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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 101


Send personal email to [email protected]. For questions about a book use [email protected]. Feel free to send unsolicited email to [email protected] (wouldn't it be nice if it were that simple, huh?).. The regular expression first matches one or more alphanumeric characters using \w. followed by one or more characters, again using \w. can also be used to match one or more...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 103


The text that follows is part of a Web page and contains text with embedded HTML <B>. The regular expression needs to match any text within <B>. This offer is not available to customers living in <B>AK</B>. and <B>HI</B>.. <[Bb]>.*</[Bb]>. <[Bb]>. matches the opening <B>. </[Bb]>. matches the closing </B>. matched everything after the first <B>. until the last </B>....

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 104


As its name suggests, \b is used to match the start or end of a word.. Word boundaries are used to locate matches based on word position (start of word, end of word, entire word, and so on). String boundaries perform a similar function but are used to match patterns at the start or end of an entire string. you...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 105


Valid XML documents begin with <?xml>. (possibly a version number, as in <xml version . <?xml version . <\?xml.*\?>. <\?xml matches <?xml. matches the end ?>. The pattern <\?xml.*\?>. ^\s*<\?xml.*\?>. The opening ^ matches the start of the string. ^\s*<\?xml.*\?>. The pattern ^\s*<\?xml.*\?>. matches the start of a string and $ matches the end of a string—usually

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 106


Hello, my name is Ben&nbsp;Forta, and I am the author of books on SQL, ColdFusion, WAP, Windows&nbsp;&nbsp;2000, and other subjects.. &nbsp;{2,}. &nbsp. &nbsp;{2,} should have matched 2 or more instances of &nbsp;. &nbsp;&nbsp. \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 107


To demonstrate the use of nested subexpressions, we'll look at the IP address example again. An IP address is indeed made up of four numbers. The pattern is correct, and it will match any valid IP address. An IP address is made up of 4 bytes, and the IP address presented as is a representation of those 4 bytes. The...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 108


<[hH]1>.*</[hH]1>. <H1>Welcome to my Homepage</H1>. <H2>ColdFusion</H2>. <H2>Wireless</H2>. The pattern <[hH]1>.*</[hH]1>. matched the first header (from <H1>. until </H1>) and would also match <h1>. <[hH][1-6]>.*?</[hH][1-6]>. <[hH][1-6]>. matches any header start tag (<H1>. and <H2>. in this example), and <[hH][1-6]>. matches any header end tag (</H1>. and </H2>).. quantifiers such as * are greedy, and so pattern <[hH][1-6]>.*</[hH][1-6]>. could match all the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 109


<H2>This is not valid HTML</H3>. <[hH]([1-6])>.*?</[hH]\1>. pair and two <H2>. <[hH]([1-6])>. pattern can refer to that subexpression as \1 in </[hH]\1>. Hello, [email protected] is my email address.. HREF="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>. <A HREF="mailto:$1">$1</A>. Hello, <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>. <A HREF="mailto:$1">$1</A>. So, [email protected] becomes <A. HREF="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 110


and </TITLE>. <[tT][iI][tT][lL][eE]>.*</[tT][iI][tT][lL][eE]>. <[tT][iI][tT][lL][eE]>.*</[tT][iI][tT][lL][eE]>. matches the opening <TITLE>. tag (in upper, lower, or mixed case), the closing </TITLE>

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 111


to construct a pattern so that it contains matches that are not returned—matches that are used so as to find the correct match location, but not used as part of the core match. In other words, you need to look around.. The former is supported in all major regular expression implementations, but the latter is not supported as extensively.. JavaScript...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 112


CFMX1: $899.00 XTC99: $69.96 Total items found: 4. ABC01: $23.45 HGG42: $5.31 CFMX1: $899.00 XTC99: $69.96 Total items found: 4. but does not consume it, and so only the prices (without the leading $ signs) are returned.. matched $ followed by a dollar amount. also matched $ followed by a dollar amount. The difference between the two is not in...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 113


tags are links (enclosed between <A>. and </A>. <A HREF="/home"><IMG SRC="/images/home.gif"></A>. <IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif">. <A HREF="/search"><IMG SRC="/images/search.gif"></A>. <A HREF="/help"><IMG SRC="/images/help.gif"></A>. matches an opening <A>. or <a>. <[Ii][Mm][Gg]\s+[^>]+>. then matches the <IMG>. comes next if backreference 1 (the opening <A>. tag) exists (or in other words, execute only what comes next if the first <A>. matches any trailing whitespace followed by the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 115


JavaScript features a global object named RegExp, which can be accessed to obtain information about the execution after a regular expression has been executed.. \A and \Z are not supported.. ColdFusion provides regular expression support via four functions:. ColdFusion also supports regular expressions for input validation in the <CFINPUT>. As such, the regular expressions used with <CFINPUT>. are governed by...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 116


MySQL is a popular open source database, and MySQL ventures where no other databases have yet to venture by providing regular expression support as a way to perform database searches.. Regular expression support in MySQL is accessed in WHERE clauses in the following format:. A complete MySQL statement using a regular expression would use syntax like this: SELECT * FROM...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 117


\d{5} matches any five digits, and -\d{4} matches a hyphen followed by the +4 digits. \d[A-Z] matches a digit followed by any alphabetic character, and thus the FSA.. \d[A-Z]\d matches the LDU, a digit followed by an alphabetic character followed by a digit.. The outcode is one or two alphabetic characters followed by one or two digits, or one or...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 119


Body -->. <BODY>. Start of page -->. Start of head -->. <HEAD>. <TITLE>My Title</TITLE>. Page title -->. </HEAD>. <!-{2,} matches the start of the comment, <! followed by two or more hyphens. matches the comment body (not greedy). matches the end of the comment.. This regular expression matches two or more hyphens and can thus be used to find CFML...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 120


All Visa numbers start with 4 and are 13 or 16 digits (but not 14 or 15, and so a range cannot be used). 4 matches 4, \d{12} matches the next 12 digits, and (\d{3. matches an additional 3 digits if they are present.. American Express requires a much simpler pattern.. Discover Diners Club . American Express numbers are 15...