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Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 1


Tour of the Book xxxiii. A Tour of the Optional Case Study on Object-Oriented Design with the UML xliii. A Tour of the Optional GUI and Graphics Case Study xlv. Section 1.10. Section 1.11. Section 1.12. Section 1.13. Section 1.14. Section 1.15. Section 1.16. Section 1.17. Section 1.18. Section 2.10. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Using Dialog Boxes 104...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 2


Software Included with Java How to Program, 6/e. We wrote Java How to Program, 6/e using only the new Java 2 Standard Edition. The CD that accompanies Java How to Program, 6/e, contains several Java editors, including BlueJ Version 1.3.5, JCreator Lite Version 3.10 (Windows only), jEdit Version 4.1 and jGRASP Version 1.7.0.. If you have questions about using this...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 3


Ken Thompson modeled many features in his language B after their counterparts in BCPL, using B to create early versions of the UNIX operating system at Bell Laboratories in 1970.. It initially became widely known as the development language of the UNIX operating system. Today, most of the code for general-purpose operating systems (e.g., those found in laptops, desktops, workstations...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 4


Most of the Java programs you will study in this book process information and display results.. (Later in this section we will discuss how to compile and run an application.) The program and its output are shown in Fig. The output appears in the light blue box at the end of the program. We will soon see that line 9...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 5


You have already read descriptions of the ATM system's use cases in the requirements document. produced during the analysis stage of the software life cycle. Therefore, the actor in each of the three use cases is the user who interacts with the ATM. An external entitya real personplays the part of the user to perform financial transactions. In the next...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 6


We can use courseName in the methods of class GradeBook because courseName is a field of the class. Note that the first line of the output shows the name ". 3.8) skips a line in the output, then line 27 calls object myGradeBook 's displayMessage method to display the welcome message containing the course name.. objectthat is, any class that...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 7


The challenge of the era for programmers was to shift their styles to ". Communications of the ACM, Vol. When we introduce Java's implementations of control structures, we will refer to them in the terminology of the Java Language Specification as "control statements.". Activity diagrams are part of the UML. arrows, which represent the flow of the activity, that is,...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 8


set the size of the frame 20 application.setVisible( true. Methods getWidth and getHeight return the width and the height of the JPanel respectively. The first two arguments are the x- and y- coordinates for one endpoint of the line, and the last two arguments are the coordinates for the other endpoint of the line. If you resize the window, the...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 9


For example, the body of the for statement in lines 1112 of Fig. 5.5 could be merged into the increment portion of the for header by using a comma as follows:. Manipulations of other variables should appear either before the loop (if they execute only once, like initialization statements) or in the body of the loop (if they execute once...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 10


The general format of the for statement is. For example, a local variable can be used only in the method that declares the variable and only from the point of declaration through the end of the method.. The expression in parentheses following keyword switch is called the controlling expression of the switch . A program compares the value of the...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 11


The rules of the game are straightforward:. first roll of the dice 27. Each time it is called, rollDice returns the sum of the dice, so the return type int is indicated in the method header (line 68). These are used in the cases of the switch. readability of the program (thus defeating the purpose of using an enum. The...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 12


6.27 The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers is the largest integer that evenly divides each of the two numbers. Count the number of times each side of the coin appears. [Note : If the program realistically simulates coin tossing, each side of the coin should appear approximately half the time.]. the player should be able to eliminate half...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 13


getCourseName gets the name of the course. output the contents of the grades array 140 public void outputGrades(). create a column heading for each of the tests. To find the lowest overall grade, the inner for statement compares the elements of the current one-dimensional array studentGrades to variable lowGrade . For example, on the first iteration of the outer for...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 14


Each instruction written in SML occupies one word of the Simpletron's memory (and hence instructions are signed four-digit decimal numbers). The last two digits of an SML instruction are the operandthe address of the memory location containing the word to which the operation applies. Note the use of the instruction +4107 as a conditional transfer of control, much the same...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 15


where packageName is the package of the class (e.g., java.lang. ClassName is the name of the class (e.g., Math ) and staticMemberName is the name of the static field or method (e.g., PI or abs. where packageName is the package of the class (e.g., java.lang ) and ClassName is the name of the class (e.g., Math. indicates that all static...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 16


9.4.3 Creating a CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy 9.4.4 CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using protected Instance Variables. 9.4.5 CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using private Instance Variables. Starting from the bottom of the. expressed in the members of the superclass. relationship with the superclass). We discuss accessing overridden members of the superclass in Section 9.4.. A subclass can change the state of private superclass instance...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 17


Lines 38 and 39 set the size of the JFrame and make it visible on screen.. set the size of the frame 39 application.setVisible( true. Attach the JLabel to the SOUTH region of the JFrame , as shown in Fig. A subclass cannot access or inherit the private members of its superclassallowing this would violate the encapsulation of the superclass....

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 18


10.11 at line 4. Figure 10.11. 10.11: Payable.java. 10.12) to represent a simple invoice that contains billing information for only one kind of part. Figure 10.12. 10.12: Invoice.java. 10.12 indicates that class Invoice implements interface Payable . Figure 10.13 contains the modified Employee class. 10.4 with only two. 10.13 indicates that class Employee now implements interface Payable . 10.4, however,...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 19


11.7) creates an object of class LabelFrame (line 9), then specifies the default close operation for the window. 11.10). 11.9 and Fig. 11.10 uses classes JTextField and JPasswordField to create and manipulate four text fields. 11.9: TextFieldFrame.java. Indicate that an object of the class from Steps 1 and 2 should be notified when the event occurs.. The event handling in...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 20


As you learned in Section 11.4, you typically must specify the layout of the GUI components in a JFrame . Section 11.17.2 discusses BorderLayout in more detail.. 11.14. Figure 11.30 shows several java.awt.event adapter classes and the. Figure 11.30. java.awt.event. 11.31 and Fig. 11.32 demonstrates how to determine the number of mouse clicks (i.e., the click count) and how to...