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Khi trao t ng t ặ ượ ng Th n T do kh ng l cho n ầ ự ổ ồ ướ c M , ng ỹ ườ i Pháp gi ữ l i m t phiên b n nh h n. Sau khi tri n lãm t i h i ch Đ u x o Hà ạ ộ ả...

The A to Z of the Vikings 40


Ninth and Tenth Centuries, edited by Dawn M. “Monuments and merchants: Irregularities in the distribution of stone sculpture in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire in the tenth century.” In Cul- tures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, edited by Dawn M. “Five towns funerals: Decoding diversity in Danelaw stone sculpture.” In Vikings and the Danelaw: Select...

The A to Z of the Vikings 1


The A to Z of Buddhism by Charles S. The A to Z of Catholicism by William J. The A to Z of Hinduism by Bruce M. The A to Z of Islam by Ludwig W. The A to Z of Slavery &. The A to Z of the Korean War by Paul M. The A to Z of the...

The A to Z of the Vikings 2


Holman has also pub- lished a number of articles, again largely on runes, but also on other as- pects of the Vikings and Viking Age. As this dic- tionary is primarily designed for an English-language audience, which may include people unfamiliar with the conventions of the Scandina- vian and Icelandic languages, I have chosen to anglicize these charac- ters. The...

The A to Z of the Vikings 3


1016 Death of Æthelred II. Death of Edmund.. 1017 Cnut, son of Svein Forkbeard of Denmark, crowned king of England.. 1019 Cnut became king of Denmark after death of brother, Harald.. 1028 Olaf Haraldsson driven out of Norway by Danish-backed revolt.. 1035 Death of Cnut, king of England, Denmark, and Norway.. 1040 Harthacnut became king of England following death of...

The A to Z of the Vikings 4


brief period, to the Norwegian king, Magnus the Good. After Mag- nus’s death in 1047, Cnut’s family, in the form of his nephew, Svein Estrithsson, regained the Danish throne. His assassination takes us more or less to the end of the Viking Age, to 1086. With him also died the last hopes of the Danish kings for regaining England.. Norway...

The A to Z of the Vikings 5


the daughter of Svein Estrithsson was married to the chieftain, Gottschalk, who was himself descended from Mistivoi (Gottschalk’s great-grandfather) and Svein Fork- beard (Gottschalk’s grandfather).. The German cleric Adam of Bre- men is most famous for his History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen, written between around 1072 and 1075. In his prologue, Adam tells us that he came to Bremen...

The A to Z of the Vikings 6


L’Anse aux Meadows suggests that the Norse Greenlanders reached North America by around the year 1000, and although the occupation of that site was relatively short-lived, there is archaeological evi- dence which suggests that the Norse continued to visit parts of the North American continent and the Canadian Arctic islands in the far north.. The Dorset peo- ple, a Paleo-Inuit...

The A to Z of the Vikings 7


The Anglo- Norman historian, William of Malmesbury, suggests that there was opposition to Athelstan because he had been raised at the Mercian (see Mercia), rather than the West-Saxon (see Wessex), court. the Welsh, and the Strathclyde Britons. Athel- stan first received the submission of these various opponents at Eamont, near Penrith in the present-day northwestern county of Cumbria, in July...

The A to Z of the Vikings 8


Name given to the laws that applied in the trading centers or towns of Norway and Sweden and which were de- veloped into separate municipal law-codes in the medieval period.. The only town for which these laws (as opposed to later municipal codifications) survive is Lödöse in western Sweden, near present-day Gothenburg, although two fragments of the municipal code for...

The A to Z of the Vikings 9


The skaldic poem, Víkingavísur, refers to two places in Brittany where Olaf Haraldsson is said to have been involved in fighting in the early 11th century: Hringsfjör ð r, an unidentified location on the Breton coast. and Hól, the scene of a Viking stronghold, which is usually identified with present-day Dol in the northeastern part of the province.. Scandinavian art...

The A to Z of the Vikings 10


for a Scandinavian audience, emphasizes both his right to the English throne and his godliness (see, for example, Hallvar ð r háreksblesi’s Knútsdrápa). In one of the few surviving images of Cnut, he and Emma are famously pictured presenting a gold cross to the New Min- ster in Winchester (Liber Vitae: New Minster Register, British Library, MS Stowe 944 f6r).....

The A to Z of the Vikings 11


Dnieper’s rapids, is described in some detail by the emperor Con- stantine II Porphyrogenitos in his work the Administration of the Empire.. A major town and trading center in northwest Europe founded in the seventh century at the confluence of the rivers Lek and Rhine (near present-day Nijmegen in The Netherlands). Extensive ar- chaeological excavations between 1967–1977 suggest that at...

The A to Z of the Vikings 12


During Cnut’s reign, Emma seems to have enjoyed considerable status and power, appearing frequently in charter witness-lists, and she is fa- mously depicted alongside Cnut, presenting a gold cross to the New Minster in Winchester, in the Liber Vitae (New Minster Register, British Library, MS Stowe 944 f6r). During this pe- riod she commissioned the Encomium Emmae Reginae, and an...

The A to Z of the Vikings 13


Ynglinga Saga, the name of the Swedish Yngling dynasty was derived from the god Frey, who was also known as Yngvi-Frey. Although one of the Vanir, Frey lived in Asgard alongside the Æsir, where he had been brought as a hostage in the wars between the two races of gods.. Goddess of the Vanir family, sister of Frey, and daughter...

The A to Z of the Vikings 14


The main source of written evidence for Götaland in the Viking Age is runic inscriptions carved on memorial stones. The traditional picture was of Svear dominance and conquest, but in recent years, many histori- ans have argued for the primacy of the Götar. The first king known to have exercised power in both Svealand and Götaland is Olof Skötko- nung,...

The A to Z of the Vikings 15


known for certain about Halfdan and his reign, although he appears to have inherited control of the southern province of Agder at the age of 18 and to have acquired Vestfold, Romerike, Sogn, Hadeland by force. Halfdan is said to have had two wives called Ragnhild and two sons called Harald. the first of these sons died, but the second,...

The A to Z of the Vikings 16


Nevertheless, although many of the finds suggest that the Norse population of the Hebrides was prin- cipally made up of traders and warriors, there is some evidence of a more settled community: Of the 32 graves where it is possible to iden- tify the sex of the interred, there are 14 female graves.. As well as the evidence of pagan...

The A to Z of the Vikings 17


clutch both ends of the hogback. The vast majority of the hogbacks seem, from their orna- mentation, to date to the period c. The distribution of the hogbacks is largely confined to northern England, with notable centers at Brompton and Lythe in North York- shire and Sockburn-on-Tees in County Durham. The distribution of the hogbacks in northern England largely coincides...

The A to Z of the Vikings 18


The site at Heath Wood in Ingleby appears to have been in use for no longer than 20 or 30 years, and the excavators have drawn attention to both the similarities and the differences between Ingleby and the pagan burials at Repton, which lies just four kilometers to the southeast of Ingleby. It has been suggested that the two sites...