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The Americanization of Edward Bok 18


When I came to the United States as a lad of six, the most needful lesson for me, as a boy, was the necessity for thrift. I had been taught in my home across the sea that thrift was one of the fundamentals in a successful life. but we had been in the United States only a few days before...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 1


To the American woman I owe much, but to two women I owe more, My mother and my wife. And to them I dedicate this account of the boy to whom one gave birth and brought to manhood and the other blessed with all a home and family may mean.. By the form I refer particularly to the use of...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 2


This suggested to the editor of The Tribune that Edward might have other equally interesting letters. so he despatched a reporter to the boy's home. in the boy's letters, and within a few days The Tribune appeared with a long article on its principal news page giving an account of the Brooklyn boy's remarkable letters and how he had secured...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 3


The boy said he could.. said the poet, "you are just the boy I am looking for.". "These are your poems in Dutch.". I wonder whether you would read a poem to me and let me hear how it sounds.". he said, and then quickly added: "I mean the language, not the poem.". If you will read me 'The Village...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 4


wizard of Wall Street.". but on his way down-town in the morning Mr. Gould invariably stopped at the Western Union Building, at 195 Broadway, and the habit resulted in the installation of a private office there. Edward had now become tremendously interested in the stock game which he saw constantly played by the great financier. and having a little money...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 5


Then the door opened and the figures of the two girls appeared.. Up went the light, and the two beautiful girls of the box stood in their night-dresses.. pouted one of the girls, looking at her dress and then at Edward.. There is some modesty in the dresses you have on: there was precious little in what you girls wore...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 6


"Tell me.". "Pave it solid, old man.". they ran for weeks in succession, and each evening Bok had circulars of the books in every seat of the theatre. he had a table filled with the books in the foyer of each theatre. Mansfield's method of making the quick change from one character to the other in the dual role of...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 7


You will know twice as much when you get through.". "Why, boss, I know more now than I git paid for.". Of course, the real purpose of the paper was to secure a certain standing for itself, which it lacked, rather than to be of any service to the publishers.. By dint of perseverance, its agents finally secured from one...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 8


asked the editor.. They'd love to know Miss Ashmead better.". Here was exactly what the editor wanted, but he was the author! He changed the name to Ruth Ashmore, and decided to let the manuscript go into the magazine. for the second installment of "Side Talks with Girls.". Once more the editor furnished the copy!. Within two weeks after the...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 9


You will get one like that once in a while, although I am careful about my cigars.". "It's I, not the cigar.". Halford and I have a day's work ahead of us yet.". "I am like the man from the West who was willing to try anything once.". And he told the President the story of the White House cigar.....

The Americanization of Edward Bok 10


and in the interest of the thousands of young people who read his magazine, he believed it would be better to minimize all incidents portraying alcoholic drinking or drunkenness. so when Bok sent the proofs he suggested that if Kipling could moderate some of these scenes, it would be more in line with the policy of the magazine. Bok did...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 11


Other cities now clamored for a sight of the pictures, and it was finally decided to end the exhibitions by a visit to Chicago. The success here exceeded that in any of the other cities. The banquet-hall of the Auditorium Hotel had been engaged. The exhibition was immediately followed by the publication of a portfolio of the ten pictures that...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 12


said the President. What writer have you in mind? You seem to have thought this thing through.". O'Brien, now editor of the Boston Herald, was then Washington correspondent for the Boston Transcript and thoroughly in the President's confidence.). All right, if you can get O'Brien to add it on, I'll try it.". and early in 1906 there appeared in The...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 13


The two men, the editor and the former President, were now bracketed as copartners in crime in the eyes of the club-women, and nothing too harsh could be found to say or write of either.. One of the most prominent women's clubs sent a protest condemning his attitude and advising him by resolutions, which were enclosed, that unless he ceased...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 14


ask if his caller would kindly tell him just what he had done.. complaint was that she had sent a dollar for a subscription to The Ladies' Home Journal. had never had a copy of the magazine, had complained, and been told there was no record of the money being received. And as she had sent her subscription to Bok...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 15


Already companies had been given legal permission to utilize one-quarter of the whole flow, and additional companies were asking for further grants. Permission for forty per cent of the whole volume of water had been granted. Horace McFarland, as President of the American Civic Association, called Bok's attention to the matter, and urged him to agitate it through his magazine...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 16


Neither did the President of the United States consider himself above a possible declination of his material if it seemed advisable to the editor. She is one of the most gifted and resourceful hostesses I have known, but has now fallen upon hard times.. It was the small author who ever resented the touch of the editorial. They represented a...

The Americanization of Edward Bok 17


The amazing part of the "show,". Never was there a more cheerful, laughing, good-natured set of boys in the world. Bok had been talking to a boy who lived near his own home, who was on his way to the front and "over the top". in the Argonne mess. Here I am again.". Bok handed a cigarette to the boy,...