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Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P45


A municipal body composed of citizen representa- tives charged with the investigation of complaints by members of the public concerning misconduct by police officers. Some of the newer civilian review board models, however, provide board members with investigatory as well as review authority. These ultimate decisions generally continue to be the province of the chief of police. The abbreviation for...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P46


He became part of the circle of Tom L. Unlike Bryan, Clarke supported the gold standard, a policy that fixed the value of the dollar in terms of a specific amount of gold.. COLLECTION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES.. Wilson hoped that Clarke would join with Justice Brandeis—who had been confirmed shortly before Clarke’s nomination—in moder- ating...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P47


Clayton was a member of the Senate twice more, from 1845 to 1849 and from 1853 to 1856.. which settled a dispute concerning an isthmian canal in Central America by providing for neutrality by both countries in the use of the canal. The original 1963 enactment of the CAA was followed by the Clean Air Acts Extension of 1970. Under...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P48


These essays, in turn, had built support for Cleaver ’ s cause among members of the U.S.. In 1967, while living in the San Francisco Bay area, Cleaver married Kathleen Neal, who had been an activist with the STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE (SNCC). and Bobby Seale, cofounders of the Black Panthers, and he soon became that group’s minister of information....

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P50


In 2003 the CBS television network reunited Clinton with former senator ROBERT DOLE , whom Clinton had defeated in the 1996 presidential election, in a regular piece on the news program 60 Minutes, where the former politicians debated current political issues. In addition, Clinton has estab- lished programs to combat child obesity in the United States, in conjunction with the...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P51


built a reputation as a tough, uncompromising litigator by working on both sides of the courtroom. He has been the third-highest-ranking official of the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, and he has fought numerous cases in private practice. His work on behalf of ordinary citizens in police-brutality cases achieved spectacular success in the 1980s and 1990s, ultimately leading to...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P52


Massachusetts wrote the Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony of New England in 1641, and then the Laws and Liberties of Massachu- setts in 1648. By using simple language to inform the citizenry, the state could allow people more freedom to conduct their affairs without fear of the unexpected. Supporters of the common law system resisted codification. Common law advocates maintained...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P53


usually 80 percent—of the approved charges—. The insured becomes a coinsurer for the remaining 20 percent of the approved charges as well as for the amount by which the individual medical bills exceed the approved charges.. Commu- nist party in the mid-1950s. More organizations came under attack in the 1960s. A public uproar followed revelations in the news media in...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P54


REPRESENTATIVE , provided that the employ- ees’ representative has majority support in the bargaining unit.. Exclusive Representation A majority of the workers in a bargaining unit must designate a representative with the sole or exclusive right to represent them in negotiations with the employ- er’s representative (29 U.S.C.A. COROLLARY , the employer may not extend different terms to any workers...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 2 P49


time he made an unsuccessful bid for the U.S.. He won a seat in the U.S. As a Jacksonian Democrat—that is, a Democrat in the mold of ANDREW JACKSON , who served as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES from 1829–1837—Clifford was suspicious of power concentrated in urban centers of finance and politics. Clifford lost his seat in the House in...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P55


amenable to SERVICE OF PROCESS unless it has a substantial and regular relationship with the state comparable to the residency of an individual, such as having its corporate head- quarters in the forum state. In cases involving subsidiary corporations, the intrastate business engaged in by a subsidiary is sufficient to make its parent corporation amenable to process in the state...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P1


Printed in the United States of America . No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P2


One who becomes obligated, an obligor, under a negotiable instrument—such as a check or promissory note—by signing his or her name along with the name of the original obligor, thereby promising to pay on it in full.. Such combinations—whether in the form of a contract, HOLDING COMPANY , or other associa- tion—are prohibited by the provisions of the. Comity of...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P3


A state may impose a nondiscriminatory tax for the use of its highways by motor vehicles in interstate commerce if the charge bears a fair relation to the cost of the construction, maintenance, and regulation of its highways.. The amount of the tax was challenged as an unconstitutional burden on interstate commerce. This fee applied both to motor carriers that...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P4


also serves as a certificate of title to the goods, which is ordinarily in the seller’s name.. The seller endorses the bill of lading to the payee and attaches the bill to the draft. The correspondent bank seeks payment of the draft from the buyer and when payment is made, the bank transfers ownership of the goods from seller to...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P5


The Court also rejected arguments that the Kansas law violated the DOUBLE JEOPARDY provision of the FIFTH AMENDMENT to the U.S. Constitution, even though, under the law, persons who are first imprisoned for a sex crime may be institution- alized again when their criminal sentence has been served, based on some of the same evidence that had been used to...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P6


The system prevailed in the COMMON - LAW COURTS and in many U.S. states until it was replaced by statute with a procedure called CODE PLEADING in the nineteenth century. Over a period of time, the format of the particular writs began to become standardized and were called. The purpose of the writ was to assert the court’s authority to...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P7


Time had also given Amer- icans the opportunity to more accurately assess the minimal threat posed to national security by the Communist Party in the United States.. Chief Justice Vinson died in 1953 and was replaced EARL WARREN , a chief justice who began a legacy of greatly expanding the scope of civil liberties in the United States.. reiterated the...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P8


Each party to the lawsuit must be identified in the caption and must be a real party in interest, that is, either a person who has been injured or harmed in some way, or a person accused of causing the injury or harm.. The most critical part of the complaint is the claim, or cause of action. The claim is...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 3 P9


Section 225 of the act is also known as the Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002.. Worms are indepen- dent programs that create temporary files and replicate themselves to the point where com- puters grow heavy with data, become sluggish, and then crash. According to the Business Software Alliance’s (BSA) 2008 Internet Piracy Report, the FBI reported more than one...