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Oxford practice grammar with answers part 3


PRESENT CONTINUOUS. We use the present continuous for something happening now. am speaking to you live means that Kitty is in the middle of a live broadcast.. It's raining at the moment.. PRESENT SIMPLE. We use the present simple for repeated actions. It always rains at the weekend.. We normally use the present simple to talk about thoughts and feelings.....

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 4


10 Past continuous or simple?. Harriet: Well, when we were driving home last night, we saw a strange object in the sky.. Mike: It was a spaceship. It had some strange writing on the side.. And a light was flashing on the top. PAST CONTINUOUS PAST SIMPLE. We use the past continuous for an action that we We use the...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 5


The present perfect tells us about the past and the. Last year is in the past.. We use the past simple (not the present perfect) to talk about times in the past such as yesterday, last week, in 1994, a hundred years ago.. PRESENT PERFECT. (So her things are in the case now.) Mike has repaired the chair.. (So it's...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 6


Had I left it in the office the day before? I just couldn't remember. The situation is in the past (I took the train. When we talk about things before this past time, we use the past perfect.. We are looking back from the situation of the train journey to the earlier actions - going to a party and leaving...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 7


3 We're in the middle of decorating our kitchen, so we can't cook any meals.. 1 Mark has been a member of the golf club for two years.. 6 I'm going to work by bus this week.. Put in a pronoun and the correct form of the verb. Nick: Well, I (3) haven't been/wasn't in the job long. I (13)...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 8


I'll be twenty next Friday.. Aunt Joan: Oh, really? Are you going to have a party?. Emma: I'm going to have a meal in a restaurant with a few friends.. Aunt Joan: That'll be nice.. BE GOING TO. We use be going to for an intention, something we have already decided to do.. We're going to have a meal.. Tom...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 9


We use will have + a past participle (the future perfect) for something that will be over in the future. At half past eight she will be able to say 'I have finished'.. This chess game is going to last ages. Will you have read this book by the time it's due back to the library. We often use the...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 10


It's half past one in the morning. We can also stress modal verbs such as will and should.. In the present simple we put do before the verb.. They do make such a » In the third person singular we use does.. In the past simple we use did.. We can use do with an imperative for emphasis.. But we...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 11


What are you looking for?. (You are looking for something.) What are you worrying about?. The preposition normally comes in the same place as in a statement: looking for, worrying about.. NOT F O r what are-you looking?. NOT Abouht what are-you-worrying? But in more formal English, the preposition can come before the question word.. OR Which warehouse were the...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 12


The pronoun (you, he, etc) refers to the subject of the sentence, e.g. In the present simple and past simple we use a form of do.. we can use can you? or could you?. Wait here a moment, can you? Give me an example, could you? We can also use You couldn't. could you? or You haven't. we use shall...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 13


We use may or might to say that something is possible or that it is quite likely.. We can use them for the present or the future.. Perhaps I will go to the disco.) We can use could to say that something is possible.. In some situations we can use may, might or could.. After may, might or could we...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 14


We can use Shall we. We can also use could for a suggestion.. We can also use Why don't...?. To ask for a suggestion we use shall, should or can.. We can use will or can to offer to do something. We can give you a lift. We can also use question forms with shall or can.. To offer food...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15


Bell invented the telephone.. The telephone was invented by Bell.. Each sentence begins with the subject. The new information about the subject comes at the end of the sentence.. When the subject is the person or thing doing the action (the agent), then we use an active verb.. When the subject is not the agent (is not doing the action),...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 16


He was tired of the rat, he explained, but he was unwilling to (7) ………..it put to sleep by a vet, so he left it in a box outside the zoo. a) He's being looked after in the local hospital, b) The local hospital is looking after him.. a) The newspapers will publish the results, b) The results will be...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 18


We can use for + object + to-infinitive. FOR OBJECT TO-INFINITIVE. It's a nuisance for you to have to wait.. We can use this structure to say why something is done (to express purpose). Mark photocopied the figures for the Sales Manager to have a look at. He photocopied the figures so that the Sales Manager could have a look...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 19


We can use an ing-form after some prepositions (e.g. B Preposition + ing-form Here are some more examples.. You can get skin cancer from being in the sun too long.. We can't have a party without making a bit of noise.. We can use these prepositions before an ing-form: against, as a result of, as well as, besides, by, despite,...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 20


We cannot use them with a/an or in the plural.. The people who camped in the field have left. 1 (You were in a beautiful part of the country.). a company) We finally found a space in the car park.. 4 Did you hear noise/a noise in the middle of the night. Mark: I'm meeting someone in the office. of...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21


82 Two nouns together. a bread knife = a knife for cutting bread a cookery book = a book about cookery a bus driver = someone who drives a bus my birthday party = a party on my birthday the street lights = the lights in the street a paper bag = a bag made of paper. There's a bottle...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 30


Put the words in the right order to form a statement.. Then look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space.. 5 Polly spent more money than she should have done in the sales, (too). The jug is on the table. Rachel is at the bus stop. The manager was in the office. The papers were...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 31


B For and since with the present perfect. We often use for and since with the present perfect to talk about something continuing up to the present.. We use for to say how long something has We use since to say when something began, continued.. C Ago with the past. Vicky wrote to the company weeks ago. We use before...