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Hacking Firefox - part 15


This file can be used to customize the look of Mozilla’s user interface. Make menu items in particular 15 pt instead of the default size:. Note that the same structure (following) is used for the example rules shown here:. Personally, I do a lot of ridiculous things to squeeze in an extra row here or there, including using autohide with...

Hacking Firefox - part 16


The Mostly Crystal theme can be customized through the userChrome file. For those who do not like the new bookmarked item icon, it can be changed back to the old style page. The same rule applies to the new tab style. You can find a thorough listing of what changes can be made to the Mostly Crystal theme at http://www.tom-cat.com/mozilla/firefox/userchrome.html....

Hacking Firefox - part 17


F IGURE 9-6: A live bookmark of the BBC RSS service is shown at the top of the image.. The one system icon that we will add to the toolbar is the Mozilla Updates button. This icon is not available directly from the Customize Toolbar menu, but it requires that only a couple of lines be added to the userChrome.css...

Hacking Firefox - part 18


F IGURE 9-18: The ForecastFox setup dialog appears after the first restart of Firefox after the installation of the extension.. For the current conditions, I have chosen icons and labels. in this particular case, for the first element, I’ve chosen the current weather condition and the temperature along with the current weather icon. The display ele- ments in tooltips for...

Hacking Firefox - part 19


Now that you’ve seen how Firefox parses individual web sites as multiple home pages, you can add additional web site tabs manually by typing them in the General Options Location(s) box.. When you restart the browser, the new tab appears to the right of the other sites. The sites always open in the same order as the URLs in the...

Hacking Firefox - part 20


Firefox includes a feature called smooth scrolling that lets you see just how much of the page goes by when you use the Page Up or Page Down keys or your mouse scroll wheel. You can turn off smooth scrolling in the Options window under Advanced.. Firefox’s default scroll effect with the wheel alone is three lines on the web...

Hacking Firefox - part 21


Table 11-1 Customizing the Download Manager Settings. Use this to close the Download Manager window true/false closeWhenDone when it finishes downloading.. Use this to focus the Download Manager window true/false focusWhenStarting when a download starts.. This is the number of milliseconds that Firefox integer openDelay waits before displaying the Download Manager.. This is useful if you are downloading a bunch...

Hacking Firefox - part 22


From our LiveHTTPHeaders Firefox download example, you can see that the MIME type or Content-Type in the header information is as follows:. Now you take this value and add it to the internal list of MIME types with the following steps:. Populate the MIME Type field with the Content-Type value of application/. Enter exe in the Extension field, which corresponds...

Hacking Firefox - part 23


Sometimes you know where you need to go, so you use bookmarks and familiar links, but eventually you’ll need to search the Web to look up new sites and sources of information. Firefox includes some excellent search tools and makes it easy for you to modify the browser to suit your search habits. A fresh install of Firefox uses Google...

Hacking Firefox - part 24


If you’re interested in only one or two links, you’re okay, but what if you want to see four or five links?. Or all of the links on a page? That’s where the Linky extension comes in. If you first highlight a part of the page containing links, you will have the option to open either the selected links or...

Hacking Firefox - part 25


Topics covered here include using command-line options, hacking the default setup options, creating custom installers, and hacking existing installers. When reviewing this chapter, keep your ultimate goal in mind and see if any of the techniques covered here will fit that goal. Running the Firefox installation in Standard mode selects most defaults and has minimal prompts, while the Custom installation...

Hacking Firefox - part 26


Both installers have the ability to run in silent mode by specifying a command-line parameter of /silent , as shown for the Flash Installer:. flashplayer7installer.exe /silent. Toolbar installation, and this will be automatically installed if you run the Shockwave installer with the command-line /silent parameter. An alternative approach to silent installation is to sign up for the Macromedia Distribution Program....

Hacking Firefox - part 27


One great tool that you can use to create or update MSIs is MaSaI Solutions’ MaSaI Installer.. While the full version of this tool is not free, if you want to get serious about creating, extracting, or updating MSIs, this is a viable option. You can download the MaSaI Installer from http://www.masaieditor.com/. Once you have installed the full Installer SDK,...

Hacking Firefox - part 28


Launch Firefox with the Profile Manager, select your regular profile, and start Firefox. Make a note of the path to that profile. The random-looking code in the path will vary according to which version of Firefox the profile was created with, but, as long as you know the path, the name of the folder doesn’t matter. You’ll need to know...

Hacking Firefox - part 29


The Configuration Mania window options are divided into categories on the left panel and option groupings on the right. In the Browser category, I like to focus on three of the groupings:. The HTTP Network category allows us to add some additional tuning of the number of con- nections, as well as set the HTTP connection type. For more information...

Hacking Firefox - part 30


For more information or to install ieview, visit http://ieview.mozdev.org/. BBCode markup language has a much smaller subset of available formatting tags than HTML, and tags are usually delimited with brackets instead of the normal HTML tags, which are delimited with less than (<) and greater than (>) signs. For more information or to install BBCode, visit http://jedbrown.net/1.0/mozilla. For more information...

Hacking Firefox - part 31


As you can see, to create a horizontal layout, we placed the three buttons inside an hbox ele- ment. <button label=”Red”/>. <button label=”Green”/>. <button label=”Blue”/>. <?xml version=”1.0”?>. xmlns=”http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul”>. <textbox value=”Enter you text here”/>. <button label=”Go”/>. The xmlns=”http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only .xul” line specifies that the window children are XUL elements.. In the following sections, you can see some Mozilla configuration files written using...

Hacking Firefox - part 32


Given a tree element, you can easily get its child elements:. After retrieving the wanted element, you can in turn get its children and so on. The actual DOM structure might include a few elements that are added by the browser. You can examine the complete DOM structure and see if the preceding examples need any adjustments. If your HTML...

Hacking Firefox - part 33


Automatic indentation: If you want to create readable XML documents, JavaScript pro- grams, or any other structured text files, you should use indentation to emphasize the hierarchical structure of the document elements. Line numbering: If there are problems or errors in your document, the browser (or a validation program) typically reports them along with the line number on which the...

Hacking Firefox - part 34


Making the Extension Localizable. This allows the extension to be easily translated to a different language. id=”siteleds-statusbar-panel”/>. insertbefore=”statusbar-display”/>. What if the extension is translated into a dozen languages?. Let’s define our string as an XML entity in the siteledsOverlay.dtd file:. <!ENTITY siteLeds.tooltip “SiteLeds Status Icon”>. tooltiptext=”&siteLeds.tooltip;”. “&siteLeds.tooltip;”. <?xml version=”1.0”?>. type=”text/css”?>. <!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM “chrome://siteleds/locale/siteledsOverlay.dtd”>. xmlns=”http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul”>. src=”chrome://siteleds/content/siteledsOverlay.js”/>. <statusbar id=”status-bar”>. Please note...