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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 1


Collect Backgrounds, Clouds, and Stuff Section 2.10. Section 10.1. Organizing Your Layers to Apply Effects Section 10.2. Section 10.3. Using the Filter Gallery Section 10.4. Section 10.5. Satisfaction in Liquefaction Section 10.6. Section 10.7. Using Lighting Effects Section 10.8. Homemade Backgrounds Section 10.9. Colorization Effects Section 10.10. Pattern Overlays Section 10.11. Photo Filters Section 10.12. Section 10.13. Monochrome Effects Section...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 2


Since the first edition of this book was written, the focus of the book has moved to a nondestructive workflow. In the context of this book, it means an organized process of creating a finished photograph that starts with an idea and ends by being shown or passed on to other people. That organization is structured so that when a...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 3


This chapter gives you an abbreviated overview of the workflow around which the rest of this book is structured. It also guarantees that you will never have to start from scratch when you need a different interpretation of the same subject.. However, when it comes time to do such work, you will have already done all the completely nondestructive work...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 4


You should do the same to all photos of the same. subject that were shot in the same location, lighting condition, and cropping.. Once images have been grouped into sequences, you can use the Batch rename command to add an abbreviation that indicates the subject of that sequence, such as "red dress cu.". You can then Batch rename the entire...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 5


You're now making a copy that can be flattened, sized,. In the end, the goal is a beautiful photograph that can be sent out into the world.. This chapter is about what you need to do to make sure that the pictures you shoot will be of the highest possible quality (given the circumstances you are shooting in at the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 6


Take Along the Basic Accessories. If your DSLR is just too clumsy to keep around your neck all the time, get your hands on a prosumer pocket camera that has a 7 MP sensor, a 3:1 optical zoom, has full manual controls, and shoots RAW files. As soon as I see one that also has image stabilization and is waterproof,...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 7


You can use one of your camera's metering modes in P shooting mode or (better yet) bracket a sequence of shots in half stop increments. You can look at the actual photo on your preview monitor after you shoot the test. Most cameras will also show you the exposure if you tell them to "show info.". Or you can shoot...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 8


Although some blurring can be effective in communicating a sense of high-speed motion, most of the time you want your subject frozen in time, especially if you're shooting high-speed action such as sporting events or car races. You also need to know that the required shutter speed will increase with the angle at which the subject is approaching or going...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 9


Once you're editing, you can really speed up Photoshop by closing Bridge and, therefore, turning considerable horsepower over to Photoshop. If you're the programmer type (I'm definitely not), there may be ways you can enhance Bridge's workflow capabilities. It's just more likely to impress the client if you can give your presentation its own "look.". You can't actually change the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 10


The following features of Adobe Bridge will be useful at almost all stages in the workflow, but most are required at this stage.. Furthermore, you can do it any time, so it's no big deal if you need to see larger thumbnails when you have to make a critical decision about which image is a keeper. You can also size...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 11


It records the settings used by your camera to take the picture, so by looking at the image in the Browser and clicking the Metadata tab and scrolling down to Camera Data, you can see the f-stop and shutter speed, ISO setting, focal length of the lens at the time the photo was shot, the maximum aperture of that lens,...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 12


Big blank page that you can fill with a descriptive paragraph or two.. Keywords (be sure to separate each with a comma or semicolon): For consistency, these should be the same as the keywords in the Description above and come from your list.. Although it's unlikely you'll ever search all the criteria shown, you can search on any combination of...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 13


After sorting and adding metadata, the next thing you want to do in your normal workaday workflow is to give a permanent ranking to all your images. The first thing you want to do is go back to Light Table mode so that you can get the quickest overview and orientation as to what this shoot (folder) contains. Also, the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 14


Save to DNG. If you have a new camera that sports a new RAW format, make sure you've loaded the latest version of the DNG Converter from the Adobe site:. Even if you think your particular iteration of your camera maker's proprietary RAW format will never disappear, one more backup is just plain good insurance.. If you choose to save...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 15


If you feel the image needs a bit more or less contrast, you can play with the Contrast slider. You can (and probably should) finalize contrast with the Curve tab (see the "Using the Curve Tab". section next), which will give you more control over the amount of contrast assigned to a given brightness range in the image. Remember to...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 16


If your efforts to reduce noise result in more image softening than you find acceptable, you can try to reuse the Sharpening sliderbut don't be surprised if you find yourself going 'round in circles. Using the Lens Tab Settings. You can see the Lens tab in Figure 4-18.. The Lens tab.. If you need a quick turnaround, it's best to...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 17


circumstances that are likely to be used in the same lighting conditions. Make sure there is no outside daylight coming in and that the tungsten bulbs are all of the same type. If you use the color card in most of your other shooting at the beginning of any. series, you will be able to check against the color card...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 18


Using the Image Processor with RAW Files. You may want to save processed RAW format images to different file formats for different purposes. In fact, it's usually a very good idea to do this because you can automatically process all open files, selected files, or files in a particular folder for different purposes, such as:. TIF images at full or...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 19


Using Camera Raw for Creating Effects. Most of your adjustments in Camera Raw will be for changing brightness, contrast, and other overall characteristics (such as noise, sharpness, and vignetting) using a tool that is completely nondestructive. destructive, which is why it is placed toward the end of the book and workflow (Chapter 11, to be specific). However, there are a...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 20


High-key interpretations of an image tend to look dreamy, glamorous, and idealized. That's one of the reasons they keep cropping up as a fad in fashion, female portraiture, and cosmetic ads. However, high-key images can be equally effective in creating a dreamy or foggy landscape or romantic wedding photo.. One precaution: any image that is destined to be interpreted as...