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A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 17


Additionally, an operator for explicit type conversion is introduced.. IMPLICIT TYPE CONVERSIONS. unsigned int unsigned short. unsigned int. You can generally assume that the “smaller” type will be converted to the “larger” type. The assignment operator is an exception to this rule and will be discussed separately.. The result of an arithmetic operation belongs to the common type used to...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 18


Example: cout <<. #define CLS (cout <<. cout <<. string prompt("Enter a line of text: ". Empty string cout <<. line <<. endl <<. prompt <<. Reads a line of text cout <<. <<. text.size(). copy <<. Assignment cout <<. start <<. text <<. Several operators are overloaded for strings, that is, they were also defined for the string class....

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 19


were overloaded in the string class to allow easy comparison of strings. Strings are compared lexicographically, that is character by character, beginning at the first character. To decide whether a single character is smaller, greater, or identical to another character, the character codes of the character set are compared. s2 is true only if the first character in s1 that...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 20


cout <<. <<. header <<. '\n' <<. line <<. Functions and classes of the standard library. C++ supports efficient software development on the lines of the top-down principle. However, not every function is a member func- tion.. Functions can be defined globally, such as the function main() for example. Func- tions of this type do not belong to any particular...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 21


Passing values to a function when the function is called is referred to as passing by value.. Of course the called function cannot change the values of the arguments in the calling function, as it uses copies of the arguments.. In this case, the function is passed a reference to an object as an argument and can therefore access the...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 22


Write the function sum() with four parameters that calculates the argu- ments provided and returns their sum.. Parameters: Four variables of type long . Returns: The sum of type long. Use the default argument 0 to declare the last two parameter of the function sum() .Test the function sum() by calling it by all three possible methods. Now restructure your...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 23


When an object is declared, not only are the object’s type and name defined but also its storage class. The storage class specifies the lifetime of the object, that is, the period of time from the construction of the object until its destruction. In addition, the storage class delimits the part of the program in which the object can be...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 24


Within a namespace, you can use identifiers without needing to check whether they have been defined previously in an area outside of the namespace. If you need to reference an element from outside of the namespace, you must additionally supply the namespace. To do so, simply omit the name of the namespace.. This technique is useful when you need to...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 25


cout <<. header <<. <<. In this context, passing by reference and read-only access to arguments are introduced.. Local reference to x. double &ref = x. x <<. rx <<. Read-only reference cout <<. cref <<. Error: read-only!. string&. const string&. text <<. Object names: The object in memory. Any operations defined for the reference are performed with the object...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 26


The <<. and >>. Example: cout <<. This expression is not a void type but a reference to the object cout , that is, it repre- sents the object cout . This allows you to repeatedly use the <<. on the expression:. cout <<. <<. (cout <<. Good morning ") <<. Expressions using the <<. operator are composed from left...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 27


Definition and call of the function swap().. cout <<. <<. x <<. y <<. header <<. For solutions cout <<. line <<. a <<. b <<. c <<. x2 <<. Computes the solutions of the quadratic equation:. THE CLASS CONCEPT. Classes allow more direct use of the results of this type of abstraction in software development.. It contains data members,...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 28


Only then can the objects of the class be used.. When you define a method, you must also supply the class name, separating it from the function name by means of the scope resolution operator. Failure to supply the class name results in a global function definition.. Within a method, all the members of a class can be designated directly...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 29


This allows direct access to the members n and x in the union Number. int tm_sec. 0 - 59(60) int tm_min. 0 - 59 int tm_hour. int tm_mday. int tm_mon. 0) int tm_year. Years since 1900 (Year - 1900) int tm_wday. 0) int tm_yday. int tm_isdst. Define the class Date for this purpose using three integral data members for day,...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 30


When an object is defined, initial values can follow the object name in parentheses.. The values in the initialization list are passed as arguments to the constructor.. The other data members will default to standard values.. If the compiler is unable to locate a constructor with a suitable signature, it will not create the object but issue an error message.....

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 31


the copy constructor and. 䊐 Copy Constructor. The copy constructor initializes an object with another object of the same type. It is called automatically when a second, already existing object is used to initialize an object.. In this example, the object yourAccount is initialized by calling the copy constructor with the myAccount object. The copy constructor is also called when...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 32


The constructors and the method setDate() replace the init method used in the former version.The default constructor uses default values, for example, 1.1.1 , to initialize the objects in question.The setDate() method without any parameters writes the current date to the object.. This operation is performed automatically when you use the <<. The Date class does not ensure that an...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 33


Data members belonging to one class can be objects of a different class. The name of the account holder is stored in a string type data member. An object of the Account class therefore has a string type member sub-object, or member object for short.. One of these is the constructor for the complete object, and the others are constructors...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 34


Copy constructor of class Article. The copy constructor creates a copy of an existing object.The parameter is thus a read-only reference to the object that needs to be copied.The copy. Declaration of copy constructor:. The default copy constructor simply transfers the data members to the new object.. In the first exercise of the last chapter you defined a simple class...

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 35


member_t.cpp. #include "member.h". cout <<. <<. today.asString() <<. "\nTwo members of the sports club:\n". "The youngest member of the sports club: \n";. "\nWho is the boss of the sports club?\n". "\nThe Boss of the sports club:". #include "lights.h". A1.setState( Lights::red. A1 = red A2.setState( Lights::amber). A2.setState( Lights::green). A2.setState( Lights::amber). A1.setState( Lights::amber. A2 = red A2.setState( Lights::red). A1.setState( Lights::green). A1.setState( Lights::amber)....

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 36


The array is known as a class array in this case. When you declare an array of this type, you only need to state the type of the array elements.. This class was introduced at the beginning of the last chapter.. As the statement does not initialize the array explicitly, the default constructor is automatically called for each array element.....