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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 141


XSL Style Sheets (phần I). X ML là cách tuyệt diệu cho ta sắp xếp dữ liệu để trao đổi chúng giữa các tổ chức và giữa các chương trình ứng dụng. Tuy nhiên, chẳng chóng thì chầy, ta sẽ khám phá sự đa diện của cơ sở dữ liệu khắp nơi. Và ngay cả có chuẩn XML rồi, ta...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 142


Cuối của for- each loop là closing Tag của Element for-each (</xsl:for-each>. <P>Customer Order</P>. <P>Order No: 1047</P>. <P>Date lt;/P>. <P>Customer: John Costello</P>. <TD>ProductID</TD>. <TD>Product Name</TD>. <TD>Price</TD>. <TD>Quantity Ordered</TD>. <TD>1</TD>. <TD>Chair</TD>. <TD>70</TD>. <TD>6</TD>. <TD>2</TD>. <TD>Desk</TD>. <TD>250</TD>. <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform". <xsl:template match gt;. <P>Order No:. <xsl:value-of select="Order/@OrderNo"/>. </P>. <P>Date:. <xsl:value-of select="Order/OrderDate"/>. <P>Customer:. <xsl:value-of select="Order/Customer"/>. <xsl:for-each select="Order/Item">. <TD>. <xsl:value-of select="Product/@ProductID"/>. </TD>. <A>. <xsl:attribute name="HREF">Products.asp?ProductID=....

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 143


<book id="bk102">. <price>5.95</price>. childhood to become queen of the world.</description>. <book id="bk107">. <price>4.95</price>. <description>A deep sea diver finds true love twenty thousand leagues beneath the sea.</description>. <book id="bk108">. insects.</description>. <book id="bk109">. <price>6.95</price>. discovers the problems of being quantum.</description>. <book id="bk110">. reference.</description>. <xsl:for-each select="//book">. <xsl:value-of select="title"/>. <xsl:if test="price >. 6">. <xsl:attribute name="bgcolor">cyan</xsl:attribute>. </xsl:if>. <xsl:value-of select="price"/>. </xsl:for-each>. <xsl:choose>. <xsl:when test="self::*[genre = 'Romance']">....

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 144


href="catalog.xsl"?>. <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform". <xsl:template match gt;. <P>Customer Order</P>. <P>Order No:. <xsl:value-of select="Order/@OrderNo"/>. </P>. <P>Date:. <xsl:value-of select="Order/OrderDate"/>. <P>Customer:. <xsl:value-of select="Order/Customer"/>. <TD>ProductID</TD>. <TD>Product Name</TD>. <TD>Price</TD>. <TD>Quantity Ordered</TD>. <xsl:for-each select="Order/Item">. <xsl:apply-templates></xsl:apply-templates>. </xsl:for-each>. </xsl:template>. <xsl:template match="Product[@UnitPrice >. 70]">. <TD>. <xsl:value-of select="@ProductID"/>. </TD>. <A>. <xsl:attribute name="HREF">Products.asp?ProductID=. </xsl:attribute>. <xsl:value-of select gt;. </A>. <FONT color="red">. <xsl:value-of select="@UnitPrice"/>. <xsl:template match="Product">. <xsl:template match="Quantity">. </xsl:stylesheet>. <P>Order No: 1047</P>. <P>Date lt;/P>....

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 145


Cách áp dụng Style Sheet vào tài liệu XML. Trước khi tiếp tục học thêm các lệnh khác của XSL Style Sheet, ta cần hiểu và biết cách áp dụng một Style Sheet vào một tài liệu XML.. Áp dụng một Style Sheet là một chức năng của một XML parser như MSXML của Internet Explorer. Bạn có thể bảo...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 146


">". "<Font. color=red><</Font>". "<Font color=blue>". "<Font color=green>". "</Font>". "<Font color=red>></Font>". Function BuildAttributeString(ByVal tagAttributes As clsAttributes) As String ' Build a string of Atributes' Name="Value"

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 147


<s:ElementType name="row". <s:AttributeType name="PubID". <s:AttributeType name="Name". rs:basecolumn="Name">. <s:AttributeType name="c2". rs:name="Company Name". rs:basecolumn="Company Name">. <s:AttributeType name="Address". <s:AttributeType name="City". <s:AttributeType name="Fax". <s:AttributeType name="State". <s:AttributeType name="Telephone". <s:AttributeType name="Zip". <s:AttributeType name="Comments". <z:row PubID="1". Name="SAMS". <z:row PubID="2". Name="PRENTICE HALL". <z:row PubID="3". Name="M &. c2="M &. <z:row PubID="4". Name="MIT". State="N.Y.". <z:row PubID="5". Name="MACMILLAN COMPUTER". <z:row PubID="6". Name="HIGHTEXT PUBNS". <z:row PubID="7". Name="SPRINGER VERLAG". <z:row PubID="8". Name="O". c2="....

