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The grammar of the english verb phrase part 93


13.1 Delineation of the subject. Adverbial when -clauses specify an Adv-time. In the same way as what he wanted means ‘that which he wanted’, when he came means ‘then when he came’, which is equivalent to ‘at the time at which he came’.. ‘Narrative’ when -clauses, which do not specify the time of the head clause situation but ‘push forward’...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 94


when - clause. As we will see in 13.11, the interval of time referred to as ‘Adv- time of the head clause’ will normally be interpreted as the same interval as that referred to as ‘Adv-time of the when -clause’. In (2b), the common Adv-time is the time interval lexicalized by the antecedent ( a time ) of the relative...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 95


(This example shows that it is sometimes irrelevant whether the speaker uses a when-clause including a second time-specifying adverbial or a time- specifying adverbial accompanied by a when-clause as second time-specifying adver- bial. In the latter case the situation time of the when - clause is contained in the first time-specifying adverbial rather than the other way round.). When a...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 96


and because, when the situation time of the head clause is T-anterior to the contained orientation time of the head clause, it is often more natural to use by the time that than to use when . Another thing worth noting is that in configurations 1 ⫺ 3, the when -clause is used as a situation-time adverbial. In configurations 4...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 97


Figure 13.13. Figure 13.10 by using an absolute past tense form in the head clause instead of a past perfect. What renders the use of an absolute past tense form in the head clause accept- able is the fact that for pragmatic reasons the situation time of the head clause can only be interpreted as W-simultaneous with the situation time...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 98


Adverbial when-clauses and the use of tenses. clauses no longer refer to time at all but describe the case(s) in which the statement made in the head clause is true:. Atemporal when -clauses like these are sometimes called ‘ restrictive when- clauses ’ because they restrict the cases in which the head-clause statement is true. In the above examples, the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 99


Adverbial when-clauses and the use of tenses. When-clause and head clause referring to different times. A clause obviously uses an absolute tense form if it locates its situation time in a different time-sphere from the head clause.. 13.18 Head clause referring to the past and when -clause referring to the present. This kind of ‘mismatch’ of time-spheres is not normally...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 100


This chapter deals with the use of tenses in sen- tences consisting of a head clause and an adver- bial time clause if the latter is introduced by be- fore or after . Until -clauses are also included in the discussion.. We begin by explaining the temporal structure of before , which is interpreted as ‘before the time at which’....

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 101


This shows that the use of an absolute tense in a before -clause is not a priori impossible.. As usual, the claim that a before -clauses can in principle use either a relative or an absolute tense form is difficult to corroborate when the verb form is in the past tense, because there is no formal difference between an absolute...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 102


important than the logical relation: the head clause expresses a kind of (pre)condition for the actualization of the before -clause situation, and the before -clause is the head clause (expressing q ) of what is semantically an. In this case the use of the future tense in the before -clause is quite normal:. You will need to register as a...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 103


Neither clause uses a tense relating its situation time to the situation time of the other clause, because both establish a past domain of their own. However, the temporal W-relation between the situation times is indicated by before ⫺ see Figure 14.4 in section 14.4.1.. 14.6 Absolute tense in the head clause and relative tense in the before -clause. 14.6.1...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 104


Because of this, the Anchor time is felt to be the time when the state immedi- ately resulting from the before -clause situation is holding. However, apart from this ‘immediate result reading’, the sentence may also allow a ‘perfect of experience’ interpretation: ‘John left before Bill had ever been inside’. It comes to the fore only if a word like...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 105


I will be glad if my son is already feeling somewhat better before he has attended half of the prescribed therapy sessions.. 14.7.7 Another case in which both the head clause and the before -clause use a relative tense is illustrated by the following:. This is special only in that the tense of the head clause is not a pure...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 106


before -clause. The function of the measure phrase is then to specify the distance between the contained orientation time of the head clause and the W-posterior Anchor time:. This complex temporal structure can be made explicit by the use of adverbials measuring the length of the time spans corresponding with the two anteriority relations. As is clear from this paraphrase,...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 107


It was a long time before all the cases had been unpacked. [The stockpiling of treatment began and] it was a long time before enough had been stored . The past perfect situations are obviously interpreted as t 0 -factual. If we want to do no more than represent the before -clause situation as not-yet-factual (i. put emphasis on the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 108


The temporal structure of the conjunction after is represented by Figure 14.12.. 14.17 The temporal structure of after. 14.17.1 In the same way as before means ‘before the time when’, the conjunc- tion after is semantically equivalent to ‘after the time {that / when / at which}’.. In the paraphrase ‘after the time {that / when / at which. the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 110


14.22 Summary of the discussion of after -clauses. 14.22.1 The most common tense configurations in sentences consisting of a head clause and an after -clause referring to the past are illustrated by the following sentences:. John arrived after Mary left.. John arrived after Mary had left.. The temporal W-relation between the two central orienta- tion times is expressed by after....

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 111


Anteriority is W-anteriority if A is interpreted as anterior to B in the possible world referred to. Thus, in John was born in London and died in Glasgow , the former situation is interpreted as W-anterior to the latter, but it is not represented as T-anterior to it: the two past tense forms merely locate the times of the two...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 112


negation which has only one constituent of the clause in its scope (e. Constitution reading (or constitution interpretation): particular type of up-to- now reading of a clause in the present perfect, namely that reading in which the speaker focuses on the situational constitution of the pre-present zone and not only on the temporal location of a situation in that zone....

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 113


but it was not yet a fact at the time of the head clause situation and the speaker leaves it vague whether Bill eventually arrived or not.). Factual full situation: In clauses in one of the perfect tenses with a continuative reading, this term refers to that part of the full situation that has actualized in a period leading up...