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The A to Z of the Vikings 19


Here, the community is said to have been founded by the Danish warrior, Pál- natóki, on the Baltic coast of Wendland (see Wends), and his succes- sor was Sigvaldi Strút-Haraldsson. he was married to a Wendish princess and fled to the court of her father, Mistivoi, when driven into exile by his son Svein Forkbeard. Most of the saga is...

The A to Z of the Vikings 20


Site of a late 10th-century longhouse on the island of Strey- moy, which is the best preserved Viking-Age farmstead on the Faroe Islands. Unfortunately, part of the site is now lost, having been eroded by the sea. Kvívík provides some of the earliest evidence for Scandinavian settlement on the Faroe Islands.. Ship burial discovered on a ridge overlooking Keter- minde...

The A to Z of the Vikings 21


stories in the Prose Edda in which he plays a role, that of the abduc- tion of the goddess Idun, sees him handing over Idun to the giant þ jazi but then helping the Æsir to rescue her and the apples of youth that she guarded. Similarly, when Thor lost his hammer to the giants, he was accompanied by Loki...

The A to Z of the Vikings 22


Hebrides were conceded to Sumarli ð i in 1156) representatives of the Su ð ð reyar met. The continuity of this assembly down to the present day is unique in the context of Scandinavian colonies in the west and testi- fies to the impact of Scandinavian settlement on Man.. Land to the north of Vinland that was first sighted by...

The A to Z of the Vikings 23


was first provoked by the claims of German historians, Gottlieb Siegfried Bayer and August Ludwig von Schlözer that before the advent of the Vikings, the Slavs of Rus- sia lived like savages. In turn, Russian and Soviet historians retaliated by downplaying or denying the Scandinavian contribution to the Russian state.. However, the anti-Normanists ar- gued that the Slavs had established...

The A to Z of the Vikings 24


His ship, the Long Serpent, in which he fought this battle, is one of the most famous of Viking-Age ships, and his saga in Heimskringla includes a long description of it, its con- struction, and its crew. Olof was the son of King Erik the Victorious and his mother is said to have been Sigrid the Proud. He ruled from...

The A to Z of the Vikings 25


cal material and the second, with poetry about heroic figures. Some of the most well-known mythological poems within the Poetic Edda are Völuspá, Hávamál, Rígs þþ ula, Lokasenna, and þþ rymskvi ðð a. The Poetic Edda is one of the most important sources for Norse mythology and cosmology and has given its name to the genre known as Eddic poetry.....

The A to Z of the Vikings 26


have consisted of Danes and Vikings from the Norse colonies in the West too. After leaving Norway, Rollo then apparently proceeded to raid in the Hebrides, England, the Low Countries, and France, before establishing himself in an area along the Seine River. Charles III the Simple granted Rouen and the surrounding area to Rollo sometime after 911 and, in return,...

The A to Z of the Vikings 27


The Outer Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland, and most of the mainland north of the Clyde-Forth line were inhabited by a Pictish population.. The Scottish kingdom of Dalriada included western Argyll and the Inner Hebrides as far north as Skye. The British kingdom of Strath- clyde, centered on Dumbarton Rock, lay to the southwest of the Clyde-Forth boundary. By the mid-ninth century...

The A to Z of the Vikings 28


After exchanging rings and vows of fidelity with the valkyrie Brynhild, Sigurd traveled to the court of a king, Giuki, who had three sons: Gunnar, Hogni, and Guttorm, and one daughter: Gu- drun. Shortly afterward, Brynhild killed herself and asked to be burned on the pyre, next to Sigurd, with a sword placed between them.. He is said to have...

The A to Z of the Vikings 29


By the middle of the ninth century, a new trading center in north- ern Russia had been established farther up the River Volkhov at Novogorod. Part of the reason for this move may have been the vul- nerability of Ladoga to Viking raids—excavations have revealed that a large part of the town was burned down in the 860s, although the...

The A to Z of the Vikings 30


paragraph of this saga describes the achievements of Thorfinn’s de- scendants, concluding that he was “blest in his kin,” and that he had given the best account of the Vinland voyages.. Earl of Orkney, Thorfinn was the grandson of the Scottish king, Malcolm III Canmore, and grew up in his court. As the relatively detailed treatment of his rule in...

The A to Z of the Vikings 31


Although the people who stayed at home in Scandinavia techni- cally were not Vikings in the true sense of the word, it is often hard to distinguish the two groups of population clearly, as in the summer, people who had lived peacefully at home all winter may have turned to Viking activities.. The term Viking was in actual fact hardly...

The A to Z of the Vikings 32


A further rare find from Gjermundbu is one of the most complete chain-mail shirts yet found, and although there are indications that mail was worn by kings and the wealthiest warriors, leather jerkins were probably worn as protection by most Viking warriors.. For example, the shields found in the Gokstad ship burial were painted in alternating yellow and black segments....

The A to Z of the Vikings 33


precise relationship between Ynglingatal, Historia Norwegiae, the Book of the Icelanders, and Ynglinga Saga is unclear.. Ninth-century poem composed by the Norwegian Thjodolf ( þ jódólfr) of Hvin for King Rögnvald the Highly-Honored (hei ð umhæri) of Vestfold in southeastern Norway. Some 27 ancestors of Rögnvald are listed in the poem, with descriptions of their deaths and burial places, linking...

The A to Z of the Vikings 34


and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age, which contain introductory sur- veys alongside more detailed and discursive articles on individual aspects of the Viking experience in these regions. No survey of the British Isles has been published since Henry Loyn’s The Vikings in Britain, so for more up-to-date accounts incorporating recent archaeological evidence in particular, readers are instead referred to...

The A to Z of the Vikings 35


“The Vikings: Some introductory remarks.” In The Vikings:. Proceedings of the Symposium of the Faculty of Arts of Uppsala University, June edited by Thorsten Andersson and Karl Inge Sandred, 11–20. “Who were the first Vikings?” In Proceedings of the Tenth Viking Congress, Larkollen, Norway, 1985, edited by James E. “Peace and non-peace in the Viking Age: Ottar in Biarmaland, the...

The A to Z of the Vikings 36


“Conversion and assimilation.” In Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, edited by Dawn M.. “Survival and mutation: Ecclesiastical institutions in the Danelaw in the ninth and tenth centuries.” In Cultures in Contact: Scandi- navian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, edited by Dawn M. “Repton and the ‘great heathen army’,...

The A to Z of the Vikings 37


“Orkney Norn: A survey of ‘taboo’ terms.” In The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic, edited by Colleen Batey et al., 381–87. The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World. “Norse settlement on the north-west seaboard.” In Scandinavian Settlement in Northern Britain, edited by Barbara E. “Norse and Gaelic in medieval Man: The place-name evi- dence.”...

The A to Z of the Vikings 38


edited by Björn Ambrosiani and Helen Clarke, 215–36. “The Vikings and Russia: Some new directions and approaches to an old problem.” In Social Approaches to Viking Studies, edited by Ross Sam- son, 201–06. “Kievan Rus.” In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, edited by Joseph R.. “The Varangian problem: A brief history of the controversy.” In Varangian Problems, edited by K....