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Express yourself part 4


ow that you are familiar with reading and writing for information and understanding as demanded by important test situations, it’s time to examine the second most important way that you are asked to perform to that standard: researching and writing the term paper.. For example, you may be asked to write a research paper in a health class with a...

Express yourself part 5


She spoke to her teacher but someone told her that when you put something in writing it is always taken more seriously. I believe that each grade was 25% of the final grade so averaged out that would have been an 84 or a B.. Biology was right to question Sally’s “attitude.” In the first memo Sally was accusatory. It...

Express yourself part 6


Introducing a persuasive idea or action requires that you capture a reader’s interest. For instance, in the environmental essay, the fact that each one of us creates four pounds of garbage each and every day is enough to grab anyone’s attention. Follow that statistic with the statement that the United States has an urgent need to control waste and your...

Express yourself part 7


While it is always helpful for a second reader to give you a careful analysis of your writing, sometimes you have to do it yourself. Or, you can use the peer review sheet for your own revision. If you would like to practice your new skills, turn to pages 147-148 for some sample persuasive topics that you can develop into...

Express yourself part 8


Do you see how the visual impact of the pie chart registers just how big a chunk of landfill garbage is paper waste alone?. And when you consider that 85% of our garbage is sent to the land- fill—where it can take from 100–400 years for things to decompose—you realize that we are leaving our children a lot of garbage!....

Express yourself part 9


Do you see how the language from the catalog has helped you bridge the connection between yourself and the school? Of course, you have to go on to develop this connection with specific examples. You will also want to construct other bridges between yourself and the school as you go along and the more specific infor- mation that you have...

Express yourself part 10


Often, these warm-up techniques are part of the assignment itself.. Consider the following quotation: “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”. Write about a time in your life when you learned what that quotation meant. It does not need to be romantic love that you write about. React to the following bumper...

Express yourself part 11


Write up your notes about President Truman’s dilemma to bomb Japan to end World War II as if you were the President writing in his diary. A day in the life of. You will find that if you write this way and force yourself to use the details of dates, times, places, names, and numbers, you will look up important...

Express yourself part 12


W RITING A BOUT P OETRY. THIS CHAPTER will explain some of the unique characteristics of poetry and show you that it’s probably easier to read and write about poetry than you thought. Tips for understanding theme and then using the language of the poem to help you craft a response will be demonstrated.. ou are probably just like thousands...

Express yourself part 13


The unexplained glory flies above them, Great is the battle-god, and his kingdom—. Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches Raged at his breast, gulped and died,. War is kind.. Swift-blazing flag of the regiment, Eagle with crest of red and gold, These men were born to drill and die.. To whom is the author speaking? List the three...

Express yourself part 14


We learn from the story that Louise and Brently probably had a relatively good marriage—she “had loved him,” at least “sometimes,” and he had “never looked save with love upon her.” But to Louise, no amount of love can erase the “crime” of marriage (paragraph 14). Louise realizes that self-asser- tion is “the strongest impulse of her being” (paragraph 15)....

Express yourself part 15


What do the lines, “And thus the native hue of resolution/Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought”. Explain the metaphor for death that Hamlet uses in the opening lines.. How is reading this soliloquy different from reading it as if it were a poem? Without the benefit of the plot and setting it could be a poem. And...

Express yourself part 16


Following is a sample essay for the Supreme Court case essay on page vii.. history, the United States Supreme Court has dealt with many major issues. Board of Education, decided by the Supreme Court in 1954, segregation in American edu- cation became illegal. In another Supreme Court case called Plessy v. Ferguson, decided by the Supreme Court in 1896, the...

Longman pronunciation dictionary study guide part 1


All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the Publishers.. What pronunciations are given: the layout of entries ex.9-11 3. DIAGNOSTIC EXERCISE ex.12. ALTERNATIVES AT THE BEGINNING OF A WORD ex.13....

Longman pronunciation dictionary study guide part 2


AIM: To identify which pronunciation of a word is used, when you hear it.. Listen to the speakers on the cassette. Notice their pronunciation of the words studied on pages 7-8. Transcribe the words as they pronounce them, and identify which of the variant pronunciations they use. For those interested in studying some of the differences between American and British...

Longman pronunciation dictionary study guide part 3


Remember the conventions used in the dictionary:. AIM: To interpret the symbols ə and ə quickly and correctly.. Look up each word in the dictionary;. The first one is done for you.. the first time the word occurs in a discourse.. if the word has already been used in the discourse.. The inflected form often appears in the dictionary under...

Longman pronunciation dictionary study guide part 4


The phrases below are all given in the dictionary as examples of a phrase in which the first element is likely to undergo stress shift. Listen to the example on the cassette, and notice the difference in stress when 'next-door' is in final position:. Express each of the phrases below in a similar way. Say the following pairs of sentences.....

Longman pronunciation dictionary study guide part 5


We whipped past a distant cluster of lighted buildings and an endless series of lighted mansions, not too close to the road. We dipped down to skirt a huge green polo field with another equally huge practice field beside it, soared again to the top of a hill and swung mountainward up a steep hill road of clean concrete that...

Longman pronunciation dictionary study guide part 6


A: aɪv (djʌs) hæd maɪ (laʊnʒ) dek ə reɪt ɪd‖ɪt hæd nt biːn dʌn sɪns aɪ muːvd ɪn B: wɒt kʌl ər ɪz ɪt. B: veri teɪst fʊl aɪm ʃɔː‖bət ɪt dʌz nt kən veɪ en i θɪŋ. A: wel ɒn ðə ʧɑːt ɪt (lʊk) lʌv li‖ə sɔːt əv peɪl (tænʒ ər iːn) kʌl ə. B: ðæt saʊndz naɪs‖ðə laʊnʤ...

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 2


Look at the different kinds of word in this sentence.. Here are some examples from the conversations in the cafe. The numbers after the examples tell you which units in the book give you more information. To help you decide, you can look back at the examples in B.. Read this paragraph and then write the words in the spaces...