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Chủ đề : Sức khỏe y tế

Có 20+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "Sức khỏe y tế"

Bệnh gia cầm


Bệnh gia cầm Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) được phát hiện và kiểm soát thành công tại California, Arizona, Texas and Nevada từ năm 2002 đến năm 2003. Để bảo vệ ngành công nghiệp gia cầm ở Min- nesota và vùng bắc của Miền Trung Mỹ, các nhà sản xuất cần phải nhận thức được những ảnh hưởng ghê. Tỷ lệ...

Thực Phẩm và Nước Uống trong Tình Huống Khẩn Cấp


Thực Phẩm và Nước Uống trong Tình. Huống Khẩn Cấp. Nếu động đất, bão nhiệt đới, bão mùa đông, hay các thảm hoạ khác ập đến cộng đồng, bạn có thể không có thực phẩm, nước uống và điện hàng ngày trời, thậm chí. Bằng cách dành chút thời gian để cất giữ thực phẩm và nước uống phòng trường...

Mạch chi trên


Do ĐM d ướ i đon đi qua khe s ̀ ườ n 1 đi m gi a x ể̉ ữ ươ ng đon vao vung nach. Đ ườ ng chuân đich: T điêm sau. gi a x ữ ươ ng đon t i điêm gi a nêp ̀ ơ. Liên quan:. Đo n trên c ng c be: (gi...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 116


ladder 141 – sciatic subacute 126 – surgical treatment 144 – syndrome theories 123, 124. transmission 133 – treatment 139. of bony landmarks 216 – of the paravertebral muscles 216 pantaloon cast 552. paralysis of the quadriceps muscle 296 paralytic. Parkinson’s syndrome 333. pincer – effect 434 – type 913 placode 803, 816 plasma cell dyscrasia 935 plasmocytoma 961 plate...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 1


Norbert Boos · Max Aebi (Editors) Spinal Disorders. Spinal Disorders. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 2


Nerlich, Günther Paesold Core Messages. 5 Pathways of Spinal Pain Heike E. Künzel, Norbert Boos Core Messages. Non-pharmacological Treatment of Spinal Pain. Mannion Core Messages. Classification of Spinal Disorders. Burden of Spinal Disorders. Mannion, Achim Elfering Core Messages. Predictors of Outcome of Spinal Surgery. Werner, Norbert Boos Core Messages. Schmid, Jürg Hodler Core Messages. Disease of the Spinal Cord. Pfirrmann...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 3


340, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz e-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected] Norbert Boos. e-mail: [email protected] Alain Borgeat. 340, 808 Zürich, Schweiz e-mail: [email protected]. 340, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz e-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected] Achim Elfering. 340, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz e-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected] Daniel Haschtmann. e-mail: [email protected] Jürg Hodler. 340, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz e-mail: [email protected]. 340, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz e-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected] Dilek Könü-Leblebicioglu....

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 4


This papyrus shows Column X of the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, written in hieratic script, which encompasses a description of a spinal injury. and is therefore the oldest known written evidence of spinal injuries [10]. Treatment: Thou shouldst bind the fresh meat the first day. Translation by the famous American Egyptologist J.H. 2 Section History of Spinal Disorders. The Greek...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 5


Even at the end of the Middle Ages, the common belief was that a spinal defor- mity was caused by a spinal luxation. “spina luxata” and the term included every kind of scoliosis and kyphosis. He assumed that scoliosis was caused by rickets and that the pathomechanism was based on the unequal and asymmetric bone growth of the spine [39]....

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 6


Despite the advent of chemotherapy and improved surgical techniques, spinal infections are still a potentially life threatening disease even in the industrialized world. In the past, tuberculosis has played an important role as a cause of spinal deformities and was one of the most common “orthopedic” diseases all over the world.. Spinal tuberculosis is older than written history, because the...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 7


Epidemic of the “railway spine” syndrome 1891 First internal fixation of a C6/C7 fracture. 1928 First description of the “whiplash injury” by. 1934 Publication of the epoch-making article of. 1935 Introduction of the measurement of Cobb by. 1972 First CT image of the brain. 1979 First MR image of the brain. This medical text was probably written at the beginning...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 8


c Loads are transferred through the central portion of the vertebral end- plate, causing substantial deflection of the endplate (up to 0.5 mm). This may lead to an inward bulge of the inner anulus, buckling of the lamellae and cleft formation. Very little torque is required for the first 0 – 3° of rotation, between 3° and 12° rotation there...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 9


Motion characteristics of the spinal segment. formed to determine the average range of motion for various levels of the spine Intersegmental motion is site specific. Mechanical Response of the Spinal Motion Segment. A common method for measuring and expressing the complex structural proper- ties and motion of the spinal segment is through three-dimensional flexibility testing. The mechanical response of the...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 10


Liu YK, Goel VK, Dejong A, Njus G, Nishiyama K, Buckwalter J (1985) Torsional fatigue of the lumbar intervertebral joints. Macintosh JE, Bogduk N, Pearcy MJ (1993) The effects of flexion on the geometry and actions of the lumbar erector spinae. Malko JA, Hutton WC, Fajman WA (2002) An in vivo MRI study of the changes in volume (and fluid...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 11


The surgical approach is tradi- tionally more or less from anterior depending on the body region and the neigh- boring cavity. Even if in the past anterior lumbar instrumentation has been questionable for some indications in the presence of sound alternatives, in the future and with the advance of disc art- hroplasty, anterior surgery will probably gain in popularity. As...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 12


Spinal instability after corpectomy or after vertebrectomy in the lumbar spine often requires complex reconstruc- tive procedures. In the cervical spine, however, single-level cage stabilization is sufficiently supported by an anterior tension band device. dynamic” plates allow locked angle-stable mono- cortical screw fixation while axial compression of the graft is permitted. In the lumbar spine, anterior rod/double-rod instrumentation increases anterior...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 13


The discs of the lumbar spine are approximately 7 – 10 mm thick and 40 mm in diameter (anterior-posterior), representing one-third of the height of the spine. Among all the tissue components of the spine, the intervertebral discs exhibit the most striking alterations with age. Although the intervertebral disc is much better explored than other components of the spine, our...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 14


Major cytokines of the intervertebral disc. cytokines and growth factors are responsible for the alterations of the disc matrix described above . However, for most factors it is difficult to distinguish if they are part of the normal, age-related degeneration process or mainly impor- tant during pathological changes of the disc. In addition, members of the interleukin-1 (IL-1) family were...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 15


In this study, autopsy specimens of lumbar spines were used to define the degenerative cascade of the spine. Progressive degenerative changes in the posterior joints lead to destruction and instability. Similar changes in the disc result in herniation, internal dis- ruption, and resorption. Combined changes in posterior joint and disc can produce entrapment of a spinal nerve in the lateral...

Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 16


Epidemiology of Chronic Pain. Chronic pain is very common. Epidemiological studies show a prevalence of chronic pain from 24 % to 46 % in the general population [31, 102]. [31] showed that about 15 % of patients suffer from the worst degree of pain. The most frequently reported forms of pain in this study are back pain and arthritic pain....