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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 161


Lock the Internet Explorer Toolbars (All Windows). This setting allows you to lock the Internet Explorer toolbars in place so they can not be moved by clicking-and-dragging.. Display a Background Bitmap on Explorer Toolbars (All Windows) Popular This tweak allows you to choose a a bitmap image to display as the background for the explorer toolbars.. Add a Background Bitmap...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 162


By right clicking on a toolbar you are usually given the option to Customize, which allows you to change which functions are available from the toolbar. This tweak allows you to disable that function.. This tweak locks the toolbars, removing the ability to change which are displayed.. Internet Explorer Help Menu Restrictions (All Windows). The menu items with the Internet...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 163


As a security precaution, you may want to disable the password caching ability for all Internet mail protocols (IMAP, POP and Hotmail) in Outlook 2002. This setting will cause Outlook to request a password on each attempt to retrieve new mail.. Disable Windows Messenger in Outlook (All Windows). This setting can be used to disable the integration of Windows (MSN)...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 164


Configure the Winsock Buffer Size (pcAnywhere) (All Windows) Popular Use this registry item to set the size in bytes of TCP's Winsock buffer. Compatibility with the OnNet 2.1 TCP/IP Stack (pcAnywhere) (All Windows) This registry item resolves an issue where pcAnywhere displayed the wrong host IP address when using FTP's OnNet 2.1 TCP/IP stack.. Prompt for TCP/IP Host (pcAnywhere) (All...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 165


Home : Tips and Tricks. Configuration Files. This tweak allows you to show or hide any of the applets found in the Windows Control Panel.. Home : Tips and Tricks : Configuration Files. AUTOEXEC.BAT. BOOT.INI. Home : Tips and Tricks : Configuration Files : AUTOEXEC.BAT. Setting the Windows Temporary Directory (All Windows). Load Drivers and Programs into High Memory (Windows...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 166


Sometimes all the spare pages can be used, and an error message is shown, this tweak allows you to increase the number available.. Using this tweak the key combination will instead reboot the computer.. Change the Start Button Text (All Windows) Popular. This tip lets you include company and support information on the System. This tip lets you re-initialize your...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 167


Disable the MS-DOS Command Prompt (Windows 95/98/Me). This setting allows you to disable the use of the MS-DOS command prompt in Windows.. Command completion allows you to type a portion of a file name, and then have the system complete the rest by pressing the specified key. Change the Command Prompt (Windows NT/2000/XP). This setting allows you to change the...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 168


This restriction allows you to prevent users from adding and removing software applications with Windows Installer.. This setting allows administrators using Windows Terminal Services to remotely install and configure software using Windows Installer.. You can enable verbose logging with this setting.. Change the Position of the Desktop Wallpaper (All Windows) Popular. With this setting you can move the image anyway...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 169


When enabled, this setting causes Windows to create separate processes insulating them from other failures.. Show Pop-up Descriptions for Explorer and Desktop Items (All Windows) This setting controls whether pop-up tool tip information and descriptions are shown when the mouse is hovered over desktop and explorer items.. This setting will disable it from running automatically.. This setting is used to...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 170


This setting controls which drives the AutoPlay feature is enabled on. Manage the Encrypting File System (Windows 2000/XP). When you use Encrypting File System (EFS), you can store data securely because selected NTFS file system files and folders can be encrypted. This setting allows you to enable or disable EFS.. Configure New File Sharing and Locking Semantics (Windows 95/98/Me) This...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 171


This setting controls the amount of space reserved for the MFT so that it does not become fragmented and slow system performance.. These settings allow you to configure the Novell NetWare client to automatically logon to a Windows network.. Automatic Logon to Windows 95, 98 and Me (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular This setting allows Windows clients to automatically logon without entering...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 172


Remove the Eject Option from the Start Menu (Windows 2000). This tweak allows you to remove the "Eject PC". option from the Windows 2000 Start menu.. Show Log Off Option on the Start Menu (Windows Me/2000). This setting controls whether the 'Log Off [Username]' option is shown on the Start Menu.. Sort Start Menu and Favorites in Alphabetical Order (All...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 173


The boot menu allows you to selectively boot Windows in different modes, including Safe Mode and Command Prompt Mode.. Display the Windows Splash Screen While Loading (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular. When Windows is loading normally you see the Windows clouds splash screen, this can be disabled to show the background DOS boot process.. This setting disables the ability to by- pass...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 174


By requiring a signature the system will only execute scripts from verified authors.. Normally scripting files are run when double clicked, once applied this tweak will cause them to be shown in Notepad instead. Hide the Legacy Logon Scripts (Windows 2000/XP). This setting controls whether the output from legacy Windows NT 4.0 logon scripts is displayed in a console window...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 175


Run Inserted CD-ROMs Automatically (All Windows) Popular When you insert a data disc into the CD-ROM drive, it may not be run automatically, changing this setting should correct the problem.. Try increasing the size by changing this setting.. This is due to the memory allocated by the video adapter driver becoming corrupted.. This tweak allows you to manually remove any...

Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 176


What is the Registry?. The Registry is a database used to store settings and options for the 32 bit versions of Microsoft Windows including Windows 95, 98, ME and NT/2000. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, software, users, and preferences of the PC. Associations, System Policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the...