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The grammar of the english verb phrase part 73


the fact that the two situations do not really overlap but concentrates on the fact that they follow each other closely and that there is some logical relation between them. The use of a tense form whose basic function is the expression of T-simultaneity then means that the speaker treats the two situations as be- longing to the same ‘occasion’...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 74


[John will no longer be there at six because] he will have left at five.. By then John will already have left. In the same way as left in John left at five establishes a past domain, will have left in the second example creates a pseudo-past subdomain in a post-present domain. And in the same way as has left...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 75


The use of the past perfect in (4a ⫺ b) versus the use of the present perfect in (5a ⫺ b) is accompanied by further differences between the two types of sen- tences. To begin with, in (4a ⫺ b) the head clause in the future tense is each time positive while the relative clause in the past perfect is...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 76


(10b) [She was determined to buy the house.] The moment she had seen it she had fallen in love with it. only indirect binding is possible on the intended interpretation.). (11b) What we hoped was that the next day we would be freed by the police, who { would have been. had been } notified by then. (Only indirect binding...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 77


9.31.2 If the pre-present domain is established by an up-to-now perfect (which is the case when the situation time fills the entire pre-present but does not include t 0. The former possibility can only occur when the speaker can discern enough ‘pastness’ in the up-to-now situation expressed in the head clause to expand the pre-present domain as if it were...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 78


unspecified orientation time which is T-anterior to the central orientation time of the post-present domain. 10.1.2 An absolute-relative tense differs from a purely absolute one in that it relates its situation time to an orientation time in a post-present domain and not to t 0 . It therefore fails to make explicit the temporal W-relation that holds between the situation...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 79


the distribution of the two systems). In a complex sentence with an Absolute Future System form in the head clause, we sometimes find the Absolute Future System in the subclause and sometimes the Pseudo-t 0 -System. When a subclause uses the Absolute Future System (as in I will join you, whereas Tom will stay at home. the temporal relation between...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 80


Two tense systems with post-present reference. tion presupposed at post-present basic orientation time’ may have a clear effect on the interpretation of the sentence. (We will return to this in 10.6.8 below.). Of the two systems, only the Pseudo-t 0 -System can be used to suggest that the contents of the clause represent how the situation will be evaluated at...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 81


they explain the basis on which the speaker comes to the conclusion that the head clause proposition is true.. There must be someone in the house, because there is a light on on the second floor.. When the reference is to the post-present, the distribution of the Absolute Future System and the Pseudo-t 0 -System is as follows:. (a) Actualization-explaining...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 82


They do so because the head clause situation is dependent on the subclause situation, which means that the head clause must be interpreted within the possible world created by the if -clause. (The two clauses form part of the same. The use of the Pseudo-t 0 -System in open conditionals is not so much a logical requirement as something that...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 83


(8i) We won’t do it if it will upset him (if we do it). In (8a ⫺ f) there is a rather loose syntactic and semantic relation between the two clauses. 13 The subclause has a large measure of syntactic independence and is not integrated into the head clause semantically, as the latter can be fully interpreted without reference to...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 84


Tense choice determined by temporal focus. The word ‘definite’ in the comment to the last example may mean either ‘ ref - erential ’ or ‘ attributive ’ in Donnellan’s (1966) sense. That is, it is not neces- sary that the time of opening the bottle is definite in the sense that the speaker knows (and assumes the hearer to...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 85


11.3 The manipulation of temporal focus for a specific purpose. A shift of temporal focus from the present to the past can result in an implicature of nonapplicability at t 0 . For example, when the verb form used expresses posteriority, a shift of temporal focus to the past suggests that what was foreseen at some past time is no...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 86


clauses with temporal adverbials. Relevant classes of temporal adverbials 591. 12.1 Deictic vs nondeictic time-specifying adverbials 591 12.2 Single-zone adverbials, multi-zone adverbials and zone-independent. 12.3 Homogeneous vs heterogeneous time-specifying adverbials 594 12.4 (Non)inclusive heterogeneous time-specifying adverbials 595. Temporal adverbials and the choice between past tense and present perfect 596. 12.5 Nondeictic adverbials 596. 12.6 Past-zone adverbials 598. 12.7 Noninclusive heterogeneous...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 87


12.4 (Non)inclusive heterogeneous time-specifying adverbials. 12.4.1 Within the class of heterogeneous time-specifying adverbials, which can only indicate a period as a whole, there is a formal distinction between prepositional phrases introduced by within or in (in the sense of within ) and other adverbials. I have been working very hard. *I have been working very hard { in / within...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 88


[There is, however, another factor which weighed perhaps more heavily with the Government’s decision to introduce some form of control.] In the past the Govern- ments of both India and Pakistan voluntarily agreed to maintain strict control over emigration to Britain. [In the meantime, the peasant derives many benefits from the management of the economy. he is to a certain...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 89


[Prior to that I did very little exercise.] Since I have begun exercising I have also tried to change my diet by cutting down on carbohydrates. The following are examples with other verbs marking the beginning of a period up to now:. (www) [I just have to put up with all the humiliations that fall on my head in this...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 90


12.13 Until -adverbials. 12.13.1 Prepositional phrases and adverbial clauses introduced by until (or up to, till, up till ) can be used as pure duration adverbials (specifying the duration of the full situation). I {had worked / worked / would work / have worked / will work / will have worked} until three in the morning.. 12.13.2 The combination not...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 91


12.16.2 With actualization adverbials implying a period up to t 0 , Am. often uses the past tense, especially in spoken language. too, the past tense is sometimes used with always, ever, and (less frequently) with never. uses I’ve already done that instead.) 5 I (have) always said he was not to be trusted.. 12.17 Tense choice with adverbials indicating...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 92


I {stayed / *have stayed} with the body until the police came. [I know what it means to be in the army.] I {served / *have served} during the Falklands war. 12.20.3 Noninclusive heterogeneous pre-present-zone adverbials normally combine with the present perfect only:. (continuative reading) At least a dozen accidents have happened here over the past four years . (indefinite...