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Chủ đề : lập trình JavaScript

Có 13+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "lập trình JavaScript"

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P1


PHP and script.aculo.us. applications with script.aculo.us and PHP. A complete how-to guide for building web sites using script.aculo.us and PHP to get your project up and running. Building powerful interactive AJAX applications with script.aculo.us and PHP. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P2


Ajax.Responders. Responders are global objects that monitor all AJAX activities on the page and are notified of each step in the communication process. Ajax.Responders.register(responder). Ajax.Responders.register({. src="prototype.js"></script>. src="Scripts.js"></script>. src="src/scriptaculous.js"></script>. src="src/effects.js"></script>. <form class="login-form">. onblur="CheckUsername();">. <p>. id="yes">. </div>. id="no">. id="password">. s are hidden in the web page using the init() function on load.. new Ajax.Request(url. When you try to enter the data that...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P3


Secure.php. Class: Secure.php. Signup.php. src="scripts.js"></script>. src="prototype.js"></script>. ACTION ="signup.php". class="signup-form">. <table class="signup-table">. <P>. VALUE = "Register">. require_once 'DBConfig.php';. require_once 'Secure.php';. header ("Location: index.php");. Now, let's move on to the login.php page details. Login.php. ACTION ="login.php". class="login-form">. <table class="login-table">. VALUE = "Login">. </p>. <a href="signup.php">New User? Sign-up</a>. <p>. Add the following code to the login.php file that we just created:. header ("Location:...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P4


script.aculo.us provides us with the sounds.js file through which we can play any song with just one line of code. Using this module, we can play music through the browser. MP3s are supported only in the sounds.js file from script.aculo.us 1.8 onwards.. Here are some of the methods we can use while trying to play sounds with script.aculo.us.. type="text/javascript"></script>. type="text/javascript"></....

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P5


In the story so far, we have added a simple <div>. src="src/lib/prototype.js"></script>. src="src/src/scriptaculous.js"></script>. src="src/src/effects.js"></script>. src="src/src/controls.js"></script>. <div id="myDiv">. </div>. Here, we have given a proxy URL in the option. The new definition of the constructor now looks like this:. Click on the <div>. The collection option takes multiple values in the form of an array and prompts them in a. Leave...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P6


When the axis orientation of a slider is defined as horizontal, the slider becomes and acts as a horizontal slider.. Code usage for the slider. Let's start with our HTML code and then the basic constructor definition of the slider.. <div id="track"><div id="handle1"></div>div>. Here, we have defined our track and handle as <div>. So let's define the constructor for the...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P7


Some of the key points we will be covering in this chapter are:. The BIG picture of the application Features and functionalities Creating a database for the project. Implementing all the features of the application. As a user, we should be able to sign up, log in, and log out as mentioned in Chapter 3 in the User login management...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P8


Now, when the user submits a tutorial, an alert message will be displayed to the user. If the tutorial does not exist, the next page will be shown where the user can add the title, description, and tags.. Now that the user has submitted the tutorial and we have checked that the tutorial does not exist already, it's time to...

PHP and script.aculo.us Web 2.0 Application Interfaces- P9


In the code that we just saw, we have created a simple text box and a submit button to post the data. When the user clicks on the submit button, the data is posted using the Ajax.Request feature that we learned in Chapter 2.. new Ajax.Request(. We will pass these values to the server file, getItem.php , using Ajax.Request ....

Tài liệu học Javascript


H ướ ng đ i t ố ượ ng (Object Oriented).. t ượ ng (Object). Các đ i t ố ượ ng đ ượ c cung c p b i môi tr ấ ở ườ ng Netscape.. Các đ i t ố ượ ng đ ượ c cung c p b i môi tr ấ ở ườ ng Netscape:. tr...

Lap trinh Javascript lam web dong don gian


Hướng đối tượng (Object Oriented).. Các đối tượng được cung cấp bởi môi trường Netscape.. Các đối tượng được cung cấp bởi môi trường Netscape:. Đối tượng Mô tả. Các đối tượng do người lập trình xây dựng:. Định nghĩa thuộc tính của đối tượng: (Object Properties). Thêm các phương pháp cho đối tượng:( Method to Object). Tạo một instance...

ngôn ngữ lập trình JavaScript


SCRIPT >...</ SCRIPT >. đối tợng document. Cách gọi một cách thức của một đối tợng nh sau:.  Các câu lệnh thao tác trên đối tợng. Câu lệnh này đợc sử dụng để lặp tất cả các thuộc tính (properties) của một đối tợng. đối tợng Cú pháp. Ví dụ sau tạo đối tợng person có các thuộc tính firstname,...

Securing PHP Web Applications


Use of the Data 124. System administrators do have a role in securing the Web server, and if you hap- pen to wear both the system administration and application programming hats, be sure to read Chapter 13, “Securing PHP on the Server.” The rest of the book, however, is devoted to the ways that hackers exploit insecure applications and how...