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Có 10+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "Molecular mechanism"

Transcriptome analysis reveals mechanism of early ripening in Kyoho grape with hydrogen peroxide treatment


Results: In the comparison of treatment and control groups, 406 genes were up-regulated and 683 were down- regulated. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended...

Comparative transcriptome analysis of scaled and scaleless skins in Gymnocypris eckloni provides insights into the molecular mechanism of scale degeneration


Comparative transcriptome analysis of scaled and scaleless skins in Gymnocypris eckloni provides insights into the molecular mechanism of scale degeneration. Background: The scale degeneration is thought to be related to the adaptation to the extreme environment with cold climate and high-altitude in schizothoracine fishes. Conclusions: Our results would provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of scale degeneration in G. The...

iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic and physiological analysis of the response to N deficiency and the compensation effect in rice


iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic and physiological analysis of the response to N deficiency and the compensation effect in rice. Thus, the N-sensitive stage of rice was selected to study N deficiency at the tillering stage and N compensation at the young panicle differentiation stage. Using an iTRAQ-based quantitative approach, a total of 1665 credible proteins were identified in the three 4-...

Global transcriptome analysis and characterization of Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott sporangium in different developmental stages


This study was designed to characterize the transcriptome characteristics of the wild D. DEGs involved in DNA replication and homologous recombination were strongly expressed in stage A, and several DEGs involved in cutin, suberin and wax biosynthesis had undergone dramatic changes during development, which was consistent with morphological observations. DEGs responsible for secondary metabolism and plant hormone signal transduction changed...

Comparative transcriptome analysis of hypothalamus-regulated feed intake induced by exogenous visfatin in chicks


Using RNA-seq, we identified DEGs in the chick hypothalamus at 60 min after injection with various doses of visfatin. In total, 325, 85 and 519 DEGs were identified in the treated chick hypothalamus in the LT vs C, HT vs C and LT vs HT comparisons, respectively.. The changes in the expression profiles of DEGs, GO functional categories, KEGG pathways,...

Comparative transcriptomic analysis of resistant and susceptible alfalfa cultivars (Medicago sativa L.) after thrips infestation


Comparative transcriptomic analysis of resistant and susceptible alfalfa cultivars (Medicago sativa L.) after thrips infestation. Background: Plant breeding for resistance to agricultural pests is an essential element in the development of integrated crop management systems. In this pilot study, a transcriptomic analysis of a resistant (R) vs. GN-1 ’ (China) was defined as the resistant cultivar, and ‘ WL323 ’...

Conservation of polypyrimidine tract binding proteins and their putative target RNAs in several storage root crops


binding proteins and their putative target RNAs in several storage root crops. Storage tubers and root crops are important sustenance food crops grown throughout the world.. Considering the pivotal role of PTBs and their target RNAs in potato storage organ development, we propose that a similar mechanism may be prevalent in storage root crops as well.. Results: Through a bioinformatics...

Molecular mechanisms of an antimicrobial peptide piscidin (Lc-pis) in a parasitic protozoan, Cryptocaryon irritans


protozoan, Cryptocaryon irritans. After de novo assembly, 966,609 unigenes were generated with an average length of 420 bp: among these, 618,629 unigenes showed identity with sequences in one or more databases, with some showing to be significantly manipulated by Lc-pis treatment. Cryptocaryon irritans, the pathogen of the marine white spot disease (cryptocaryonosis), is an obligate parasitic cili- ate protozoan that...