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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 121


The OpenBSD 4.0 Crash Course By Jem Matzan. The OpenBSD 4.0 Crash Course. Understanding OpenBSD 4.0 Section 2.1. Enabling Binary Compatibility with Other OSes Section 5.10. BIND Section 7.10. Section 7.11. Section 7.12. Switching to the OpenBSD 4.0-STABLE Branch Section 10.3

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 122


You can also make a suitable desktop operating system out of OpenBSD if you wish. OpenOffice.org port, but it is nonfunctional in OpenBSD 4.0.. If you have a mass-produced workstation or server, chances are good that everything you need to workvideo, sound, network, drive controller, PCI/AGP controllerwill be fully supported. If you have a home-built system that is more than...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 123


If you do not have any such program, you can download one for free at either of these addresses:. After that, go to the File menu and select Write Disk From ISO File. Choose the cd40.iso file from the ensuing file dialogue, then click Write Disc.. Start the Disk Utility from the Applications menu, then drag-and-drop the cd40.iso file to...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 124


If you get lost in the partition command line, type ? and press Enter to see a list of commands. D sets the disk label to the default. w writes the label to the disk. The first question you'll be asked is which partition you're creating. When asked for an offset, press Enter to accept the default. If you were...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 125


Next you'll be asked if you intend to run the X Window System (X.org). If you say yes here, a system-level setting for the AGP aperture will be adjusted according to your detected hardware. All things considered, it's not much of a security concern, but if you aren't going to run X.org on this machine (or if you have a...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 126


mrouted, the multicast router daemon, has changed to the point that it needs a new user account. Upgrading the Ports tree. Alternatively, you can try to overwrite the existing Ports tree with the Ports tarball on the OpenBSD source code disc (assuming you bought the official CD set), but that's kind of hacky and can lead to a lot of...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 127


Is the keyboard delay and repeat rate too slow for you? If you're going to be. If you're going to be working from a keyboard connected directly to the machine, however, there are two settings you can edit to modify the key repeat rate and repeat delay.. Be warned that if you set this number too low, it can be...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 128


If you install a package with the pkg_add command, you need to type only the package name (not the full version information and path), and dependencies are automatically calculated for you.. As mentioned in the previous subsection, you can use Ports to retrieve binary packages if you make the changes listed above.. then cd to that category and look for...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 129


Configuring X.org. There is no clean way to install X.org after OpenBSD has been installed. If you did not install X.org and want to install it now, it would be easiest to reinstall OpenBSD.. Configuring X.org is simple. If you want to test the configuration right away, you can do so with the default OpenBSD window manager, fvwm. When you...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 130


If you have any additional fonts that you transferred from another operating system (font files are generally interchangeable between OSes), transfer them to the. /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory (or create your own directory in. /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts for those files if you wish, but make sure you add it to the configuration file below).. Edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a root terminal, and then add...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 131


If you need to add more modules, you can do so through the Ports tree, generally in the /usr/ports/www directory.. You can start the Apache HTTP daemon manually by typing apachectl start and pressing Enter. If you'd like to start it at boot time automatically, edit the. /etc/rc.conf file and replace the NO with "". Obviously if you need to...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 132


Edit /etc/inetd.conf and uncomment this line:. If you need IMAP, or if you need. something a little more complex, you should probably use Courier-IMAP instead.. Courier-IMAP. /usr/ports/mail/courier-imap. Specifically, you can build in support for LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and POP3.. At the end of the Courier-IMAP installation you'll be given a screenful of instructions. mkdir /etc/courier-imap. cp /usr/local/share/examples/courier-imap/* /etc/courier-imap/. Put this...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 133


In the above example, the vhid parameter identifies the redundancy group. In the example, em0 is the device node of the network interface. The pass parameter defines a password, which is followed in in the example by. This is a password that must be in the configuration of every CARP- enabled machine in the group. Each backup machine in the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 134


Ruby can be installed through Ports in the /usr/ports/lang/ruby directory, with other Ruby-related software being in /usr/ports/devel and /usr/ports/www/ with a ruby- prefix. If you're looking for Ruby on Rails, you can find it in /usr/ports/www/ruby- rails.. Python 2.3 and 2.4 are available through Ports in the /usr/ports/lang/python directory. Extra Python modules and other Python-related software can generally be found...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 135


Next, change to the compile directory:. Now change to the /usr/src directory:. Go back to the source directory:. Change to the kernel configuration directory (replace i386 with amd64 if that's your architecture):. Next change to the compile directory:. Now change to the /usr/srcdirectory:. First, go to the Ports directory:. You can view or subscribe to the OpenBSD mailing lists at...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 136


Tìm hiểu ngôn ngữ XML. XML là gì?. Ngôn ngữ ấy được gọi là Markup Language.. XML là một ngôn ngữ đánh dấu tương đối mới vì nó là một subset (một phần nhỏ hơn) của và đến từ (derived from) một ngôn ngữ đánh dấu già dặn tên là Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Ngôn ngữ HTML cũng dựa...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 137


Dĩ nhiên Empty Element cũng có thể có Attribute như Element PhoneNumber thứ nhì dưới đây:. <Customer>. <MiddleInitial></MiddleInitial>. <PhoneNumber Location="Work"></PhoneNumber>. </Customer>. Một tài liệu XML phải well-formed và valid. Một XML well-formed là một XML thích hợp cho parser chế biến. Để ý là một XML well-formed chưa chắc chứa đựng những dữ liệu hữu dụng trong công việc làm...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 138


<Customer>. <Title>Mr.</Title>. </Customer>. <Book>. <Title>Treasure Island</Title>. </Book>. Khi quan sát kỹ, ta thấy có thể có sự nhầm lẫn về cách dùng Element Title. Trong tài liệu có hai loại Title, một cái dùng cho khách hàng Customer nói đến danh hiệu Mr., Mrs., Dr., còn cái kia để nói đến đề tựa của một quyển sách Book.. Để tránh...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 139


Ta có thể đi lại trong các node của Tree giống giống như các node của Windows System Directory mà ta thấy trong Panel bên trái của Window Explorer. của Windows System File Folder cho cách viết tắt trong XPath Location để đi xuống các nodes con, cháu, chỉ định context node, hay đi ngược lên các nodes tổ tiên.....

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 140


following-sibling:: Mọi nodes em (nằm sau) context node.. following-sibling:: axis nói đến chỉ những Nodes con, của c một Node cha, nằm trên tree sau context node. Axis không k Nodes anh nằm trước context node.. Nếu context node là Attribute hay Namespace thì following sibling:: axis sẽ trống rỗng.. namespace:: Những Namespace nodes của context node.. Mỗi namespace có...