and...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 13


Begin the process with your outline and a draft of each section of the policy. At the same time contact your stakeholders and tell them of the project. Invite the stakeholders to be part of the project. Those who agree should be sent a draft of the policy and invited to a meeting where the draft will be discussed and...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 14


Without an understanding of the security risks to an organization’s information assets, too many or not enough resources might be used or used in the wrong way. By identifying risk, you learn the value of particular types of informa- tion and the value of the systems that contain that information.. Risk is the underlying concept that forms the basis for...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 15


High The vulnerability poses a real danger to the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and/or accountability of the organization’s information, systems, or physical sites. If the cost estimates are available, they should be applied to the risk level to better determine the feasibility of taking corrective action.. IDENTIFYING THE RISK TO AN ORGANIZATION. How do these identified risks relate to the actual...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 16


Information Security Process. Fortunately, organizations can reduce the cost of information security. If the organization had taken the proper steps before the incident occurred, and the incident were prevented, the cost would have been:. Cost of Information Security = Cost of Countermeasures Note also that. Cost of the Incident + Cost of Countermeasures >>. In this case, the organization identifies...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 17


The organization’s network. The organization’s physical security measures. The organization’s existing policies and procedures. Precautions the organization has put in place. Employee awareness of security issues. Employees of the organization. The workload of the employees. The attitude of the employees. Employee adherence to existing policies and procedures. The business of the organization. The organization’s network normally provides the easiest access...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 18


An evaluation of the security of an organization cannot take single pieces of information as if they existed in a vacuum. The team must examine all security vulnera- bilities in the context of the organization. Some vulnerabilities will be covered by some other control that will prevent the exploita- tion of the vulnerability.. Once the analysis is complete, the assessment...

Bảo mật hệ thống mạng part 19


Some organizations rely only on the employee’s signature in the appropriate regis- ter. This method may allow an intruder to gain access to the facility.. When implementing physical security mechanisms, you should also consider the se- curity of the data center. Access to the data center should be restricted and the data center should be properly protected from fire, high...