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The grammar of the english verb phrase part 114


typical of implicatures that they can be blocked or cancelled by the context – see implicate for examples.. Implicature of discontinuation: implicature attached to the use of the absolute past tense when the full situation is homogeneous and there is no linguistic or contextual indication that the situation time. time of the predicated situa- tion) is included in (and hence...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 115


t 0 ) as well as the post-present and the pre-present or the past, and is therefore compatible with any of the four absolute tenses: He’s doing it today , He finally did it today , He’s done it today , He’ll do it later today. Narrative time clause: time clause which does not specify an Adv-time (contain- ing the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 116


would do it tomorrow , but that is irrelevant to the definition of ‘past temporal domain’. A domain is a past domain if and only if its central orientation time is located in the past time-sphere.. which locates a situation time in the past time-sphere and in doing so establishes a past domain, and the relative past tense (or ‘rela-...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 117


Presupposition: proposition which is assumed to be true by the speaker when he makes his utterance, in other words, a pragmatic condition which is as- sumed to be fulfilled. Preterite: tense locating a situation time in a domain in the past time-sphere.. See also past tense (a)–(b).. Principle of Unmarked Temporal Interpretation: strategy for the interpretation of temporal W-relations when...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 118


‘indirect reported speech’ (e. He said that he was ill. In the latter case there is no reporting clause like He said … and what is a subclause in indirect reported speech appears as an independent clause (e. Note that in both types, and especially in the latter, speech should be interpreted as also including thought rather than just spoken...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 119


For example, in Meg had seen Jill , the situation time of had seen is ‘(temporally) bound by’ (or ‘temporally subordinated to’) an orientation time which is not explicitly referred to but forms part of a past temporal domain. Strictly speaking, it is only situation times that can be bound, but by extension we can also apply the label to...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 120


a book in It was a book that I gave him, What I gave him was a book , I gave him a book , A book was what I gave him. a book in What I gave him was a book. in progress) by the speaker referring to that progressive situation. For example, in each of the following sentences...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 121


absolute deictic relation 485, 490 absolute deictic time-specifying adver-. adverbial see absolute deictic time- specifying adverbial, actualization ad- verbial, bifunctional adverbial, deictic time-specifying adverbial, duration adverbial, durative time-specifying adverbial, inclusive duration adver- bial, multiple-orientation-time adver- bial, multi-zone adverbial, nondeic- tic time-specifying adverbial, nonin- clusive adverbial, orientation-time adverbial, past zone adverbial, pre- present zone adverbial, punctual time-specifying adverbial, pure dura- tion...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 122


past time-sphere . past time-zone see also past time-sphere) past zone see past time-zone. possible world see also inten- sional domain). posteriority see also T-posteriority, W-posteri- ority). post-present see post-present zone post-present domain . post-present time-zone see post-pres- ent zone. post-present zone . preparatory phase 58 ⫺ 60 pre-present see pre-present zone pre-present domain . pre-present situation pre-present time-zone see...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 109


14.19.2 When the two clauses refer to the post-present (and, as before, the after -clause functions as situation-time adverbial), the possibilities are as fol- lows:. he uses the future tense in the head clause and the present tense (as Pseudo-t 0 -System form) in the after -clause:. In these examples, the present tense represents the situation time of the after...