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A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 37


cout <<. <<. setw(10) <<. setw(2) <<. hour <<. minute <<. second <<. TimeTab.cpp. #include "DayTime.h". timeTab[i].print();. timeTab[i_min].print();. timeTab[i_max].print();. "There are"<<. count <<". LIMIT <<. z <<. s <<. Row 24, column 20 cout <<. telList.cpp. #include "telList.h". name.length() >. if( v[i].name. left <<. setw(30) <<. el.name.c_str(). setw(20) <<. el.telNr.c_str(). int matches = 0, len = name.length();. if( v[i].name.compare(0, len,...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 38


Arrays and Pointers. This chapter describes the relationship between pointers and arrays.This includes:. cout <<. <<. "and pointers to char.\n". cPtr <<. name <<. text <<. *cPtr <<. ARRAYS AND POINTERS (1). In this case, town is a char pointer to town[0. that is, a pointer to the memory address that stores the 'B' character. Example: cout <<. or: cout...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 39


As we have already seen, a parameter for an array argument is always a pointer to the first array element. Example: A new version of the standard function strlen(). In this case, the difference between two pointers results in the string length.. The first version of the function strcpy() “string copy” opposite uses an index, whereas the second does not....

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 40


cout <<. <<. (pv - v) <<. Write a program that uses the cin method get() to read a line character by character and stores it in a char array.The line is then output in reverse order.. The standard function strcmp() performs a lexicographical comparison of two C strings.The opposite page contains an index version of strcmp() .The return value...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 41


Fundamentals of File Input and Output. A write operation stores a record in a file, that is, the existing record in the file is updated or a new record is added. When you read a record, this record is taken from the file and copied to the data structure of a program.. From the viewpoint of a C++ program, a...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 42


After you have completed file manipulation, the file should always be closed for the fol- lowing reasons:. data may be lost, if for some reason the program is not terminated correctly. there is a limit to the number of files that a program can open simultaneously.. However, if the file is no longer in use before this point, you should...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 43


cerr <<. usage <<. <<. source <<. dest <<". copied!"<<. cout <<. #include "Pizza.h". "Pepperoni", 9.90F. fixed <<. setw(20) <<. setw(10) <<. pizzaMenu[i].price <<. if( pizzaMenu[cnt].name[0. "Stop with <Return>.\n";. ".\n". onePizza.price <<. cnt <<. #include "Account.h". file <<. TelList.cpp. #include "telList.h". outfile <<. v[i].name <<. v[i].telNr <<. filename <<. TelList_.cpp

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 44


cout <<. Telephone List. A telephone list int main(). header <<. if(myFriends.isDirty() &&. 'y') myFriends.save();. if( myFriends.load()). "Telephone list read from file ". <<. myFriends.getFilename() << . cerr <<. "Telephone list not read!". if( myFriends.saveAs()). "Telephone list has been saved in file: ". myFriends.getFilename() <<. <<endl;. "Telephone list not saved!". Save if( myFriends.save()). "Telephone list has been saved in "....

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 45


䊐 Calling Operator Functions. The following expressions are valid for the operators in the Euro class.. Call: wholesale.operator+( profit) retail. Call: retail.operator. Euro( 1.49);. Euro(1.49)). These expressions contain only Euro type objects, for which operator functions have been defined. The compiler attempts to locate an operator function that is defined for both the Euro object and the double type for....

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 46


Example: cout <<. However, the compiler can process the previous statement if it can locate a suitable operator function, operator<<. To allow for the previous statement, you therefore need to define a corresponding function.. 䊐 Overloading the <<. In the previous example, the left operand of <<. Thus the following prototype applies for the operator function:. operator<<(ostream&. The return value...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 47


#include "Fraction.h". cout <<. <<. a <<. b <<. (a + b) <<. (a - b) <<. (a * b) <<. (a / b) <<. --a <<. ++a <<. -b <<. Type Conversion for Classes. Implicit type conversion occurs in C++ when an expression cannot be compiled directly but can be compiled after applying a conversion rule.. The programmer can...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 48


First declare the simplify() method for the Fraction class and insert the definition on the opposite page in your source code.The method computes the largest common divisor of numerator and denominator.. yields the fraction 1/2 Double values should be converted to fractions with an accuracy of three decimal places.The following technique should suffice for numbers below one million. numerator =...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 49


This statement allocates memory for an object of the Euro class. The values in the initialization list are passed as arguments to the constructor. This statement assigns the address of a new Euro class object to the pointer pE . Example: cout <<. pE->getCents() <<. As previously discussed in the section on fundamental types, when you call delete you must...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 50


cerr <<. <<. cout <<. ++i) cout <<. setw(12) <<. date.h : Defines the class Date.. date.cpp. #include "Date.h". date.setDate();. operator<<( ostream&. Defines the List class. Appends a new element at the end of the list:. Deletes an element at the beginning of the list.. Outputs the list. List.cpp. #include "List.h". Destructor of the list:. Deletes an element from the...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 51


When compiling a program that contains arrays, you will probably not know how many elements the array will need to store. In the following section you will be developing a new version of the FloatArr class to meet these requirements and additionally allow you to manipulate arrays as easy as fun- damental types. For example, a simple assignment should be...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 52


the copy constructor and the standard assignment. In contrast to initialization by means of the copy constructor, which takes place when an object is defined, an assignment always requires an existing object. In addition, memory previously addressed by a pointer of the target object will be unreferenced after the assignment.. The prototype of the operator function for the FloatArr class...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 53


of class Car. The new derived class “inherits” the data and methods of the so-called base class. To differentiate between vehicle types, various classes are derived from the base class Car , such as PassCar , which is used to represent passenger-carrying vehicles. An object of the PassCar type is a special object of the Car class. In cases like...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 54


The name does not occur in the base class → no redefinition.. The name already exists in the base class → redefinition.. In the second case, the member of the same name continues to exist unchanged in the base class. In other words, redefining members in a derived class has no effect on the base class.. if a member is...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 55


Car.h : Defines the base class Car and. Truck( int a, double t, int n, const string&. int getAxles() const { return axles. double getCapacity() const { return tons. car.cpp. #include "car.h". Car::Car( long n, const string&. cout <<. "Creating an object of type Car.". <<. PassCar::PassCar(const string&. tp, bool sd, int n, const string&. "I create an object of...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 56


Type Conversion in Class Hierarchies. CONVERTING TO BASE CLASSES. to base class.. Here a is the base part of beetle. b is the base part of miata.. If a class is derived from another class by public inheritance, the derived class assumes the characteristics and features of the base class. Objects of the derived class type then become special objects...