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about adv., prep.. across adv., prep.. all right adj., adv., exclamation ally n., v.. alone adj., adv.. around adv., prep.. as prep., adv., conj.. back n., adj., adv., v.. blonde adj., n., blond adj.. bound adj.: bound to bowl n.. certain adj., pron.. deep adj., adv.. double adj., det., adv., n., v.. down adv., prep.. downstairs adv., adj., n.. early...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 24


We can also use some and any without a noun.. There's some milk in the fridge. There are some I haven't got any stamps. in the drawer.. We can also use any in a sentence with if.. If there are any questions,...). In questions we can use either some or any, but any is more common.. We can use some...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 25


We can also use they/them for a person when we don't know if the person is male or female.. We use the subject form (I, etc) when the pronoun is the subject and there is a verb.. We use the object form (me, etc) when the pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition.. We can use you or...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 26


With every, some and no, we can form words ending in one, body, thing and where.. We can also form words with any: anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere.. Positive: There's someone in the phone box.. We can also use words with any in a positive sentence.. We can also use he, she, him, her, his, etc with someone/somebody when we know...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 27


The word interesting tells us what the book does to Mike — it interests him. It was boring. It was very disappointing not to get the job. I thought it was rather (2) ...(disappoint...).. It was (4)………..(confus. I didn't find it very (6) ...(interest...).. 2 Vicky: It was annoying to lose my ticket.. Rachel: It was OK. It was just...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 28


2 The top of the mountain. than the clouds.. than the clown.. Put in the superlative form of the adjectives.. They're the most famous (famous) team in the world.. (rich) club in the country.. (great) club in the world.. (popular) team in the country.. They're the...………(successful) team ever.. (happy) people in the world.. Matthew and Emma are walking in the...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 29


He waited patiently Soon it was his turn. Put the adverbs in the best place.. Put the words in the right order and write the statements. C Still and already. In a positive statement, still and already usually go in mid position (see Unit 113B).. In a question still and already usually go after the subject.. D No longer and...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 32


2 We had a great time in the disco.. 7 We were sitting -in the back of the room.. We don't do much (9) …………the day, but we go out every evening. If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space.. 4 The car was in the front of a bus.....

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 33


copy down the words share out the winnings. set off on a journey out = from start to finish jump in the car and drive off write out the whole list see Emma off at the station work out the answer. 5 A woman in the audience shouted something out 6 The water was turned off for about an hour...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 34


A When do we change the tense?. We can either leave the tense the same, or we can change it.. Claire told me her father owns/owned a racehorse.. We can say that Sarah is going to Rome because it is still true that she will go there.. If the statement is no longer up to date, then we change the...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 35


138 The relative pronoun as object. And those are some people we met, a couple who were staying at the campsite.. A relative pronoun such as who or that can be the subject of a relative clause.. Harriet talked to a couple who were staying at the camp-site. Theyi were staying at the camp-site.). A relative pronoun can also be...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 36


Several people were injured this morning when a lorry carrying concrete pipes overturned in the centre of town and hit two cars. People who saw the accident say that the lorry hit the cars after it swerved to avoid a pile of stones left in the road.. We can form these clauses with an active participle, e.g. The participles can...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 37


If we win today, we'll go to the top of the league. If Johnson was in the team, I'd feel more confident. (Johnson isn't in the team.) Type 3: if. the past perfect. You should stay in bed if you feel unwell. For example, we can use two present-tense verbs (see Unit 144D). If you ring this number, no one...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 38


D So that. industry —>. industrial repeat —>. repetition science —>. a car —>. two cars a name —>. glass —>. glasses dish —>. matches box —>. penny —>. pennies story —>. day —>. days journey —>. I know —>. he knows I work —>. pass —>. passes wash —>. washes catch —>. catches mix —>. go —>. goes do...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 39


In the US a full stop is called a 'period'.. We can use a semi-colon between two separate statements which are linked in meaning.. We could also use a full stop here.. We can use a colon before an explanation or before a list. There wasn't much in the fridge: a couple of sausages, some butter, half a bottle of...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 40


3 He's/He is painting a picture.. l 1 He's/He is talking 8 You know 2 I think 9 1 give 3 they're/they are 10 she gives. 4 I think it's going to be perfect for me.. 2 I've/I have opened the window.. 4 He's/He has moved it.. 2 1 He's/He has broken his leg.. 3 1 I haven't done 8...

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 41


2 They're/They are supposed to report to the police.. (Also possible: We should hurry./We ought to hurry.). 2 We had/We'd better not be OR We oughtn't to be/We shouldn't be. 5 (I think) the world will end in the year 3000.. 2 1 They shouldn't have left/oughtn't to have left litter everywhere.. 3 He shouldn't have been/oughtn't to have been...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 42


4 It's/It is raining quite heavily (here).. 2 1 Friday is the busiest day. 2 The Metropole is the nicest hotel in (the) town.. 3 This watch is one of the cheapest (watches) you can buy.. 4 This Beatles album is the best (one) they ever made.. 5 Alan is the most successful salesman in the company.. 5 Is the...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 17


With some verbs, the choice of a to-infinitive or an ing-form depends on the meaning. We use remember/forget to do for necessary actions. Regret to do something means to be sorry for something you are doing, e.g. Try to do something means to attempt something, to do your best.. Stop to do something means to stop so that you. Mean...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 2


Look at the different kinds of word in this sentence.. Here are some examples from the conversations in the cafe. The numbers after the examples tell you which units in the book give you more information. To help you decide, you can look back at the examples in B.. Read this paragraph and then write the words in the spaces...