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 148


Có thể bạn sẽ thắc mắc sao không thấy cái HTML source là kết quả của quá trình Tranform XML.. Webpage nầy có thể được display, độc lập với XML, bằng bất cứ WebBrowser nào.Thật ra, ActiveX. Bạn có thể download chương trình mẫu TransformXML.zip để xem cách thảo chương rất đơn giản.. Bạn có thể xem listing và giải...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 149


<?xml:stylesheet type="text/xsl". href="Library.xsl"?>. <library xmlns="x-schema:LibrarySchema.xml">. <name>Northmead Local Library</name>. availableforloan="no">. <title>C++ Programming for Beginners</title>. <first-name>Claude</first-name>. <last-name>Schwartz</last-name>. <journal series="XML Users Journal">. <title>XML Users Journal August 1999</title>. <date> lt;/date>. <title>Titanic</title>. <name>James Cameron</name>. <title>The C Programming Language</title>. <first-name>Brian</first-name>. <last-name>Kernighan</last-name>. <first-name>Dennis</first-name>. <last-name>Ritchie</last-name>. Content của LibrarySchema.xml như sau:. xmlns:dt="urn:schemas- microsoft-com:datatypes">. <ElementType name="first-name". content="textOnly"></ElementType>. <ElementType name="last-name". <ElementType name="name". <ElementType name="price". dt:type="fixed.14.4"></ElementType>. <ElementType name="title". dt:type="string"></ElementType>. <ElementType name="artist". <ElementType...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 150


Registry Guide for Windows Part of the WinGuides Network. The Windows Registry Guide provides an extensive range registry tips, tricks &. tweaks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the Windows operating system. Enhancements for Windows Applications. Software for Windows. With Registry Mechanic for Windows you can safely clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! Fix problems...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 151


This setting controls the amount of mouse movement allowed between clicks, for two consecutive clicks to be registered as a double-click.. This tweak determines the number of lines scrolled for each rotation of the mouse wheel on a Microsoft IntelliMouse (or compatible) when no modifier keys (such as [Ctrl] or [Shift]) are pressed.. This tweak allows you to bring running...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 152


This tweak allows you to enable or disable it.. This tweak allows you to modify this feature.. These settings allow you to override and manually specify values.. These DirectX settings allow you to change some of the DirectDraw and Direct3D video acceleration parameters.. This tweak allows you display error statistics on the Network Connection Status page for LAN and WAN...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 153


shares when 'File and Print Sharing for Netware Networks' is enabled, this setting controls those packets.. This setting disables automatically logging on to Netware servers.. Change the Number of Simultaneous Connections (Windows 95/98/Me). This setting specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections accepted.. Control the Timeout for LMHOST Name Resolution (Windows 95/98/Me) This setting controls the period of time the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 154


This setting is used to control whether IP Security (IPSEC) tasks should be offloaded to a network card with IP security capabilities.. By default, TCP/IP forwarding is not enabled in Windows, this setting can be used to enable TCP/IP forwarding for all network connections that are installed and used by the computer.. Control RFC 1323 Time Stamp and Window Scaling...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 155


Configure the DHCP Settings of a Network Adapter (Windows NT/2000/XP) This setting controls whether TCP/IP should use DHCP to automatically assign an IP address, or if it should use the statically defined address.. These settings allow you to configure the use of the LMHOSTS file.. Control Network Adapter Responses to a WINS Query (Windows 95/98/Me) In computers with multiple network...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 156


This tweak allows you to have Active Desktop enabled, but to restrict any changes to the settings.. Home : Security : Control Panel. Show Administrative Tools in Control Panel (Windows XP). This tweak allows you to change whether the "Administrative Tools". applet is shown in the Control Panel.. This restriction is used to hide "Set Program Access and Defaults". on...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 157


Remove the Distributed File System Tab (Windows 2000/XP). Remove the Security Tab (Windows XP). Remove the Hardware Tab (Windows 2000/XP). This restriction removes the hardware tab from applicable items in the Control Panel and from the local drive properties. Disable the New Menu Item (All Windows). This tweak can be used to disable the ability to use the New menu...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 158


This setting is used to control whether IP Security (IPSEC) tasks should be offloaded to a network card with IP security capabilities.. This setting is used to specify a list of users and/or computers that should receive administrative alerts.. This setting enables that functionality.. By using this tweak it is possible to disable it.. If you have a secure server...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 159


Disable Menu Bars and the Start Button (Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP). This tweak can be used to disable the menu bar in standard Windows applications and the Start Button.. As with Windows NT, Windows 2000 has an 'Administrative Tools' folder on the Start Menu. Remove the Windows Security on Start Menu (Windows Terminal Server). This setting is used to hide the Windows...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 160


Internet Explorer. Enhancements for Internet Explorer. To increase privacy and security this tweak allows you to clear the history.. This tweak allows you to configure it to use passive FTP instead.. Home : Software : Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer Appearance Enhancements. Internet Explorer Network Settings. Internet Explorer Search Enhancements. Internet Explorer Security Restrictions. Disable the Internet Explorer HTML Source Editor...