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Chủ đề : luyện thi ngữ pháp

Có 122+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "luyện thi ngữ pháp"

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 122


past time-sphere . past time-zone see also past time-sphere) past zone see past time-zone. possible world see also inten- sional domain). posteriority see also T-posteriority, W-posteri- ority). post-present see post-present zone post-present domain . post-present time-zone see post-pres- ent zone. post-present zone . preparatory phase 58 ⫺ 60 pre-present see pre-present zone pre-present domain . pre-present situation pre-present time-zone see...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 109


14.19.2 When the two clauses refer to the post-present (and, as before, the after -clause functions as situation-time adverbial), the possibilities are as fol- lows:. he uses the future tense in the head clause and the present tense (as Pseudo-t 0 -System form) in the after -clause:. In these examples, the present tense represents the situation time of the after...